The old man is a jade rabbit

The old man of the wild is the jade rabbit / the old man is the jade rabbit 706.

At this moment, Yuxi Bo spheres crowded, wirate the mouth; "Unfair, you let him shoot, why not let me shoot? Are you afraid of me?"

Qin Shou, the mouth, fall, stand in front of Yuxi Bo, smiled: "The rabbit is like bully, I bully you today.

How? Have you bite me? "

Yuxi Bao Spirit: "Bastan! Write the eyes, open!"


"Oh!" Yu Zhibo spheres face, squatting on the ground, just opened the writing wheel, instantly was closed by Qin Shou!

Qin Shou followed down: "Big Day, you get a red eye bead scare anything? You dare to scare me again, the rabbit is big mouth to kill you!"

In the distance, Yuxi Bozuo, Yisizhiso's shocking look at this scene, just in that moment, they see clearly, the eyes, make them dream! However, such a horrible eyes, they were played by Qin Shouyi!

This is a strong attack on their self-esteem!

Yishibo family is proud, but the pride in front of me, it seems that it is gone by that punch!

Yuxi Boufang is angry: "I don't believe, I don't believe you so much better than me!" Roaring, Chakra crazy in the body! "


Directly scratch in the past, Chakra, who had hit Yichito, was spread! In the same place, I sat on the ground, I looked at Qin Shou, I'm orange: "How can I? My Chakra ..."

"Under the absolute strength, the rabbit, I think you, how

. How is it,? I don't accept, the rabbit, my pair of shoes, can meet your needs. "Qin Shou smiled. When you look at the cartoon, I feel that Yu Zhibo spheres are too forced! At that time, I thought that Yu Zhibo is cool ....

Chapter 11 Zhuyu Sing Conquest

But now Qin Shou is coming, Qin Shou can not want someone more cool, more handsome! At least, can't be cool in front of him! So, you must press him!

"What do you mean?" Asked under the awareness of Unexpell.

Qinshou slippers, raise hands, ! The three big shoes were smashed, and Yu Zhibo spheres face, this moment he finally understood the other party's meaning.

Qin Shoudao: "Now, understand?"

Yu Zhibo spheres are now blowing! His dignity, everything, it seems to be gone by this bastard! However, the proud bones of Yuxi Bao have reminded him to admit defeat, but the fierce stare at Qin Shou, he secretly swearing, it must be desperately practiced, beyond his eyes!

Qin Shou was not cool, he bullied people to bully, and finally, whoever shouted? Yuxibo spots in front of you are obviously uncomfortable! Isn't this dry with the rabbit?

Qin Shou squatted, looked at Yuxi Bao: "I see you uncomfortable, the rabbit master is very uncomfortable! How, say you, how is the rabbit, I give you a sugar? Did not say…"

"Don't say it?" Yu Zhiwu angry stared at Qin Shou.

Qin Shoudao: "This is a bit hard ... I heard that Yuxi Bo is destroyed, and there is no child, you have a look. Full of full-scale, you count one

, Yuxi Posk is one, Yuxi Bozo helps one! Three men, even if you are seven hundred times a day, how long to cultivate this family! I heard that as long as the man is the blood of Yuxio, what is the blood of the woman, and the birth of the child can become a pure Yishai blood. So, the problem is coming, the Unexpected genius of the Yishabo family, how do you think? "

Yuxibo's face is sudden!

Yisizhiso instantly smashed Qin Shou, said: "Then you have to pass me first!"

Qin Shou has some speechless, he is scared to scare people, and the result is coming again!

In fact, Qin Shou's people in this world are really malicious! Such a world, so you can bring him a world full of memories! So let him have an intimate world, he really doesn't want to ruin!

Destroy a world, there are several means. One is a violent means, and a punch is exploding this world, nothing.

Another kind, it is the original person, that, the world has become another world, and it has lost his meaning.

Qin Shou wants to have a pure rigorous world, come to travel in the future, the bubble is, it is not the best!

And to ensure a world's pure, people inside can't have too much change! He doesn't want to explore the Zhihui, and the big contrast of the big snake pill is destroyed! If you really do it, this is still awkward.


As for Yu Zhibo spots, Qin Shou did not plan to put others pigstation, and it is also the blind man in the eyes of the past! If it turns into a plaque, how can I have a two hundred and five in the future? Without him, this world will become very bored.

So Qin Shou, the mouth: "What is your lively? How is it? Look at the fun, is there a lot of idle?"

Unexpello, staring at Qin Shou, Qin Shou's eyes just saw that Yu Zhibo spheres, but it was clear. At the same time that Qin Shou was smashed, he came to the voice of Qin Shou in his mind: "Staying while staying, the rabbit master scared this little scorpion, the strength is not good, it is still so forced, this is not! You must Tube, take a big mouth with you! "

Unexpectedly, his mouth touched, nothing to say, turn around.

"You are a coward!" At this time, Yuxi Bozuo rushed out, just a shouting, then wrote the wheel eye, directly kill Uzhi Pub!

Yisi hub is not returning, a witch sleeve!


Yuxi Bo sakuo was taken out in an instant, hit it on a big tree, slipped in the ground, and couldn't climb it for a long time. Yisizhiso is cool. "You want to find me avenge, you have to take out the strength of the sample, this

Strength, not enough! "

Yizhi Bozuo helps on the ground, biting his teeth: "Be evil ..."

Qin Shou saw this, shakes his head: "You see, you are three people, two are still doing it. Your old guy still wants to die them all ... It seems that you are afraid that they are afraid they with you Grab a woman! Can you be two thousand a hundred times a night? I am curious about the rabbit! "

Yu Zhibo is angry staring at Qinshi Road: "You can't scare me!"

Qin Shoudao: "Are you sure?"

Yu Zhibo is proud of his head!

Qin Shou hit a reflection!


There are hundreds of big fat pigs in an instant!

The face of Yuxibo spheres suddenly became a white! Why didn't he think of it, this bastard actually got hundreds of pigs! Also is the mother!

Qin Shoudao: "You see, I will be prepared for you, try it?"

Yizhi Bao Road: "I want to think!"

Qin Shoudao: "Do not be shy, refuse to take the initiative. But this is not tight, I have a variety of medicines, guarantee you to Tianming one day! Guaranteed quality, fake one lost ten, how?"

"You ... You can't make it, these pigs are not true!" Yu Zhibo spots wit.

Qin Shou hit a response: "Smart! Indeed, they are not true, you are already in my illusion! However, in your heart, you will see a few pigs in the middle of the illusion. And true, do n'thing distinguish? Of course, if you must have a true pig, the rabbit will meet you! Although the creation is a bit difficult, the rule of this world is very simple, the rabbit, I can satisfy you. Claim!"

Although Qin Shou will not create lives, there is a thousand miles of pigs, or no problem! This cattle, Qin Shou blows the heart and peace of mind!

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