The old man is a jade rabbit

The old man of the wild is the jade rabbit / the old man of the West is the Jade Rabbit 719.

Qin Shou saw this, hobbing, and the character of this tea is really a bit different.

At the same time, Qin Shou also noticed the Nether Bone Bone in the hands of the tea. When the stuff was launched, Qin Shou felt that the body of the two ancestors in his body was shaking, and it seems to have some kind of induction. Think about the world of the white bones, and the shadow of the high mountains that hit the clouds. Qin Shou guess, there are more ancestrals on the mountain - Xuan Ming!

However, Xuan Ming has been dead, why is this inbone of the martial arts?

These questions, Qin Shou is not good to ask A tea directly, it is estimated that even if you ask, you can't ask for a one or two. Tiandao change, oppressing all beings, memories of the floods, everyone can remember too little.

Especially some key things ...

Qin Shou looked at the post-eye: "Little son, where are you going next?"

After the laughing: "Sister, what do you think? Although I went out from my body, the power left. I am now a corpse ..."

Qin Shou looked at this bitter gourd, directly in the past, said: "The corpse is ? You can't look down on the corpse. Three thousand avenues, the strips can lead to the saints. As long as you are willing, what repair, there is So is it important?

It is said that human body is the easiest way to practice, the body closest to the body, so heaven and earth people are people's spirit, so they are all cultivated to speed up practice.

But this world, the strong is countless, how much is the human monk? "

Shen Qing's mouth: "I know, just ... don't twist."

"Don't twist a fart, you still have someone else!" Qin Shou is a tyrannical passengers, and he sounds, he is a rabbit! No one is like! Even now, he is also a right too! Let's take a look at the grandson of the Qing Dynasty, no dry, even if it is empty, even if it is, it is still a handsome guy! The zombie system, a stick, hard to hi-liver, it is envious of others.

After a sucking Qin Shou, smiled: "Sister, are you really the descendate of the Bunny?"

"What is the meaning?" Qin Shou asked.

After Shun Qing: "Nothing ... I don't know what it is, I am a little kind, I am afraid, I always feel you have seen you."

"Do you want to say, I have a friend as you have a friend? Roll! The rabbit, I am a male, I am not interested in the man, the words of sister, find someone else." Qin Shou said, turn it away. He has a feeling, went to the wild, most of them have to follow the kid ... Just don't know, how is the Houqing in that time? Also, Fang Ya ...

Think of Fang Ya, Qin Shou's heart is warm, think!

"Sister, you will go slowly, wait for me." After the buttons, he followed.

For such a with fart, Qin Shou did not refuse, but there are many questions in my heart.

In this era, he met so many people, but the future, many people were missing. At least, he did not encounter again. Where are those people going?

Cat three, baby, too second real person, ghosts are all; but the essence, Yao Ji, female, nine-day Xuan women, Mrs. Mai Le, and this Qingqing? Where are they? Is there anything else in the middle?

Thinking of this, Qin Shou looked at the Qing Dynasty, but did not say much. If possible, Qin Shou is not anxious to leave this world. He wants to see what they will meet! What is it, let these people have not appeared in the future! Is it a crisis or an opportunity?

Back to Jingwei Island, Qin Shou called Shangmia, and everyone collectively moved to the god of War.

Nine-day Xuan women still enlighten, but Qin Shou Yue, the more I feel uns, although others don't move, I don't move, don't have such a big move!

The nine-day mysterious women's full range has dim, but there is a level of energy levels, on top of the head, a black hole is getting bigger and bigger, as if the beast is slow, and it is slowly opened. The black hole falls into a dark gray energy, injects the nine-day Xuan women's body, the real

Lift all the way, follow the rocket!

"Rabbit, this situation is somewhat unsatisfactory." Acha is coming back early, seeing nine-day shortcomings, and asking faces.

Qin Shou nodded: "Indecent, I also realized a part of space, but I don't have such a big battle when I comprehend! And, this power seems to be a simple space, it seems Have the power inside. "

A tea Tao: "Don't she realize how time?"

