The old man is a jade rabbit

The old man of the wild is the jade rabbit / Journey to the Laozi is the jade rabbit. 718

"You this reason ..." A tea smiled, I don't know what to say.

Qin Shou smiled: "Is this reason?"

"You just have to eat so much strength? Isn't there anything else?" A tea asked speechless.

Qin Shou touched the Babao: "In fact, there are other reasons."

"What reason?" I asked curiously.

Qin Shou is a way: "In order to maintain the peace of the fairy world, in order to extend the justice of the fairyland, for the thousands of privileges," "

"Stop! You still have to eat, you said, it is estimated that ghosts don't believe it." A tea turned a white eye, quickly let Qin Shou have a mouth, then ask: "What should I do now? seems to pull us into a certain Space

. Here, my strength has been lost. ".

Chapter 11, Nether White Bone

Nether white bones

Qin Shudao: "If you want to go, I can send you out. Of course, if you want to stay, look at me."

"Hey ..." After the Qing dialect two times, he slowly opened his eyes.

Qin Shou laughed against the Houqing: "Wake up?"

After the color of the color, he opened the arm of Qin Shou, and then retired, then he hided behind the body, with a bit of fear: "Sad bun, you can't come!" My sister can be in peace! "

"Is it? Don't shout with the rabbit master? Are you not going to fight against the sky? Isn't it going to overturize the Yellow Emperor? Now how do you say it?" Qin Shou.

A tea is white, Qin Shou, one eye: "Okay, you also see it, the character of the Houqing is not the kind of guys who are disturbing. It is a bit gallbling ... you have to wait for help."

After the Qing, he said: "Just, I still have my brother, there is no brother-in-law at all."

Qin Shou listened, suddenly happy: "Kid! Smart! On the way! Rabbit, I started to be optimistic, haha ​​..."

"Houqing, not allowed to say! Beware of me!" The tea glanced over the Qing Qing.

After the Qing Qing quickly dodged, he hidged the back of Qin Shou, and the way to him; "Sister, you see, A tea sister wants to hit me, do you have anything?"

A tea is fierce: "Does he dare?"

Qin Shou immediately called: "It is necessary to dare! So how do you bear your hands?"

After the Qing Dynasty, the tea was looked at the eyes: "It seems that you will start it?"

Qin Shouli is straightforward: "I hate the iron is not steel! How can I be the same? I hit him for him!"

"I haven't seen it ..." A tea said this, suddenly shut up, and vigilant, I looked at Qinshi Road: "Do you find it?"

Qin Shou, I laughed: "The reaction came? Our emotions seem to have been influenced by this world, it is easy to quarrel. This is to encounter you, I am so temper, otherwise I have done it. It seems that this is only It is not too stupid, knowing the kid, killing people. "

A tea turns a white eye, this rabbit really doesn't want your face! Abai's character is not good, she admits. But this rabbit is character ... ok? I will see the ghost!

Qin Shou looked around the green fog and laughed: "You are all intentional, do you play with me? Give you three seconds to get out, otherwise the rabbit master makes you understand what is called the lady again Soldiers! "

"Impair nonsense! If you have a matter, I broke me! If there is no such thing, I will die here! I won't come out!" That is also a bachelor, hiding in green fog, fundamental Didn't plan to go out.

Joke, there is only one in the world, but the ancient bones are. There is only one soul, and later was killed by the female, Fuxi and others, and the soul broke all around him, and there was a zombie ancestor.

The soul of the is affirmative, and Qin Shou killed the soul, directly swallowing into the abdomen. How can the other party may feel? I know that the other party has the ability to kill him, and I will not appear in hard steel.

Qin Shou shakes his head: "I always thought that your ancestors of this hundred beasts were very busy. Now it seems that it is a soft egg! In this case, the rabbit is broken. This God is!"

Qin Shou finished, a big mouth, swallowing the earth! What curses you are, it is poisonous, just swallowing! Qin Shou can do not believe, a remnant, you can have unlimited power!

Sure enough, Qin Shou swallowed, instantly took away most of the power, and this space began to become extremely unstable.

I can't help but I can't help, roaring, I am going out, the goal is not Qin Shou, but a tea!

A tea saw this, suddenly smiled: "You are taking me as a soft moon! What really thought to be white?" A tea is finished, the black cloak dances, the whip in the hand is out, take the air The fidelity of the whip is fixed to countless whip direct volume!

, highlight a green gas, a lot of wrestles have been corroded! However, A tea is not distressed, the whip is the general

The whip, broken, then it is. Seeing the face, A tea suddenly took out a dark bag, and the left hand had a huge white bone, and the white bones were overlapped on the ground, and the square is round, and it turns out a white bones. ! At the end of the place of white bones, it is a bone mountain that doesn't know how many thousand miles! On the top of the mountain, it seems to have a shadow to facing everyone!

After seeing this scene, I was shocked and said: "Nether Bone Bone! How do you have this magic? No!"

In the horror, turn around!

Results The butt, more than one person!

Qin Shou looked up his legs, but the buttocks were a foot: "You are so afraid, then go in!"

The , is in the range of Qin Shou, in the range of the gantry, the next moment, the white bones are dancing, and when they only dried two times, the soul, fried into one Black smoke flies to the sky!

A tea is holding a bag, a shocked, black smoke, drilling into the bag. A tea quickly tightened the bag, and then shakes the Qin Shou. "How? This girl's means is not bad?"

Qin Shou saw this, secretly screaming, but the mouth is not well said: "But so, the rabbit is not killed. Again, you have dropped this. Such easy to take it. "

"Hey, you still don't accept the gas? The magic weapon is also part of the strength. You think that everyone is like you, waving fists, is there? This girl is so laded, definitely will not do it so much. OK, after, Qing also restored his wisdom. The things here are here to tell a paragraph. I have to go to the land house, telling them that you can suspect a suspected ghost. "A tea smiled, not careful about Qin Shou.

Qin Shoudao: "This is the residual soul, how do you prepare?"

A tea is smashed, looking at Qin Shou, curiosity: "You want?"

Qin Shoudao: "This is a good taste. If you don't want, the rabbit, I have aatected it.".

Chapter 12 Brother


"You want to eat, you will stay." The soul of the is not dead, if you can destroy him, it is best. "A tea threw the bag to Qin Shou.

Qin Shou took over, curious: "I don't die? I have eaten once, I haven't found it indulgence?"

A tea shakes: "I don't know, this is the book. It is said that the year is a disaster, and there is no one in the disaster. There is no one can let him. Later, Fuxi shot, and did not survive him. Finally invited. The goddess, combined with a few top masters, only destroyed his flesh. However, no matter how it is also destroyed. Under no choice but to seal it.

However, I don't know why, I later sealed the print, and the soul of ran out. I don't know if I person. "

Qin Shou has a tongue: "Fuxi should be half of the holy nine heavens? The female scorpion can be a saint, and there are other saints to take this guy, then this guy is more than a full day?"

A tea shakes: "This is not clear. Ok, let's go, I will go to the land hall first, then ..."

"Then I will come back to accompany the bunny to see the stars!" Qin Shou immediately called.

A delicious smile: "This is going to see your performance, walk!"

After that, I will open the long legs and disappeared instantly.

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