The old man is a jade rabbit

The old man of the wild is the jade rabbit / Xiyou Laozi is the jade rabbit 704

Believing: "So, how big is this wanted order?".

Chapter 9 is called the world

Cell to the world

The three generations: "The world, people with ambition will come to the leaves! Although the woman is terrible, her promise is also very precious! If the woman is willing to join which country, or which village, then, the village will inevitably jump Starting, it becomes the most powerful forces in the world. Such temptation, no one can resist. "

Late that it is also said: "Why do the woman do Qin Shou in the same level?"

Three generations: "Unclear, perhaps Qin Shou will understand. I think this is in this way, I can't do it."

"Stop now?"

The three generations: "It can't stop temporarily, and you will come back later."

I also thought about it, I wanted to say, the last bite said: "Qin Shou is also looking for someone, a woman!"

After that, I also took out a portrait and gave it to the three generations.

Three generations look, heart, a little shock: "He is also looking for her?"

"She is the terrible woman you said?" "Said that it is surprised.

Three generations: "Yes."

"This woman wants to kill Qin Shou, but it is not a hand. Qin Shou is looking for her in the world ..." tap.

Three generations: "This woman seems to be afraid of Qin Shou, but she is

Why can't I have Qin Shou, what does this paper wanted? "

"Borrowing the knife, or we kill Qin Shou, or Qin Shou kill us. Qin Shou said, this woman has been secretly slaughtering the village, absorbing the soul." Lateral.

The three generations: "This woman has always marked his own justice, perhaps she didn't want to carry the crime of murder. This is possible ..."

"No matter what, I think this matter can be handed over to Qin Shou himself to solve."

"The question is, we don't know where she is."

"If you have to have a place, she may be there! There is enough soul and strength there!" Tapped up.

The three generations: "You are ..."

"I will tell him, no matter what, I can't let him treat the wooden leaves as an enemy."

"If he fails, the leaves will make her enemies, when they come ..."

"Generally, isn't it? I don't know if the woman is unclear, but Qin Shou is very powerful!"


"Don't worry, I will tell him in my own name. I will not implicate the village!" After that, I went again.

This scene happened in various villages, but they didn't understand who Qin Shou is. Not in the Qin Shou, they only know,

Killing Qin Shou, you can get the shelter of the woman, you can weigh the world, call the king to dominate!

So, all people with ambition are moving, and the wind is gathered!

The first exam, very simple, Qin Shou did not intend to write, just waiting for the second goods of the Naruto. Sure enough, after a lively, all through ...

The second exam, the royal hand washing red beans as an examiner, and the original plot is almost the same, so it will be put into the forest.

Qin Shou is walking, others respect each other.

Just when Qin Shou walked into the forest, several people slowly entered the village!

"" He is in the forest. Your battle, I don't want to spread to the village. "Three generations.

"Good." Nodded and walked toward the forest.

Ghosts: "You are really an obedient child."

"How do you think?"

"I am playing, I can't do anything in the village." Cotmon ghost.

Road: "With you."

"Payne, I didn't expect you to take it personally." Xiaonan station on the side of Payne, whispered.

Payne said: "You can let the woman send out a wanted order, there is no one in the world. I want to see it, the person is there.

Special. "

Small South Road: "You don't shoot?"

Payne said: "This is going to see that his value is not worthy of me."

Xiao Nan bitter smiled: "Sure enough ..."

"It's really lively ..." A man with an orange mask, standing in a dark, huh, laughing.

Almost at the same time, Qin Shou looked at the sky: "It's a day of dogs, saying good to the test? How did you come to a group?"

"Qin Shou, there is an accident." "Drops from the sky."

Qin Shoudao: "What?"

"You are wanted by the woman you are looking for, and now the masters of the world are coming." Late the way.

Qin Shou looked around; "It's a day of dogs, you can't let the rabbit master play two days? Do you come! Let's come! Which one is

After saying, Qin Shou rushed to the sky, drink a big drink: "Black Strike, you will be this, you don't come, get a group of dead ghosts? Do you think that this person's strength can I? Not afraid of death Come! "

This sound, directly thrown the earthquake!

All people who have sky, suddenly scream, can't get up for a long time! Even if you are on the ground, it is pale, your hands and feet are soft!

I scared everyone, look up at the sky, and I am not conceived.


I also know that Qin Shou is powerful, I didn't think of it, it was so powerful!

Just arrogant Penne, the scorpion turned out in an instant! Then, even he also shocked his footsteps ...

After the south of the south, I didn't fall back, and I didn't fall, and my face was frightened: "This person is too terrible! Payne, plan to cancel it, this person can't take it!"

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