The old man is a jade rabbit

The old man of the wild is the jade rabbit / the old man is the Yutong Chapter 715.

Qin Shou squinted: "Where do you know?"

"I don't know." That little ghost.

Qin Shoudao: "Which direction they go?"

"Southwest, that is the direction." That little ghost.

Qin Shou looked at the direction, the face suddenly changed, and the direction is really a battle!

Qin Shou two words do not say, from the sky, straight to the gods!

Battle of God!

The countless ghost army stood in the air, roaring, and then not a big array, it is a huge ghost giant, and the white bones are in the mountains where the gods are located!

A golden light suddenly rose in the god of War, and the whole mountain valley is covered.


A crisp, the golden light outside the war god is ignorant, and the mountain peaks are slight.

"The king, the ban on the battle of the battle is very powerful. We need to open the time for about a day." A ghost will go forward, respectful.

Among the air, a purely consisting of the skull, sitting with a whole body hanging a black cloak. This manner: "Waiting for so long, Shao Wei will soon find changes here, his Xuanyuan sword is not small. Not more, the rabbit seems to come back, there are many people, must solve the nine days Xuan women as soon as possible! She comploated the way to the key moment, as long as she kills in this time, I can force her achievements and understand the way of space! When I arrive, the world is big, I can sleep, who can trap this king? "

"The king, if you are very urgent, then you need some sacrifices." The ghost will pass.

" , you don't do it. I just as long as the speed!" The big king.

Ghost will be said: "Yes!"

Then, the ghost took out a weird horn, blowing in the sky, next moment, a group of dark red smoke flew out, shrouded the ghost

The army, the army has absorbed the red smoke, and one is like playing a chicken blood, crazy roaring! Even many ghosts are blown directly on the spot, integrating into the huge ghost giant! The evil giant makes a huge roaring, crazy, beat the golden light of the god of War!

The flashing speed is getting faster and faster, and it is necessary to collapse!

"Go!" The king suddenly raised his hand, flying out of the sleeves, the emptime changed, turned into a one-eyed, alone against Jin Guang!

Along with the attack of eight evil giants!

The golden junction is completely collapsed!

The king laughed: "The opportunity is coming! I have waited for so many years, I finally waited, haha ​​... Once you have mastered, the time is still far? I will go back, I want to revenge!"

During the speech, the king rushed to the air, and culverts the nine-day mysterious woman sitting on the god of War Valley!

Just then, a big feet fall from the sky!

"The woman of the rabbit, you also dare to move it!"

The king was heard, scared, roaring, black cloak, a boxing, a punch: "Rabbit, if you block me, it is my enemy!"

"Go to your mother, the woman in the hurt, you are already my enemy! Go to death!" Qin Shou roared, the big feet bloom on the infinity, a chain of order, even the diamond skin begins to appear Obviously, Qin Shou is really anger!

Dragon is against scales, Qin Shou's woman is Qin Shou's anti-scales!

That King saw this, the face is sinking, said: "I am really afraid of you?"

After that, the king flashed a strange ink green, said: "Weak curse! Weak!"

Qin Shou only felt a strange force integration into his body. He fully smashed a 100% power, only 30% of strength!

At this time, Qin Shou has increased its strength. The king is in the air, and then the two people go back!

"Curse?" Qin Shou surprised.

"Understand? I don't use it. No one can escape my curse! With my name, curse your blood and blood decline, power is all!" The king spoke, the top rose a eye bead, eye beads Qin Shou released a green light!

Qin Shou fell in the next moment, and he felt that his blood flow speed began to slow down, and the power was really losing!

"How? The feeling of power is not very bad? However, this is my feelings! ..

Chapter 8


Who gently revenge, I will kill! Even if you are swallowing a nationality, no exception! "The big king roaring.

Qin Shou shook his head: "This power is indeed, but you want to hurt me if you want to hurt me? It's a ridiculous!"

Qin Shou said, the body bloomed a diamond light, then the sound of all the green curse, the order chain was all collimated in Qin Shoucies! Qin Shou's power raised again to the peak state!

That King saw this, shocked: "How is it? How can your flesh? This is impossible!"

Qin Shouxi smiled: "My flesh, my flesh, the blood in the body is like the fire in the furnace, there is everything between the heavens and the earth, and you will be able to hurt me like hurt me? It is a ridiculous! Let me see Look, what is it in this cloak, what is it! "

After that, Qin Shou suddenly accelerated, this will Qin Shou is a true!

"It is a big swallowing family, it's strong! But ... you can't kill me!" The king said, suddenly crushed, disappearing in the original place!

Qin Shou Dadi drunk: "I want to run? Give it to me!"

Qin Shou was turned on, and the void was broken, and a illusory scene disappeared. He has a double-wing behind a man in the distance. The speed of speed, let Qin Shou feel a little bit


"Where to go?" Qin Shou Dafu drunk, released the golden bell, and the nine days of Xuan women, he chased it!

"It turned out to be you! Master, your place is really a person to make a big sad!" At this time, the void is out of the void, it is really a tea! A tea, a whip, a roll of whip, and a big master!

Qin Shouli, big master? A tea is the patent king of the land, can be called the big lady, and only one person is qualified! That is the soil square!

I only listened to the king called: "A tea sister, you also hurt me? I am dead! I am not willing! Not willing!"

"You are a big master of the government, but also not to live and die? Since it is dead, go to the round, we can still treat you not? After a hundred years, it is not as happy? You are good, a grievance It turned out to be blended with ! "A tea has a trail of iron without iron.

"The integration is integrated! I have at least power! The Yellow Emperor owes me, I have to come back! You don't block me, otherwise you are my enemy!" The king called.

Qin Shoufun scratched: "A tea, what is the cause of this guy? What big lady, big master? I see this guy, it is only big roast chicken!"

A tea smiled: "I have long known that this evil person and the government have a relationship. I just didn't expect that the evil person would be him! The real host of the land

People are backs, and they are flattering. And he is the younger brother, after! "

Qin Shouzhen said: "Hey? The younger brother behind? I am going, he is not surnamed?"

"The party is the last year, how do you know?" Shouqing suddenly stared at Qin Shou, the fierce sparkling said: "This last name, only two or three people know! Is your ancestor tell you?"

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