The old man is a jade rabbit

The old man of the wild is the jade rabbit / the old man is the jade rabbit 702.

Qin Shou didn't care, standing at that: "What is the means you use it, the rabbit, I am waiting here!"

"Accepted! Chao lion hair" ""

I also laughed and laughed: "Now you have to move, how to me?"

"Then you will try it!" Qin Shou smiled and looked at it.

Come on the touch of consciousness, a bit of a little heart!

"I am not scared! I grab!" The tap also grasped the dragon meat in Qin Shou's hand!

Qinshou mouth ...


"Hey ... What happened?" Located, looked up, I saw another Qin Shou station on the shoulders of Qinshou in the trapped Qin Shou, smiled: "Sorry, for the body.".

Chapter 7 served



A trip-bearing pile appears on the ground!

"Strioming? When are you showing? I didn't come out?" I also saw the ghost expression. What strength is he? Wooden leaf three major legendary ninja! As a result, it was abused by a born devil, and this thing is to be estimated to have a letter!

Qin Shoudao: "When you volume me, use it. Is it very strange?"

"You ... come again! This is your forced me! The soil, Huangquan flaunt!" Tapped quickly, Qin Shou was instantly turned into a swamp! This is not finished, and you will also have a big mouth: " !"

A piece of cockroach is sprayed directly!

Qin Shou saw this, suddenly discolored, big swear: "The saliva is such a color, you are not a mouthful!"

After that, Qin Shou instantly manifest, slammed over the air!

It's also awkward: "Can you jump on the swamp?"

Qinshi Road: "How can I jump in the swamp?"

"I can't believe you, chaos the lion hair!"


"Is it alive? Where is it?" The coming is also as depressed. He looks very carefully. The eyes are far away, but it is not seen how Qin Shou is how to show the object. !

Where did he know that Qin Shou will not have anything to , too lazy to learn! He uses the magical means to simulate ! Qin Shou's speed, is it a lot to see?

"Are you looking for me?" Qin Shou appeared behind him, and took the shoulder of it.

It is also a trip to a trip!

Qin Shou bar is a mouth: "This is not interesting!"

At this time, under the foot of Qin Shou, a pair of hands in the shadow, climbed with Qin Shou's body.

At this moment, Qin Shou took a breath and fart!


"Vomiting! Cough ..." and pulled it directly from the shadow. He took the nose and retictted, and he called: "Vomiting ... you still use toxic!"

Qin Shoudao: "I want to say, it is really a coincidence, do you believe?"

"Let you have a ghost! Forbearing, the frog is changed! It's awkward!"

Qin Shou's mouth, said: "Take the law, curse rebound!"


Looking at Qin Shou Road, I'm still awkward; "How do you get high?"

Qin Shou came over, kneeling down: "You are squatting, of course I see me.

Taller. "

Looking at it, I suddenly look down, I suddenly turned on, I was lying on the ground. His endure was actually rebounded. He turned himself into !

"What is it, is it still?" Qin Shou smiled and looked at it.

It is also clear that this person is very strong in front of you!

Delicating the spells of the tissue, restoring the true body, sitting on the ground: "Not more, I have been working, but from the end, you are not really useful. Your guy is really a freak. ! Let's talk, you let me help you. "

Qin Shou smiled: "Don't be serious, get the gas field so low, affect your mood."

I have a bitter smile: "Can I be strict? Wood leaves are my home, my family suddenly has a lot of people, I don't have a ghost. Kid, you tell me, you come to the leaves. What is it? "

Qin Shou touched the Babao: "Do you want to listen to the truth or a lie?"

It's also a white eye: "Of course, it is true ... but also listening."

Qin Shoudao: "The truth is, I am coming to participate in the Chinese tolerance, the way to travel, stroll, look at the beautiful sister."

"Do you cheat the ghost? Do you take a test? If you still use the Chinese tolerance, we have to go back to the mother! Hey ... What do you not say?" Located on Qin Shou.

Qin Shoudao: "When you return to me, tell me, I live on the scene.

Motor learning. It's so big, I only heard a child, I haven't heard of how to talk about it. "

Late: "..."

Qin Shou finishes, a watermark is put out, and it is the appearance of the black defense. Qin Shoudao: "What I am looking for is this woman!"

"This woman? I have never seen it! What are you doing? Is this your mother?" The coming is also in the past. After careful observation, ask.


"Hey! Speak well, can you do it?" The coming is also covered with faces.

Qin Shou said: "I have no hands, it is feet! This woman stoles my things, so I have to find her."

Late also said: "OK, I try to help you. Do you have any information in addition to her appearance?"

Her life is not much, in order to continue the life, he must absorb some people's soul every time, and complete his soul. If you have a large-scale death, you will explain that she appears.

I listen to it, I suddenly turned up, and I died. "You said that those who suddenly be passed down, who is the country is what she did?"

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