The old man is a jade rabbit

The old man of the wild is the jade rabbit / the old man of the West is the jade rabbit 705

Payne looked at the sky floating on the sky and shook his head: "I want to try!"

"Are you crazy?" Xiao Nan called.

Pethen shakes his head: "The master is hard to see, this is a good prey."

Said that Payne slowly flew, while the six way flew.

There is also the same intent, there is a person, one with an orange mask, it is Yu Zhibo spots!

In the forest, Qin Shou, I attracted everyone, and jumped on the crown and looking up.

Naruto was exclaimed; "It is the guy! He actually flew!"

"Shut up, idiots! He is very strong!" Yu Zhibo sakard.

"How strong?" Xiao Saki asked.

Unecheo Sasher, very reluctant: "Very strong!"

"Good terrible little ghost ..." Big Snake Pills low.

"It is really terrible, but he doesn't matter to us." Low voice. .

Chapter 10 is so fierce

Is it so fierce

"No, there is a relationship. If he is dead, he is a good material." The big snake pill is smirk.

"The same age, how he is so powerful ... Sasuke is enough, this devil seems to be more powerful!" The wild in the mountains in the mountains pulled the hair. "

"The same age? Well, you seem to be bigger than him?" Lu Parding.

There is a beautiful face in the wild in the mountains; "Can you not mention the age?"

Lu Pills shrink neck: "Don't mention it ..."

"How is this guy so powerful? I thought I was already strong enough." Dogs.

"It's really powerful ..." The day looked at the sky to the Tiantian war.

"This little ghost, how did he cultivate?" Scrupine.

Hand is said: "I am really unwilling, is it so powerful now? It's too incredible."

"It is really strong, good prey." I love Luo Yangwangwang. God has become more and more violent ...

Handcuffs and Sacred Jilang hurry up, pull my love, prevent him


In the sky, after Qin Shou shouted, he saw Yizhibo spots, and Pennea flew up. Qin Shou hugged his shirt, looked at these two people, but in his heart, Yu Zhibo spheres, this guy also appeared, this is not in line with the original plot!

Well ... Even the big tube Hui's night is killed, more than an Yuxi Bouchen, it seems that there is no strange. Black defending this guy, in this world, don't have any messy wait for the rabbit master?

Very good world, don't be too messy, the rabbit is still waiting ... ...

Qin Shouxin thought continued to turn, but he said: "What are you doing?"

Payne said: "I want to try!"

Yischi Meth: "I also want to try it!"

Qin Shou grin smiled: "In fact, I also want to try ... Although I know that you are delicious, but you should feel good!"

"Radust!" Yu Zhibo is anger! He is self-asking is a peerless genius, not to fall behind anyone! No one can hear him!


Qin Shou, but first shot! One finger, the void is falling!

That moment, Yu Zhibo spots only felt the collapse!


The whole person does not help but go on, what Chakra, what to do everything, that moment loses the role! The high altitude falls, directly into the earth, there is no movement! The mask is broken, revealing a shocking face!

In the sky, Qinshou looks to Payne: "Do you want to try it too?"

Payne Tiandao took a deep breath, and his hands opened instant instant: "You are really powerful! However, I still have to try, really, Budiang!"

Next, Qin Shou is centered, countless soil instantly, Penne Tiandao is intended to seal Qin Shou!

Almost at the same time, Wan's remaining five simultaneously released their own tissue, all kinds of tattooing, like the most gorgeous fireworks! Just this fireworks fall in the eyes of others, but it is very horrible!

I love to look at the sky, and the pupil is wireless. He can feel that the above, any trick can kill him!

Sasuke's arrogance is all all, that kind of man is desperate!

As for others, I only look up.

On the day, I said that I said: "Can he block such a terrible sickness?"

"Young Tiantian, you are worried about the ghost? Are you very familiar with him?" The dog is unresponsive.

The young land: "Not familiar, but he is with us. That person we don't know ... and, I think Qin Shou is not bad.

what. "

The dog is sliced; "knowing people know that this guy is chasing, definitely is a bad thing."

The young fields look at the oil women, and the oil women are cool. "Look."

Two people collectively ...

The sky in the sky is not over, Penne's body, the outer road has flew into the air, and the rapid changes in the hands! The soul is swallowed!

"That little ghost is finished, so much sickness bombing ..." This is the idea of ​​everyone.

However, just at the moment!

"You tried it, you can end." A flourished voice came, and all of them were all like a dream bubble! Qin Shou is still standing in the air, the white grouse is holy, not dying!

Payne stood in the air and looked at Qin Shou.

Qin Shou raises his hand, hey!

Penne flew out, and planted on the ground.

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