The old man is a jade rabbit

The old man of the wild is the jade rabbit / Journey to the Laozi is the jade rabbit 1126.

"Fortunately, there is no uncomfortable."

"Fortunately, there is a soundproof, nothing, haha ​​..."

... ..

Chapter 594 Cleaning the Battlefield


Qin Shouyi is finished, and the west wind is called, asked: "Western Breeze, how is the rabbit, how is it? Among you, how is your face?"

"Nothing, it is a little sight." Western wind finished, hurry: "The king's song is too charming, just going out to observe, there are all of our monsters. Well ... By, there are many faint and Touching animals come back to do the nighttease. "

Just then, the Trico live people ran, called; "" Sad Rabbit, do you still let people sleep? This big day, messy? And there is the lyrics, who wrote ?! "

Qin Shouton is not cool, one is a feet, the town is too late: "The big daylight sleeps! Get up! Also, the lyrics I wrote by the rabbit, ok? Is there a problem?"

"No problem! Too much level, there is something else? I have to sing!" Tai Qi really turned from anger into the thief!

Qin Shou satisfied sometle: "This is right, come, I have several good songs, you sing."

Too second real person, I looked at it, and I suddenly opened my eyes; "Haha ... these good, these are good, see me!"

"OK, you sing first, I will go to rest first." After finishing, Qin Shou quickly gave a flash, running the past, the girlfriend, the sound of the sound, let you open the sky, there is no more money relationship! "

The sonsides of the mountains also began to arrange a sound juncture, standing in the knot, a pale face, a cold, cold: "With the comments, see what kind of tricks you can play!"

"Give me a blue sky, a sun, the sun

Give me a green grass to the distance

Give me an eagle a mighty man ... "

As a few more words, although the voice is difficult to listen, it is at least such adjustment! Everyone listened to it, but the next moment ...

"The man of the grass horse, you are mighty!"

Too seconds, this sound, collectively spray!

Huge gap, let everyone have a kind of death!

At this time, everyone came back! How is this accepted junction? I haven't waited for them to understand, I listened to the Tai second real people again, and they directly spread these people on the ground ...

At this moment, the public is surrounded by Qin Shou, "they have to arrange the soundproof, you are not this."

useless? "

Qin Shouzhu: "Soundproof Normalization? What is the feelings of the rabbit? What can they be more than? I am a big speaker, not for Wang Yue Mountain and Wan Mountain, in the mountains, I will take my ear. But outside the mountain, want to block this voice, don't talk about the knots, even if you drill into the empty, you have to give him a thrift! "

Speaking of this, Qin Shou called: "Dongfeng, wait for the two singing, you bring people to the battlefield, don't kill people, don't kill people, the baby gave them, luminous! Then seal the mana to bundle with a string Hang up to the top of the tree! Let them feel, what is the wind blowing well! Remember, give me black, don't be seen is you! "

"Good!" Dongfeng naturally understood the meaning of Qin Shou, exposed the identity, fell to others, and it would be inevitable. But do not expose the identity, calculate people in the world know that Qin Shougan is Qin Shougan, but they don't dare to squat Qin Shou! Didn't pay up, Si Fang Emperor? The rabbit can be copied at all, go to the door!

Dongfeng went out. On the same day, some people saw a lot of big trees that towering into the clouds were planted on the top of the mountain, and then a string of skewers were hanging on it, the wind blows, floating with the wind, the scene is quite Spectacular!

Don't have the heart of the people to see this, one of the faces are very ugly, the next consciousness has stepped up the crotch, and it is not very dare to close to Wan Mountain.

And those who are purely lively, I don't dare to be too close ...

Listening to the report, Qin Shou satisfied nodded: "This is right, don't move it with them, I think that the rabbit is a mud! Too two, you are free. Go out and walk. "

Too second is stunned: "What do I do?"

