The old man is a jade rabbit

The old man of the wild is the jade rabbit / the old man of the West is the Jade Rabbit 711.

Solve the disguise

As for the world, it has become part of his Zifu Tiandi.

"Rabbit! You are alive!" The martial arts screamed.

Qin Shou lifted his legs, it was a foot. Too two truth decisively flashed, laughed: "Yes, it is still so embarrassing, it is the bunny!"

The girl is also a pleasant surprise, and the fragrance is a pretty red, and I don't dare to talk.

Qin Shou haha ​​laughed: "Little pup, you just, the rabbit, I heard, how, your small carrot, go with the rabbit?"

"Who wants to go with you ... Ah ..." Yuming no longer, the straightforward, generous, shy appearance is really me to see. Qin Shou took him into his arms, smiled: "The rabbit is going to go with me today, don't go!"

After saying, Qin Shou has a humanity to him: "I announced that Xiaolan, Xiao Dance, Xiao Yu, is a woman who became a rabbit, how, cheer!"

"Hey! Stinking! Who wants to be your woman ..." Three women swear, but it is full of joys.

Qin Shouwless did not speak the woman at this time, smile

The hip, the face is full of faces.

Then one hand pulled Yao Ji and female: "How? I don't think I?"

"Well ..." Yao Ji and female scorpion bowed and whispered.

Qin Shou, said: "I also miss you, walk, the rabbit is coming back to you, you can bring you surprises!"

"What surprises?" Two women asked curious.

Qin Shou haha ​​laughed, holding two women, greeted everyone, rushing to the wife, got on the carriage, and went to Jingwei Island.

Standing outside Jingjima, Qin Shou Dafu said: "Sister, come out! My brother, I am back!"

Yao Ji and the girl are curious to look at Jingwei Island, I really don't understand who Qin Shou is talking to him.

Next, a white figure flew in the sky, blocked the face with spells, and the same hand on Qin Shou, the mold: "Tao friend has not seen it for a long time."

Qin Shou's two eyes turned, one waved, and took the delicate disguise, showing the true capacity.

"Women's Girl!" Yao Ji and female scorpion were almost in his port.

The darkness of the refined and complaints of Qin Shou, and then two women said: "I have seen Yao Ji sister, female sister. In these years, let you pay for the woman."

Yao Ji and female saw the essence admitted his identity and immediately excited

I ran up, one person pulled a small hand, and I asked. Getting fine, don't know who the answer should be good.

Qin Shou hurriedly called: "Stop! You two hurry!"

As a result, Qin Shou shouted two scorpions and didn't use it. He directly made a big hand, and the two women were collected back. On the two women's hips, one person slap in the past, whispered: "The rabbit, I talk, don't you listen? "

Yao Ji wronned the way: "People have not seen women sisters for a long time, and, they have always thought she is not there. Suddenly, I am happy, how is it?"

The woman follows the nod.

Qin Shou is one person and one person, took the opportunity to pinch it, cool, and almost laughed. But the face is still a serious reprimand: "I want to be old, this is simple, the time is long, just in your old. Today, the rabbit, I am going to do business!"

"Is it right? What is a rabbit, you won't accept the essence? Are you too embarrassing? I heard that the Emperor's Emperor had a rabbit with a rabbit. The guy would not be you. ? You won't have to do some people, just like bed bully daughters? Then you can't put it, all. "Too two real people screamed.

Qin Shou directly passed, and the two truth screamed for a meteor disappeared.

Cats and three smiled: "It is more than two, and the mouth will never have a door. He didn't know if the disaster was out of mouth. Although it is a truth,

But you can't say it! I will not say it ... Hey, baby, what is your expression. "

After the baby refers to the cat three, the cat three feel that the whole body is cool, but the ass has some kind of induction. Touching, just see Qin Shou smiled softly like him, then!


"!" "The cat is flying.

Baby, the two guys, two guys are collective, and they don't say it.

Qin Shounan nodded, this is only turned back, continue: "My robbine is my business, it is what you have always worried. Fine, come over, I will help you make up the soul!"

At this time, the public woman is stunned, then it is ecstatic!

Delivery is very eye-catching: "Is it true? Can I continue to live?"

Although Yao Ji did not understand what happened, she was smart from Qin Shou, and I guess what was in the reaction of Qinshou.

Yao Ji squatted, tears, Wang Wang: "I know, he shot, there is no impossible thing!"

The woman is a woman who is confused: "But what is the meaning of Qin's big brother? What is the full soul?"

The baby is itself is a yin and yang soul, and it is really aware of the soul.

, Let's take a look: "It is obvious, your sister girl's soul is not full, lost a soul. It is estimated that before the fish, the black storm, it should be a soul. The girl is a ghost, less soul, the strength is damaged, the soul is not full, the power is constantly lost, the birthday period is reduced, so soon as soon as possible.

I estimate that the fish is deliberate, let you die. "

Jingwei said: "This Taoist said that it is ... also invite two sisters, don't blame it."

How can Yao Ji and a female scorpion?

Qin Shoudao: "Okay, quickly make up the soul again."

The girls immediately spread, Qin Shou took out the golden bell, shook, and flew out a black gas in the goldens!

A delicious little mouth, the black gas immediately was sucked into the belly, the next moment, her Lin Huan has started changing, more and more condensed ...

At this moment, the three-point paint shadow suddenly appeared in the eyebrows of the essence, then, like the dark ink, quickly spread, attempted to package the head of the essence! .

Chapter 3 is handled


Qin Shou saw this, and smiled: "I really thought that the rabbit didn't know your existence? The Witch's means, it is good, I can induce you, but I can't find you. Now you come out, it is self-found. road!"

Qin Shou is a moving, and the golden bell is scattered, and the mushroom will not be moved!

Subsequently, the golden bell flew up, directly put the essence cover, Qinshou placed legs sat in the air, and opened! Wu Dao head operation!

Countless information is acquired by Qin Shou, Wu's head is analyzed, and quickly finds the way of crack!

After the hand of Qin Shou, after the fifteen printed inspirations, he was drinking: "Tiandi's same student, scanned, refining nine, is too true! Enchair, still not developed!"

The fifteen cards in Qin Shou hand played at the same time, printing in gold!

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