The old man is a jade rabbit

The old man of the wild is the jade rabbit / Xiyou Laozi is the jade rabbit 714

Really because of this, the land house can stand for so many years, let others can't stain it.

However, if the ten halls are left the land house, the strength will fall. If it is a half-way calculation of someone, falling one, then the big array is incomplete. If there is a strong enemy invasion, the government may not guarantee. Therefore, the Temple of Temple almost never left the government, even if he was on the heavens, it was just dividing. Even if the Emperor also knows the causality, it will not be forced to ask. "Icao ..

Chapter 6 Negotiation


Qin Shoudao: "That is the emperor, the Quartet Wang Hou?"

"Sifang Wang Hou? What is it?" A tea asked.

Qin Shou slang, this remembered that the Emperor Dongyue was sealed in the later generation. This mouth is almost revealed ...

However, Qin Shou is smart, immediately: "There is no one of the princes in the government?"

"Of course, there is nothing! Although the government is very powerful, it has not reached the climbing of the unified death. It seems like the original heaven, in the name of the world, in fact, there are still many people who don't listen to the number, this is the only one One, safe, ghost, gathering city. ,,,, don't count on him, "A Tea Tao.

Qin Shoudao: "So?"

A tea Tao: "So, this thing has been dragging."

"Drag a fart, I see this is waiting for the rabbit, I will come to the hook." Qin Shou rushed.

A tea Tao: "I don't think this!"

Qin Shoudao: "Of course, there is no such thing, there is also the meaning of Qin Guangwang, the old guy! No, the rabbit will not be white as suffering, I have to go to him to say!"

After saying, Qin Shouli is a tea, killing again to Qin Guangwang!

As a result, I entered the door, Qin Shou stunned, pointing at the people in the house to check the way: "One, two, three ... ten! All!"

"Hey! You a dead bunny, have you so disgusting people? What is the head?" Chu Jiang Wang smiled.

Qin Shou turned over white: "Whether the head, is there only?"

Chu Jiang Wang: "You ..."

"Well, the king of Chu Jiang, what is the virtue of these rabbits, you still don't know? This is not a matter." Qin Guangwang opened.

Chu Jiang Wang helpless should have a sound, do not talk, sit down to tea, and the face is unhappy.

Qin Shou didn't care about him, smoked the stool, then smoked the life and death of him crowded, people on the stool.

Life and death, IV: "Mixed rabbit, you dare to take me, bite your ass! What ah ... see my mouthful of white big steel teeth!"

"Hey!" Qin Shou is a fart, and all noise is all in an instant.

Qin Shou one was sitting and smashing: "This is comfortable."

Ten Temples saw this, suddenly speechless, they have shaken their heads and smirked.

Among them, a mustache, a mustache: "Swallowing the heaven, we come to you this time, there is something to discuss with you."

Qin Shoudao: "Business? I didn't see where I want to discuss it? How do I feel that you will eat me? Tell you, the rabbit is ok, but absolutely not white Show! This is the best thing for this house, it is best to put it out, if the conditions are insufficient, the rabbit is not going to shoot. It takes directly to our tea home, let you play it yourself.

"Rabbit, don't say so urgently. We can not force you to mean, but you are right, let you shoot, always pay, but we really don't have anything to take it. I thought about it for a long time. Just identify such a thing, look at it yourself. "Qin Guangwang finished, from his arms, secretly a black stone, handed to Qin Shou.

Qin Shou saw this, his mouth is grin: "Are you teasing me? Give me a stone? This is useful to use? The rabbit is uncomfortable, used to grind teeth?"

The wheel of the turn is white: "Rabbit, you don't know the goods. This is a god stone in the rest of the Tu Niang Niang after the turn! This stone is not clear, but this stone is weird, The external force cannot be added, and there is still a turn to run internally. We estimate that this may be part of the reincarnation pool, just don't know why, the left. "

Qin Shou listened, the eyes suddenly lit, opened the heavy dupment, Wu's head, quickly analyze this stone!

As a result, Qin Shouli is that this stone is really like a wheel.

The king said that the internal contained moment! But let Qin Shou are excited about that this stone is a soul manner!

It is itself a special soul entity!

Qin Shou thought about it before, he wanted to open the earth, the soul manager is indispensable! Then this manager, you can be big for him! Although it is not a sharp veteran, Qin Shou estimates, this stone can definitely refine into other weapons! If so, he is really earn!

However, Qin Shou did not show any satisfactory look, but the dislikes of his face were said: "Although it is good, but this thing can do, I don't know! It's like, you will give the antsold, it will not Use, it is also white! Several, I have received it, but I still need to add it! Let's go ten eight pieces. "

"Hey!" Yao Luo Wang squirts the old far away, the old face is red, the old face is red: "Ten eight pieces? Do you think this is a big cabbage? On this piece, there is no one."

Qin Guangwang said: "Rabbit, this is true. While we are in charge of the government, there are very few out, other things ..."

Qin Shoudao: "This is, the rabbit, I am not difficult for you. I want this to have a detailed information, can this always?"

Everyone was stunned, and she didn't expect that Qin Shou actually made such a condition! This condition is simple, very simple, some information, and no hurt the bones.

But it is also troublesome, they are deliberately avoiding too much, but now they have to get together, let others have a comprehensive understanding of the government, this is a bit trouble.

Qin Shoudao: "Look at you, don't do it? Give me a few this stone again, there is, I will pay!"

"Rabbit, what do you want to have the information of the government? IMHO, the land house is still a secret." Qin Guangwang said.

Qin Shou shook his head: "Of course it is useful, but you can safely enter my ear, stop in my mouth, I will never talk to anyone!" Qin Shouwless did not tell them, this is Can't take precautions. .

Chapter 7 Curse?


If his sea is successful, he is definitely to create a government. There is also his Zifu Tiandi, no land province, more and more people, more and more people, the soul is constantly accumulating, sooner or later. It is better to get the information in advance, as long as Qin Shouneng opens up in Zifu Tiandi, then the government can instantly set up, and don't need him to explore.

Most importantly, the government is his mother's family, and there is nothing to say.

In the end, Qin Guangwang agreed to Qin Shou's conditions, so Qin Shou had to step on the journey again.

",, I heard that the mountain ghost, it seems that this is the same." Qin Shou shook his head and looked at the dark mountains in front of the front! On the top of the mountain, the black cloud is covered, but there is no rain, but when it can see someone in the clouds. Under the cloud, it is even a stone, and the mountains in the mountains are not born, some are just a grave, and there is a block stone.

There are hundreds of thousands of miles outside the mountain, without any smoke, obviously here has become a dead place.

Qin Shou is not afraid, and the big shot has gone past, but the more you follow Qin Shou, you are not right, how is it all a little ghost!

Catch it with hand: "What about your family?"

"Dawn? What is the king? We have no king here!" The little ghost was stunned.

Qin Shoudao: "Why are you gather here?"

"Some people say that Lushan is ghosted into a ghost, there is no need to worry about the champion of the monk, so we will come." The little ghost is just the way.

Qin Shou is not good, it is really a set!

Qin Shou Road; "What do you know?"

"Nothing, when we came, there were a lot of fierce ghosts, and they all gave us. Say to give us a place, to open up a better home. They are really a group of good people." That little ghost.

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