Qin Shou sighs; "The private child who attracted the people and the quasi-trisole came out, I don't know where it is, you go to find. Also, I heard that Chen Lord has been spending a lot of money, you also help find a famous doctor to give him Treatment. Oh, yes, you go to the burner people to send a letter, just talk to him alone, let him think about it, the rabbit, I am a nicknous, or use the sole he."

Tai Quali is a lot of laughter, then excited and smiled; "You are enough! Don't worry, I will go, I promise, the next few days, they all are the focus of the fairy world! Let them cool God! "

When the Tema, the truth is so high, when you go out, you will be dragged away. After listening to Taoism, he also came to the matter, and suddenly came, the two guys were immediately raped, the thief was far away.

Qin Shou also knows that although the Thai truth has a quick way, but if you don't have a master with a master, it is easy to stop.

What did the second truth do, Qin Shou is not concerned, and the girls have been cultivated again. He went to the gold-winged big Pengshan!

On the top of the mountain, the light is sitting on the top, still there is no movement, and the three light balls in the middle have become two! Two light balls are constantly being broken, but they will be built, and the other will rebirth, how to fly in the silver Dapeng, how to roar, and can not rush out!

Qin Shou satisfied some point: "Brightness, you are very good, actually put this thoroughness in the palm of the Buddha! The future is not limited, but this is not the limit of this magic, you can try, one Sand World! If you can understand this level, this silver Dapeng is no longer able to take out your hand! "

The light of the light is heard, hurry up and takes a ritual; "see my god! The disciples have worked hard to practice, and they will not bear the hopes of my body."

Qin Shudao: "That's good, this silver Dapen, you don't have to worry, let's practice."

The light of the light should have a lot of gods directly, then go to the direction of Wang Mountain in the head. .

Chapter 595

Of the world

Jin Yin Wang Zun is going crazy. He is crazy in the world. I don't know how long it is, I destroyed another world, but what is can't kill! When I was very fast, the world in front of my eyes suddenly broke!

After returning to the fairy king, the golden silver king, and then he saw the back of the light, and suddenly became anger: "Guangming is honored, your magical pass is broken! What do you have? Is it only to escape? When it is a ridiculous! Terfer you will kill you! "

During the speech, the gold and silver princes show the wings, they will kill!

As a result, at this time, a big hand fell, and one of the gold and silver princes was in the hands! Ren Jin Yin Wang Zun how to force, and struggle, it is afraid, and it is said: "Who?"

Qin Shou smiled: "The chicks, you have played so long with my people, I don't know who I am?"

Jin Yin Wang Zun sees clearing Qin Shou's appearance, exclaiming: "Are you a rabbit? How is your strength?"

Qin Shou smiled: "Now not to discuss this, the chicken scorpion, the rabbit, my rabbit, I will ride, can you be willing to mount?"

"Dream! Look at my God!" Jin Yin Wang Zun yelled, the whole body silver light flashed, Qin Shou actually felt a very sharp breath shot from the feathers of Jinyin Wang!

Dangdang ...

However, why is Qin Shou's flesh? The big trick of Jinyin Wang Zun said that Qin Shou came, it is not painful!

Qin Shou is a burst of burrant of gold and silver Wang Zun: "How is the chicken scorpion, how is it?

"I don't accept it! I don't accept it!" Jin Yin Wang said hard.

Qin Shou smiled; "Also, your guy is very troops, the rabbit will give you a chance! Give you a time, if you can fly out of my hand, I will let you leave Otherwise, when you are my mount, how? "

Jin Yin Wang Zun listened, immediately called: "This is what you said! Do you dare to swear to the sky?"

Jin Yin Wang Zun is Jin-winged Dapeng, although it is a kind, but there is no weakness, but it is more powerful! Whether it is speed or others, it is not general Dapeng to be with him! Otherwise, he will not kill the gold-winged gold-winged Golden Fang and control the whole country!

Qin Shou smiled: "So, are you gambled with me?"

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