The old man is a jade rabbit

The old man of the wild is the jade rabbit / the old man is the jade rabbit 703.

Qin Shoudao: "Yes, if you don't believe, you can check it yourself."

The head also shakes his head: "No need to check, this is the absolute secret of various countries. So far, there are already three villages that have been destroyed. The people of the whole village have no resilience, death! There is no trauma, suspect It is the soul being destroyed. This news, where did you know? "

Qin Shou smiled slightly, did not say anything, but a look, it is like a knot, as if the next moment will face death! His strength is all pressed, and it is not available!

Next, Qin Shou recovered the momentum and smiled and smiled: "If I want to destroy the wood, it is just the things between the nature. But I don't want to destroy the wooden leaves, the people of the wooden leaves are good, I like it very much. I want to leave. It can have a long time ... I am not interested in the other people in this world. So, you don't have to worry about how I will have for the wood. Those people are not murder ... I am telling you. As for Do you believe that you are your business.

Anyway, you lose, give gambling clothes, help me find someone. "

I have come back to God, smile: "Your strength, simply scare people. But I will give me a gambling clothes, but I have nothing to say. Just, I asked, you answered me, you are really only eight or nine years old. ? ".

Chapter 8 is wanted

Qin Shoudao: "This is to see how you count."

"How to calculate?"

Qin Shoudao: "If you count the age of human beings, my age is bigger than you."

The tap is also loose: "Fortunately, it is not too blow to people."

Qin Shoudao: "If you use my age, I may still be infant."

The face is also green, and it is so fierce? "

Qin Shou smiled: "Teasing you, I am eight or nine years old. Now, what else do you have any questions?"

Laughing and smirk: "When you take the exam, you can easily bully our children ..."

Qin Shou: "..."

In the end, Qin Shou will send it to it. I also swear, when Qin Shou did not say his own identity, it would only help Qin Shou hide the identity. With a helpful help, Qin Shou's identity naturally passed the assessment.

The next day, Qin Shou climbed up and came to the assessment location.

Walking into the examination room, there have been many people.

Qin Shou saw Yischo Sasuke, whirlpool, Sakura, Tiantian, Well, I, Sakura, Well, I Ai Luo.

"Hey? Who is this guy? I have never seen it ..." The whirlpool is curious, whispered.

"I don't know." Yuxio sang Qin Shou, frowned tightly. Among the people present, Qin Shou's age is definitely the smallest! The smaller participation in the Chinese tolerance, explain the other party!

Yizhi Bozuo helps you ask a genius, so see other geniuses, it is inevitable in the eyes!

However, Qin Shou didn't look at the second pillars in the eyes. The eyes directly fell on the face of Sakura, a pink hair, a red skin ... um, the forehead is a bit big.

Look at the patterns, shy appearance, let people have a kind of impulse.

Looking at the wild, with a bit of wild, the eyes are turned, and there is a little ghost idea.

Watching the handcuffs, carrying a big fan, sitting there, the hands of the hands are more covered by the chest of the past, and the chin is slightly thaw, and it is full of arrogance. But more attracting Qin Shou, or the big legs and gatings of the handcuffs! Too attractive!

All of this, Qin Shou is a view of the information. At this moment, Qin Shou couldn't help but emotion: Your uncle, when the human inventive Wu Kao head broke, it was an idea to know, or to steal a woman, it was not discovered, and a lot of information was recorded ... Oh, just glance, I actually analyze their height, three surroundings.

about there. It's really sin ...

"Qin Shou found your own position, do it well." At this time, Ibi came in and opened a reminder.

"Oh, I know." Qin Shou should go behind.


"Hey!" Many people laughed at the same time.

"Hahaha ... he is called a beast! This name is too fun, haha ​​..." So exaggerated nature is the Narler's guy.

For this brain is not too spiritual, two goods that are lacking roots, Qin Shou selection ignores. Without malicious laugh, he is not too care.

"Sliced, this child's name is really enough, the beast, this is a person who needs more brains, can come out." A ninja on the side of the Sakiro suddenly opened.

Search Jiu Lang swept the opponent and shook his head: "I hate people who grab me."



A loud noise, everyone was shocked. I saw that I saw that the person who just opened the sound of Qin Shou disappeared! The window leaked a big hole, and there is blood above.

And Qin Shou, a face of livestock, smile and white, clean, somewhat too much, laughing at everyone's sunshine: "Sorry, I don't like others to laugh at my name! This is

My aunt gave me! "Say it later, the eyes are extremely sharp, all people are pressed by Qin Shou's eyes!

Even the second pillar and I love Luo, can't hold the eyes of Qin Shou, the disorder of the next consciousness.

When I am shattered, these two people have suddenly exploded endless battles! They found a terrible opponent!

This scene, everyone looks clear, many people secretly suck a breath, whispered.

"He is only eight or nine years old?"

"Is it so strong in eight or nine?"

"It's terrible, just he shot, I didn't see anything!"

"The guy who just said that he met, he went to the assessment, almost passed the selection. His strength, the strength, the level of nectarity ... result ... This little ghost is too terrible!"

Qin Shou doesn't matter what they are saying, a butt is sitting in their position, laughing: "Ibi Ji Uncle, can you examine it?"

"Of course!" Ibi smiled and said: "Now!"

At the same time, all countries in the world, all the villages, all the strong, have been a letter!

Huo Xiaoyu Hall, the three generations of fire put the letters on the table, and said to the front of it: "Let's take a look."

After you have seen it, the face is dignified: "What is this?

think? Is the highest level of wanted or to kill? Who is this wanted? "

Three generations of fire shadows whispered pole: "From that one, ancestors!"

"What? She is still alive? She is not ..." said that it is shocked.

"I know what you want to say, it is indeed, she is not our ancestor. Our ancestor is a big tube Hui, although it is also a terrible guy. But according to what I know, the big tube Hui's night is dead, death In the hand of this letter. She replaced the identity of the big tube Hui ... this, many people know. On the day of the fall of the world tree, everyone is clear. But we have no way, we can't resist him. " Three generations.

Late also said: "Who is guy?"

The three generations shake their head: "I don't know, I only know that is a woman, a very powerful woman!"

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