The old man is a jade rabbit

The wilderness of the wild is the jade rabbit / the old man is the jade rabbit 716.

Qin Shou turned over white: "The ancestor, your grandfather! The rabbit master, my god machine is calculated, what do you not know? After you, come over, let the rabbit master smoke your two mouth! Your sister is so good, how can you have such a defeated? Little brother!"

After the anger: "What are you doing? Taught me? The ancestors are divided, I am still your ancestor!"

A tea heard, a forehead, these two guys are so noisy, afraid to do it!

However, in the imagination, Qin Shou's anger did not appear, but ...

Qin Shou was not angry and smiled: "Zu Zong? Hey, how do you call A tea? You call her sister, right? Sorry, A tea is a woman with my rabbit, that is, I am your brother-in-law! Come, brother-in-law teaches you to be a person! Really, this time, the rabbit, I am not a big nephew, it is to pack up your brother, it is a busy life! "

After that, Qin Shou will take the hand, and the tea takes him.

: "In fact, this matter can not be completely blamed. After the Hai Dynasty, the Yellow Emperor's hand, the result of the battle, the battle was fighting on the battlefield. Later, the war was victorious, but no one gave him the corpse, the corpse, The wolf tiger leopard bites ... I am active and the corpse is wilderness, who will not be better?

What's more, he is invaded by the body, and after the blend of blends, he will be affected by . "

Qin Shou's eyelids jumped: "I don't care if he has a hatred, no matter how big the hatred!" Qin Shou stared at the word of the Qing Dynasty: "If you are a man, you should mess with you, you Playing who is troubles! But you don't, you have a woman in the rabbit master! This is how big meal with you, this is the hatred between you me!

Shou Qing, who will not give you feelings today! "

After the same roaring, "Don't use anyone to give me a feeling! You have to fight, I will accompany!"

Qin Shou smiled: "This is a little man's feeling, let us solve this problem in a man's way!"

A tea smiled: "Why do you have this?"

After the Qing Qing, "Don't say more, you have to fight, then fight! I am afraid you, I am not a copy!"

After that, the double wing behind the Qing Qing opened, turning into the green fog and advocated the air, the eyeballs appeared again, after sucking green mist, the eyes were turned, and the eyes were on Qin Shou!

After the Qing Dao: "Curse ..."

! A carrot swept out, the eyes of the eyes were still in the past, and the spell of the Qing Qing did not finish it. The eye is like a baseball, and it is a meteor, and it is flying!

Qin Shou took a carrot, standing in the air, biting a carrot, smiled: "Curse? Cursive your grandfather! Let's make a disgusting thing as a magic weapon, really give your sister! Today, I will replace your sister. , I have a good lesson! As a man, there is a resentment, I have a hatred, but I am misunderstood, I am not alive, I am not right! "

"You ... how did you do it?" Houqing was shocked. .

Chapter 9 Rabbit Yea

Rabbit master

A tea is also eyebrows: "Rabbit, you can know what you just fly? What is the first day of the day, the spiritual treasure, is a flat-hearted maiden, Qin Shou, refined."

Qin Shouzhu's head: "What is it? It's still not going to become a ball, and I don't know where to go?"

"I mean, what is your stuff?" How is it so fierce? "A Tea Tao.

Qin Shou, a bit, biting a carrot, Kaka snapped up, eat one side: "You see, this is a carrot! Water juice, delicious! Don't believe you. "

A tea looks at the mouth of the carrot, immediately shakes his head: "I still count, eat it yourself. But ... can a carrot be fly the eyes?"

Qin Shouca said: "Carrots are ordinary carrots, the curse is not a cow, otherwise it can be so easy to fight? After the children, I will tell you, you are fooled by your sister. That is a broken thing! "

After the Qing Dynasty stared at Qinshi Road; "You said! I used the curse to kill and I don't know how much strong enemy!"

Qin Shouxi smiled: "Isn't it died under Yucheng?"

" has a tiger knife, I am doing it very normal!"


Qin Shou's heart trembled, tiger knife, this stuff has long been heard, but unfortunately, I have been here for a long time, I forgot this! Now that the body of the especially in his hand, where is the tiger?

Qin Shou said his eyes: "After the Qing, do you know where the tiger is going?"

"You also want to find a tiger knife? I advise you to give up, Tiger's knife is a peerless killing knife that has become a gentle killing and suffocation. Under the trend, only one person is dominant! In addition to , no one can despise the tiger Knife. "

Qin Shouxi said: "The rabbit is likes to do this, and then play those who say that the people I can't do. Forget it, don't ask you, I don't know if you don't know the tiger. Where is the knife. I still do something, help your sister teaches you how people! Otherwise, I have been hacked by others in the future, is your sister not to blame me? "

After that, Qin Shu took the sleeve, and the biggest meteor has gone!

Without the eye of the curse, the curse of the Houqing fell sharply, but he couldn't pay for Qin Shou. After Lianlian, I went back: "Don't come over!"

"You can't say, you can't come over, what is your rabbit?" Qin Shoudao.

"You ... you come over!" He immediately made a mouth.

Qin Shou smiled: "You said that I have passed, I have passed, that is not a face. So, or come over!" Qin Shou Da handed out.

Grab a void!

After the next Qing's consciousness fled!

Qin Shou grinked: "Open the door!"

"What do you mean?" Houqing has not been asked, there are more portals in front of him. As a result, he rushed too much, no brakes, and hit it!

After rushing out, just see Qin Shou at close! And a big puree who has been coming!

"Hey!" After roaring, the whole body was raised to the limit, a punch!


Fist is collapsed!


A big ear is screened on the face of the sector, and the Qing's finish will not help but roll up hundreds of miles in the air. The face was taken out of a five-finger mark, and the mouth hanged with blood, stared at Qin Shou Road, "How?"

Qin Shou was more than one of the sorrows: "It is clear that you fused the soul, it is not a flesh battle. Good at the soul of the flesh war, was taken to absorb it. Now he is already hooked I was dead, the remnant was also swallowed by me. So, do you want to fight with me? It's a bit unbeatable! "

"You kill the hook, I know. is a waste ..." Shou's low voice.

Qin Shoudao: "Do you know?"

Shouqing said: "Of course, I know, I have been with you for a long time, I know! Unfortunately, I can't come back twice, and you are back. Every time I am bad. Good things, you are just a bastard! "

Qin Shou's face is staring after: "It turns out, the person who monitored us several times is you ... It seems that the hook is just a chess piece in your chessboard ... this way, you still want to Is it coming to Yao Ji? "

After Shi Qing: "Yao Ji is a daughter of Yan Emperor, what is the relationship with me? I just want to break the Yellow Emperor! Unfortunately, I will hook the big waste, I don't listen, I want to start from Yao Ji, and the result is dead The hand in your hand. I have a little less to try your cannon ash, it is a bastard! "

Qin Shoudao: "Try me? Are you afraid of me?"

After Shouqing, the head was lowered, did not speak.

A Tea Tao: "After the Qing Qing, I am afraid, although I don't remember what happened, but I know that Houqing seems to be cleaned up by your ancestors ...

"Shut up! Don't say it!" After the grievances of returning.

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