The old man is a jade rabbit

The old man of the wild is the jade rabbit / the old man is the jade rabbit 710

It is a weak meat, and the strong can pay freely to manipulate the life and death of the weak! You like to manipulate others, and I like to manipulate you! The same reason, falling on you, do you think it is unfair? "

The black defenders have dumb, and she is in the face of Qin Shou, it is like ordinary people to face her! That desperate, let people crash! She was enjoyed at the beginning, but now she is painful.

Black defending is staring at Qinshi Road: "You don't like the bodies of the essence? She has some!"

After that, the black defense stab, smash the clothes, the perfect carcass is exposed to Qin Shou's line of sight.

Qin Shou didn't put anything about the gentleman, but laughed, said: "Very good body! Very beautiful, perfect!"

"Do you like her? Isn't it a body? I can give you a given you! I don't ask you to help me kill her, as long as you don't help her!" Black Strike immediately opened his own price. .

Qin Shou squatted down, looked at the pretty face of Black Guard, reached out of her chin, dialing her scattered hair, pressed her inverted eyebrows, laughed: "This is right, you Have a youth, lively, beautiful pretty face, you should be the purest and beautiful woman in the world. Why do you want to make so much grievances? Do you know? I like the essence of the essence, it is her kindness. , Pure, cute! Instead of doing your body!

Whether the body is worth money, not see if it is good, but look at it

Whether the soul being carried is equally perfect. You want to replace her, not. Go back with me, with her, let her become a perfect girl who has a joy, there is a good girl with evil. That, I will like you two. "

Black defenders heard the words, slightly stunned, then sneered: "Oh ... we are separated, I am extreme evil, she is extreme good. I am dead, she is not complete, so you won't kill me Then I don't have to be afraid of you! "

Qin Shoudao: "I have never said to kill you, just take you back. Are you take the initiative to walk with me, let me take you out, take it?"

After the black defense is slightly silent, ask: "Is there a difference?"

"You took the initiative to give up this part of the soul, I will put your current spirit consciousness from the soul, integrate into this world tree. Thoroughly become the true master of this world, the big tube Hui night! ..

Chapter 1 Rabbit Return


If I do my own, I will wipe everything you! Leave only this source, from now on, the big cylindrical night will no longer exist! Qin Shoudao.

The black defense eyes are bright and said: "What are you talking about? Separate my soul, integrate into the world tree, this is not a simple thing!"

Qin Shou proudly said: "I have to get it! Of course, you can choose not to believe!"

Black Squid sigh: "Do I have other choices?"

Qin Shoudao: "Of course!"

"Transaction!" After that, Black Swing took a deep breath, and a black gas rose from the earth around the world, and then quickly gathered from this side, and finally agglomerated in the black defense!

Black defending: "This is my whole soul. I hope you, don't let you go."

Qin Shou smiled: "Reassuring, in fact, I am still looking forward to you become a big tube Hui, um, this world is complete."

"What do you mean? You seem to know about this world." Black Guard is curious.

Qin Shoudao: "I can't say it, if I said, I have seen a book before, and I wrote the story of this world, and you create

The world is very similar to a similar story! The people who have appeared inside are the same, do you believe? "

Black defending said: "How is this possible?"

"I also feel that it is impossible, but the truth is this! Some people say, I have a world, I used to don't believe it, now I believe. Ok, prepare, I want to glass your true spirit!" Qin Shou finished, quickly Take a few printers, play on the black defense!

The golden bell is suspended in Qin Shou Tie, a sulous sound, protects the soul of the Black Sanwei and that point. Subsequently, Qin Shou made a bomb, a little golden flew out, Qin Shou counterned him, and sent it to the world tree!

The golden bell fell in an instant, increasing the soul of the black defense, preventing it from scattering it because there is no true spirit.

Subsequently, Qin Shou played the nine-day ten place, mobilizing the heavenly elements into the world tree! Previously, a little consciousness in the world was in an instant and the true spirit of the black defense, and then Qin Shou was discovered, and the black defense did not swallow the opponent, but in turn divided the power of the world trees.! That is to say, this moment, the world tree has gave birth to two people!

Qin Shou saw this, suddenly laughed, he swear, this is definitely not he deliberate! He is really not deliberate!

"Well, this is good, the black defense and the big tube Huachang night will keep it down, haha, I am looking forward to what the future will be. Well, the big tube Hui Hui night is the anti-party, black avid's character estimation It is also an anti-party, honest, will Naruto will be very miserable? And I am

The six cactors that have been controlled will not be killed ... ... "

At the same time, Qin Shou smiled, starting the real spirit and the big tube Hui's night, I am in a large number of heaven and earth, giving birth to two truths and growing, growing!

Qin Shou waved: "A cake, continue to refine this world! Such a fun world, put it here. The rabbit, I want to income him in Zifu Tiandi."

"Good!" The biscuit should fly in the air and continue to refine this world.

This world is not big, Qin Shou is estimated, and there is no solar system. Golden bell refining speed is extremely fast ...

After ten years, Ten years later, Qin Shou finally refined this world.

The true spirits of the black defense and the true spirit of the big torch, and the speed of rapid growth, it is estimated that there will be a year of time, it will wake up.

Qin Shou slowed down: "Okay, everything is done. One cake, left, go home!"

"Boss, you have worked hard for ten years, don't see the resurrection of the black defense?" Asked a cake.

Qin Shou smiled: "The whole world is mine, I want to see it in the future! But our family's delicate sister is still waiting for it, go!"

After that, Qin Shou closed the golden bell, opened the Zifu Tiandi, the next moment, the whole world narrowed, entered the heaven and earth in Qin Shou Zifu.

Qin Shou is called: "Open the door!"

A portal opened, Qin Shou stepped into it.

The land fairy, the essence of Jingwei Island, the black storm is still raging, just the black storm, there are several people.

"Hey, this rabbit is not coming back? When you blink! For ten years, the land fairy is full of days." Too secondly complained.

"Although I don't know how the situation there is, but I have n'thing to do with the strength of the rabbit ..." Win dance very much, it is obviously in self-comfort.

Yao Ji said: "This blames me. If I don't let him help, it will be good. There is no change in the black storm, and the world of insect caves is nothing to know ... I am wrong ..."

The woman is low, and it is clearly blamed.

Gongshunlan is a few women, the oldest, the highest prestige. One hand, put Yao Ji and the woman, laugh; "You don't blame yourself, your own man, is there anything? He said that he can come back, it will be back."

"Lan Jie, I know, you also like him too. Is it right?" The female suddenly asked.

Gong Sunlang suddenly turned and shook his head: "I am just a

The servant is already, a hundred years have passed, and our agreement is over. "

Yao Ji said: "Why do you have a deceived? Although it is big, it is more difficult to meet a person you like. I think everyone is very clear. Lan Jie, I don't mind you." , Yao Ji wins and dances and the fragrance

Winning big, looking up, looking at the sky, said: "Hey ... don't pull me, I have a little feeling about the rabbit, just a bit ..."

When the fragrance is relatively, it is too much, and I smiled: "I am afraid that we look at the rabbit, the rabbit can't see our sisters. The vision of the rabbit is not a general high."

"Hey, I don't like this, I don't like to listen! Although the rabbit is picking food, I like to eat meat, but I occasionally eat some radish, you are also happy!" Interchange, a portal opened, Qin Shou has changed Be a previous life, I came out. .

Chapter 2 solves the disguise

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