The old man is a jade rabbit

The old man of the wild is the jade rabbit / Xiyou Laozi is the jade rabbit 701

Qin Shoudao: "I saw it in a cave, I followed it. Later, I met an old man, the secret of God, I taught me some things. But a lot of things I still don't use it."

"Mysterious old man?" Sen Naiyi stared at Qin Shou to see if he was lying.

Qin Shou did not fear and his opposition, Qin Shou's lie technology, Shenxian couldn't see it, a mortal still wants to see?

Sure enough, the Sen is His His: "Can you tell me what the old man is?"

"White clothes, then this scepter, ." "

Sen Naili is frown, but I can't think of who is coming, but he doesn't doubt Qin Shou's words, at least, Qin Shou seems to look, strength is not very. He also doesn't think that a eight-year-old child can deceive his eyes.

So Qin Shou is easily cleared under various questions in Beiliji.

Sen Naili is very satisfied with Qin Shou's answer, and guarantees that it will help Qin Shou registered to participate in the assessment.

Subsequently, the Royal Hand Washing the Red Beans and Sen Nai Ibi went out, it is estimated that it is a discussion of the discipline, and the result is not coming back in one night. In the evening,

Someone sent a meal, and brought the message of the royal hand washing red beans, let him register tomorrow. Prepare for a test!

Qin Shou tasted two dinners, seeing that the cartoon seems nice, but it is not a matter of time. So this goods, simply pulling out the dragon meat, sitting on the bed and slowly ate.


One hand suddenly stretched over, grabbing the barbecue in Qin Shou's hand!

Qin Shouji took the past!


"Yeah!" There was a tragic called, and then there were more shadows outside the window, a white hair, a wretched look, watching the monster, watching Qin Shou Road: "Little ghost, your reaction is not good!"

Qin Shou said: "If you dare to steal me, my reaction speed will be faster!"

"Hey, then I have to try it!" The coming people are not someone else, it is true! "

I will reach out and grab it, Qin Shou raises his legs!


One hundred copies are also not enough!

The result is!


"Hey! You are a little ghost, this feet is good!" The face is also squatting on the ground, calling.

Qin Shou said: "It is too light to deal with stealing meat."

The head is also lifted, and the face is clearly attacked by Qin Shou's footprints. Looking at Qin Shou Road: "Where is your little ghost, what is the freak? Your strength is very!"

Qin Shoudao: "Acronym, the rabbit, I am in the world! Punch Nanshan Kindergarten, foot !"

When the coming is also black, I feel that he has become the old man in the nursing home! The eyelids are lifted, and they are also said: "Little son, so mad? How? Big Brother gamble?"

Qin Shou smiled: "What?"

Late the way: "Gambling I can get the meat in your hand, if you get it, this meat is dead. If you can't get it, what do I help you do?"

Qin Shou eyes are bright, but it is also the old fritters of the Nutter World. There are many things that are seen in the north. If he helps him help to find the drop of Black Guard, find the secret than Qin Shou herself!

So Qin Shoudao: "Okay! If you grab it, this meat is dead. If you can't grab it, then you can help me find someone, how?"

"Looking for someone? It!"


One foot is on his face, and I have a face and lose my face.

Hold: "Can you face it?"

Qin Shoudao: "I will trick this, 100% will be in the face!"

"What is this?" Tap.

"It is a hundred percent of a must-have a face! After showing it, my foot will automatically find your face, and I am on the foot!"

"I don't believe this evil! Take a trick!"


"Haha, it is aive ..."


"Hey ... how it is possible, how do you know that it is fake for the body, is it true?"

"I have said 100% must!"

"Come! Separate the body!"

"Ten me, are you coming over? Grab!"


"Hey, how do you know this is true?"

"100% ..."

"Stop! Understand! Kid, here does not open your hands and feet, do you go out than!"

Qin Shou Road: "Go out, go!"

It's also finished, take the lead in going out from the window, and Qin Shou followed.

Out of wooden village, two people stopped in a mountain. Come from

I also suddenly turned my head, staring at Qin Shou Road, a face: "Who are you? A boss of eight or nine years old, it is impossible to have such strength!"

Qin Shou looked at: "Hey, I am eight or nine years old! This is my body, you still think about it? Don't take advantage of? The rabbit, I am very frank, Shen Wei! You envy!" Hate? "

Qin Shou This is rogue model, and suddenly the stiffness is smashing.

Look at Qin Shou Road, look at Qin Shoudao: "You are really only eight or nine years old? Are you sure that is not a bomb?"

"Rolling! Your family is still the soul! It is not better than the rabbit, I will go, I haven't finished eating, I am hungry! I have to help me find someone!" Qin Shou Call.

"Compare! This time I have to succumb, kid, you are careful!" The ghost is also a bit horrible. He is not for meat now, but in order for the safety of wood leaves, try the details of Qin Shou!

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