The old man is a jade rabbit

The old man of the wild is the jade rabbit / the old man of the West is the jade rabbit 713

Qin Guangwang saw this, the eyes were stunned, and then a smile rose, smiled: "Are you swallowing the bunny?"

Qin Shudao: "Yes? Is it very strange?"

"Nothing, just didn't see the swallowthorn race in Too many years. Your old ancestor is okay?" Qin Guang Wang asked.

Qin Shou shook his head: "I have never seen the old ancestors you said. If you come back, are you familiar with him?"

Qin Guangwang shook his head: "It should be familiar, but the memory is too blurred. Since you are swallowing the rabbit, then I am relieved, the Pluto you are looking for is not here."

Qin Shoudao: "Where is it?"

"She lives ..."

"Bho rabbit, can you think of this girl?" At this time, a tea of ​​a leather trousers came in, or he was cool, the Queen Fan is full! After walking, I took a butt on the desk of Qin Guangwang.

Qin Guangwang saw this, helpless laughed: "Get, you talk, I will go out."

After that, Qin Guangwang left.

Qin Shou seeing a tea is fine, it is relieved, then Qin Shou depressed, and there seems to be long! Accurately, she adds high heels!

Qin Shou Pad is a foot, strive to maintain the same height of the same height.

: "A tea, your shoes grow taller!"

A tea scout: "I am much higher than you!" After that, the tea is matched, and it is more than Qin Shou.

Qin Shou eyebrows pick, this is not the opponent!

"He is smelling me, the bunny, how many years don't have a foot?" The voice of the life and death book suddenly sounded.

Qin Shou eyes suddenly lit up, one will pull the life and death book, throw it on the ground, step on the life and death book, suddenly better than the tea, smiled: "A tea, when can you only be awkward? Ok, don't make trouble, go home with the rabbit. This house is not to stop, and it will be worried about the rabbit. "

A tea is white, Qin Shou, I really want to climb the table, Qin Shou quickly pulled down, forcibly grabbed her little waist: "No such, you are also a woman in the rabbit, you like this!" I want to be better than the rabbit, how do you? "

"He is not your face, who is your woman? You blew the king eight eggs! I walked for so long, I think it's looking for me, and my face came to me?" A tea turned his head, and I was not very shameless. .

Qin Shou saw this, suddenly happy, knowing that there is no really angry, just grievances.

Qin Shou scratched his head: "This is not a matter of catching, caught up. Do you think I don't want to come? You don't know, hey ... This thing can be either. This is not there. , I will run around the horse.

Is it. By the way, I heard that the garden and people did it, it seems that I still have lost it, are you nothing? Come, let the rabbit will give you a good inspection, see if there is any injury. "

"Stinky, who wants you to check ..." A tea was touched by Qin Shou, scared, and quickly avoided Qin Shou's big hand, squatting Qin Shouyi.

Qin Shoudao: "If you rogue? This is not concerned about you, come, don't run."

"I will run, have the ability to catch up!" A tea was finished, turned, and ran it again.

Qin Shou said: "Dominant, can you still run the rabbit master my hand? Where to go!" ..

Chapter 5 Trouble

The trouble of the government

After Qin Shou gone, the life and death book screamed two times, and he said: "Sure enough, these rabbits are porn and mad! Or this book is pure ... Hey, go to time, learn, men and women are still really addictive what…"

During the government, A tea is running all the way, Qin Shou is chasing, all the two people play, the little ghost, the little ghost, a shame, I am embarrassed.

In the end, A tea will run enough to hold it by Qin Shou, Qin Shou Road: "Shantou, what do you run? Do you want to be exhausted?"

"I am exhausted to live!" A tea looked up, ridiculous.

Qin Shoudao: "The line is traveling, is it exhausted? Let's change a topic, and who is the land?"