Qin Shou shook his head: "I realized a little time of the fur, so it's not a stranger. I am sure, nine days of mysterious women have no comprehension! Her situation should not be caused by her own ... I suspect ... "..

Chapter 13, I am waiting for you.

we will wait for you

After that, Qin Shou looked at the war valley of the feet!

On the side, Gongshi is so saying, Yao Ji sees this, pulls Lagan Lanlan: "Lanjie, what do you know, let's talk. Don't swallow, I am worried."

Qin Shoudao: "Lan Gongzi, what do you know?"

Gongshan Lan said: "I am not sure that my guess is right, those things, just some ancient books."

Qin Shou turned over white: "Is there anything right, you said directly."

: "The terrain here is very similar to what I saw in an ancient book, the land is lying on the dragon, the sky has a beast, the north has a dark eye, the south and candlelights. Thus forming a rare The terrain, winning! The winning is also called time and space! There is no difference between the world and the outside world, and there will be no one in the sky. However, if someone understands the time and space in this environment, it is dangerous.

The ground will wake up because of the provenance, thus causing the power of time and space, and in the body of the provenance. The first and strength of the provenance, will be a good thing. However, the time has been settled, and this potential has been settled, and the provenance will never stop the provenance, which has been infused by this force, finally part of the trend, smoke and cloud! "

Qin Shou's heart trembled, said: "You are sure, this is the powerful?"

Gongshun, shun his head: "I am not sure, I have seen it before, this land has a huge dark river, the dark river is in the one giant dragon. It is often condensed in the sky, like a monster; Among the mountains, the mountain abdomen broke, and who came, I was afraid that there was a dark spring in the mountains. But the candlelight, I didn't see it, I didn't see the flame in the south ... so I was too hesitant. "

Qin Shoudao: "If I have forcibly destroy these terrain, what will it?"

"No! The terrain is 10%, communicating the world, if you destroy the terrain, you will inevitably lead to a series of reactions to the sky. This is likely to hurt the nine-day mysterious sister." A tea said.

Qin Shudao; "What? This kind of terrain, can there be a method of crack?"

"The book says a method, that is another person who follows the proven! But you must be able to keep the Lingtai Qingming! The Lingtai is clear, in order to find another soul of another enlightener, thus bringing the other party back. However, this is very dangerous. Once you fail, the two people will come back. "Gongshan Lan Road.

Qin Shou did not say, sit down on the leg, said: "Is this thinking? Only I realized the space of space, this is my woman, this must come!"

"But ..." The girl is anxious, running one by one, and wants to say.

They don't know how to open, stop Qin Shou? However, as Qin Shou said, nine-day fashion is his woman, nine days of mysterious girls are dangerous, is Qin Shouneng? From knowing Qin Shou, Qinshou's woman is dangerous, he has never rushed to the first line!

He is such a for Yao Ji, so this is the female, so the essence! That time isn't it?

This time, Qin Shou is this, and they really don't know how to stop him.

If he stops him, nine days of mysterious women are really dangerous, then they are too selfish.

But it is not stopped, Qin Shou is also dangerous, what else?

Qin Shou saw this, huh, smiled; "I know you worry, rest assured, the rabbit master, my Ji Xing high, nothing. Isn't it a place, the rabbit, my second stopped him!"

The girls are bitter, laughing with Qin Shou, just the uncomfortable in my heart, I can't help it.

Just then, Jingwei suddenly smiled, smiled: "Sister, why should we be his person, he is our husband, this is enough. What he wants, we only support It is ... Fu Junken is adventurous for the mysterious sister, and will be advisable to take risks, this is our blessing. "

There is no understanding of the meaning of the essence, but he heard the back,

Suddenly, I have some understanding, I have nodded: "Yes, he is our husband, we are his woman, this is enough."

A tea dances the fist: "Bunny, you have to give me a safe return! If you can't come, I will sell your women one by one!"

Qin Shouyi grin said: "Don't you scare me?"

"This is not to scare you, you can do it yourself! Most for you a year! I can't come, I will sell one year! Let's come back late, you will make a bacon!" A tea drums Tao.

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