The old man is a jade rabbit

The old man of the wild is the jade rabbit / the old man is the jade rabbit 720.

Too two is on the side should be and said: "A tea girl, if you can't find buyers, I will help you contact Ha!"

The cat three: "Mrs. Le can be responsible for transporting ..."

Mackerel said: "What is the relationship with me? I am an errand! Distinguished send a letter, talk about trading, the rest of the hardship!"

Qin Shou wondered, for these boyfriends, thorough speech, quickly sweeping them, and he looked to the women: "Can you see me in this eye?"

The eyes of women are very gentle, but this gentle is in a strong and stubborn! Qin Shou knew that he didn't come back, I was afraid that these women had to follow ... The heart is acidic, Qin Shou is also very moving, there is a woman, it is really not to be born!

Gemptive: "Okay, go, we are waiting for you."

Qin Shoudao: "Say it, wait for me! I haven't come back, no one is allowed to go! Believe the rabbit, understand?"

"I understand." The girl is decisive.

Qin Songsong touched, sitting on the ground, realizing the way of space, sure, here to comprehend space knows the speed! The instant is ready, and it feels a lot of strength to in vivo.

However, Qin Shou's Zifu heaven and earth are extremely wide and is the simulation of the universe. The universe is the principle of balloon, the greater the internal strength, and you can expand more! In theory, it is a big thing that can be in endless ...

Therefore, more power is more, Qin Shou is also from the people who don't refuse! .

Chapter 14 Tunnel


Qin Shu Ling machine moved, no longer compliance, but the fur of the way, groping in the past!

Sure enough, here is also helpful to the understanding of time! Plus the full effort of the provenent's head, Qin Shou has also begun to rush! Before Qin Shou, I just saw the shadow of time, and now I finally started to run, approaching time!

The Tiandi Avenue, the way of fate is in the first place, the second place is the way, then the way to space, then it is chaos ...

It can be seen that there is more difficult experience in the time of time, and the power is more powerful! Once you comprehend, Qin Shou's strength must be a qualitative leap again!

At the same time, outside.

The girls sat down and escaped: "Sister, you have decided?"

"Nothing is hesitant, decided!" Yao Ji simply replied.

Win dance: "Yes, there is nothing to hesitate. If the rabbit is really lost, after a year, I first enlighten it, go in to find him!"

"Winning the sister, the age, you are also behind me. Even if you want to go, the first position should be mine." Gongshan Lane.

Win dance with a small mouth; "Lan Jie, this matter can not follow the age

Come on? "

A tea scream: "Just, if you follow the age, then I should go first."

"No!" The girl got up.

A tea is just: "Why?"

: "A tea, your strength is the strongest! Although the terrain is Xuan Olympics, I also said before, here I won't form a hole in the sky, there is no natural danger block. We don't have the safety of itself. Among us, your strength is the strongest, we want you to do the last level, guard our flesh, not hurt by other wicked people. "

A tea is stunned, grinned: "Don't others do?"

The women shook their heads: "This thing, not you can't. Our strength can not guarantee everyone's absolute security. You don't want to find the rabbit, and finally the flesh is destroyed, before the meat, before?"

A tea sigh: "Ok, then I will play better. But you ..." said that this, I can't say it, and finally said: "Come on!"

The girl laughed when they were.

Next, the women discussed the order, the first, Yao Ji second, Yao Ji third, the fourth, the fourth, winning the fifth, the fourth of the fourth.

After the women's business is over, they will no longer talk, glanced at it, and the ghosts who have been playing in the distance.

: "If this is, don't tell the ghosts. She is still small. Too two truths, the cat three aren't told, although these guys don't seem to have a heart, but they are all love. A sense of meaning. Although they are all beautiful, there is almost inversely invincible, but more aspects are very weak, not suitable for this. "

Yao Ji Tao: "But if we know, they will definitely find it. This thing can't hide how long ..."

"This is simple, look back, I will take them away." A tea Tao.

"How to get it? How to get away?" The girl was stunned.

A Tea Tao: "These guys play heavy, I have a self-time to take them away. When I was in the outside, I was banned, with their strength, absolutely."

The women are tall ...

Not long after, I took a few words and several guys, and several guys were tapping, I have to go out for treasure hunt. A tea is naturally unstopped, and several people will leave very quickly.

A tea saw this, took out the gorgeous white bones, plugged in the battle of the gods, and the Nether white bones released a white bones, will fight the gods, disappeared in the air.

Outside, the cat three times and saw this scene, called: "A tea gave the god of the gods! We were up!"

Too two truths: "I have long known that I am in the same time.

, The real person said the second, who dares to say the first? "

"Hey!" Tai Qi was taken by the cat three, and the wife is still angry: "You know, it is also called to run."

Too seconds: "What do you want? Let's have a few of this strength, stay in it is also a cumbersome. Don't funny, you can understand the way of space, or hope that the chicken is hope. I with the cat three Baby, pure is to make up the number. After the grandchildren, follow it! "

After the anger: "Who is a grandson?"

"Who promised who is a grandson!" Too two real people.

After the wonder of the Qing, Tai Qi did not take care of him, continue to say: "Since staying inside, it is better to come out. Maxi, you have speed, you can take us around the world, cat three and baby It is also two major combat power, plus the ability to collect information ... I don't believe it, lie to the world, search the world, can't find a way to crack the winge!

At that time, let those women understand, let's these people! No, my pure man, it is also useful to these little animals! "

At this time, a few people were suddenly awkward, and then the war broke out, apparent that they also recognized the intention of Thaesi!

But a few people, still waving the fists, first, I have a two, who makes this guy!

After a slope.

Qing Da: "Let's have a few of the combat power, or

I, I will still cover you. "

Memorial: "Do you have me running fast?"

The cat three; "Do you have my illusion?"

Baby said: "Do you have a strong ability to control the soul?"

Too seconds: "Do you have me?"

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