A tea brow wrinkled: "Unclear, that person never appeared. He manipulated countless death souls and dead corpses, these dead bodies have become a corpse, and a self-strength is not good, but unite The big battle is not a handleman. However, this is also a big meaning of the monster, thinking that only a group of corpse and death of the heart, a plate of shackles. The result is surrounded by the big array, the loss is not small. "

Qin Shoudao: "Are you not going?"

A Tea Tao: "I am Pluto! This little is small, how can I

May it be? Besides, this is the land of the government, and I will not pay attention to me. Don't say me, talk about your things? "

Qin Shou sighs: "My things, then I said the length."

As a result, Qin Shou pulled the tea to the side, starting to have a bitter water, told the women's tragic experience, and then told another world.

I heard here, the eyes of the tea are bright and curious: "Another world? It seems that I missed a lot of interesting things, no, you must take me to other worlds in the future! And, Do you really understand the black storm? "

Qin Shoudao: "Is it? Xiao Hao, is it? Rabbit, I am talented, I am so uncomfortable. As for the other world, this is to see your performance. Come, girl, give one, laugh, Let the masters happy. "

A Tea Zhou Zhou Nei Tao: "Come to the United States! Congye, laughing for the girl! The girl is happy, I will laugh one."

Qin Shou did no arthropo, I laughed on the spot.

A tea suddenly became speechless, but immediately made a ghost smile at Qin Shou, and then two people smiled, and I didn't forget it before.

Two people sat on a hill, looking at the world below, magma sprayed, Qin Shou silently asked: "Shantou, I have been so long, why not going back? I thought you would go back for a few days ..."

"Hey! You are still good to say, you have not allowed me, dare to kiss me! Just ..." A tea was full of red and glanced at Qin Shou.

Qin Shoudao: "Don't do this, I don't emotional outbreak, water to the stream, how can you have such a big reaction, I thought you were as shameful, and the result didn't go back. How to come back, how to, the rabbit, I don't come, Don't you go back? I told you, you have been in the rabbit, I'm hit the rabbit master, I've been in my mark, you are mine! No one can grab! Who dares to grab me Who!"

"Look at you! I will marry you. Do you think there is such a good thing?" A tea screamed, then the voice was taken: "The land house has been a lot of things. Ten Temples please ask me Help, so I didn't go back. "

"Oh? The land is there?" Qin Shouzhen.

Ahta Tou said: "Yes, the land house has frequently lost ghosts, and some of the bodies are also honest. I have been investigating this matter. As a result, I suddenly broke out the war before, and I won't play the land house. If you don't guess the wrong, the head of the corpse should be the commander of the battle. Just, I don't think there is any person, I am going to the land house. And see the other side, it seems that everything is very To understanding!"

Qin Shoudao: "Learn about the government, that is, the people of the government."

A tea shakes: "The government has the rules of the land house, and the divisions are in their own position, and they cannot go to other people's secondary activities.

Work, their activity area is the ghost door, Huangquan Road, and Nai Bridge can't live.

The sentence is in the Judges of the Temple, and Meng Po is special, but it is basically only left on the Naiyu Bridge ... The Temple of Temple has its own regional jurisdiction. For some of the sites of others, everyone knows some, but they can't understand each other! "

Qin Shounie looked: "No, yourself, no one knows about the government? This is too much ..."

A Tea Tao: "So will it be so tricky ... Ok, the other party is now appearing, so the big one is dead, the dead, the corpse is gathered together, I want to find him should not be difficult."

"He was stealing, then he still had a scruple. Nowadays suddenly come out, this is not normal? You said, will it be a sound to hitting the West, Tihu from Mountain?" Qin Shou asked.

"This is also what we are worried, so I have not been shot, and the Temple of Temple is in the town of the town." A tea Tao.

Qin Shoudao: "What about Qin Guangwang?

"The Temple is not out of the government, the land is strong, not because of the Temple of the Temple. Instead, because the Temple of the Temple is in the heart of the Temple, the turn of the reincarnation is strong! The big array exists, ten halls There is ten hawthorn in the government, and it is the kind of unscrupulous semi! Add the power of the instrument, anyone will not be good to attack the government.

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