The old man is a jade rabbit

The old man of the wild is the jade rabbit / Journey to the old man is the jade rabbit 721

After the pain: "No!"

"So, you are now a senior gesture, as a hand, it is hand, less talking, do more work, don't you understand?" Tai Quali immediately repeated.

"Hey!" Shen Qing directly slap in the ground, then said: "You also know that I am doing? Then you dare to provoke me?"

Too second real person: "....."

At this time, Qin Shou ...

Because the enlightestness is too fast, the original enjoyment, the next moment will feel a terrible force coming! Solita, Qin Shou was shocked, he actually stood in a tunnel! .

Chapter 15 I saw strange

Seeing strange

Surrounding the tunnel, there are countless fragments in the flying, there are stones, there is wood, there are houses, and even have a complete city!

Qin Shou standing there, no movement, but the scenes of the surroundings are like flown, flying in front of him.

"My God ... I understand what is here! This is a time and space tunnel that can be seen in the past or the future! And the key is the way, or the time!" Qin Shou is shocked: " Although this tunnel can only enter the soul, it is impossible to enter, but it is enough to go back! The world is big, it is really unfortunate, I didn't expect a terrain, I have formed this kind of thing. "

In the sigh of Qin Shou, began to take the initiative to go forward.

This is indeed a time and space tunnel, and the broken things that Qin Shou seemed, in fact, there are some scenes that are generated. Those things have real existence, and in a certain time and space node, it is working properly. Qin Shou seemed, but it is just a mirror image, which is similar to a block of TV live.

After understanding this, Qin Shou is no longer shocked, but started with all the scenes around him, and the proven skull is also crazy, collecting all the information, and analyzes it. .

Thanks to it, I have a proven mind, if Qin Shou himself comes in, facing

This is like a raining point in the raining rain, the quantity, the speed is very fast, and it is really not able to capture all, and analyze things.

Qin Shou faster, the nine-day Xuan women took a few years in advance, Qin Shou must accelerate the speed to catch up with her. If she is far away, the soul is really lost in the endless time and space, when it is, the flesh is the brain death.

Qin Shou is rushing, and the scene in front of him is constantly analyzed.

At this moment, Qin Shou suddenly stared at the original place, staring at a paragraph!

In the image, Qin Shou saw the future! I saw Wu Gang Shi to resurrect the rabbit!

Qin Shou said his eyes and said; "Sure enough, you can see the future, then?"

Qin Shou continued to find, soon, he found the law, the time and space tunnel, the curved line of yin and yang fish, the left side of the future, the right side is in the past! The only unfortunately, these scenes are broken, nor is it played in the order of time nodes, so if you don't experience the people who have experienced the event, you don't understand what these images means.

Let a outper to see Wu Gang's resurrection rabbit, who can know, the rabbit is Qin Shou?

Qin Shou shake his head and continued to fly, but this time, Qin Shou is more

Looking at the images on both sides, he has a kind of expectation, he wants to see some useful things! Part of the future, part of the past! Especially the flood!

Just when Qin Shou flew, there was an image in the spatial tunnel. In the image, Qin Shou saw Yuan Shi Zun! Yuan Shi Zun's hair is messy, the wishfulness in his hand, don't know what people fight!

"Some people can fight the Yuan Shi Tianzi? Who is that person? This is in the past, who is in the past?" Qin Shou's doubts.

Then there was another image of the image, and it was a Tongtian's master!

A Tongtian, who hits the black big, is on the body of the cow, and the fairy is paved. The four kills whistling, the endless sword is condensed together, and the sword is flooding to the distance, and I don't know what exactly. Who is anger, this teachon, even such a crazy attack!

At this moment, Qin Shou finally understood what is called Zhu Xian four swords! The so-called four swords are not the body of the sword! The real body of the sword is a fairy chart! Because he is clearly seen, the That terrible sword, even if it is separated, Qin Shou felt the creepy, there is an illusion that is about to be killed.

"It's terrible! I really don't know which kind of unlucky ghost, will tell Tongtian's master ..." Qin Shou's heart was embarrassed.

"Tongtian's teacher, the original Tianzun is coming out, then I will be old.

? This guy will not be fine? Qin Shoudao.

The voice fell, and another image flew.

Qin Shou is completely shocked!

Too Shang Laojun, led to the pass, and the three people will take together, and join hands to bombard what! Street leaders and quasi-triskers are all hanging! The saints who are not dead, the immortal people are immortal!

Qin Shou Eye beads, the saints will be injured? This is not logical!

At this moment, too much old will suddenly turned, and a corpse threw out, and he didn't know who it was.

Qin Shou shook his head: "The information is too chaotic. What is these saints do? Who is there?"

In the doubt, there is an image to attract Qin Shou's attention.

A star air, a red oil, a red oil paper umbrella, a pair of big legs, a pair of long legs. It's really the sister of Qin Shou Day and Night Miss!

Fang Ya is standing in the starry sky, a waving, countless planets, turning into the meteor to hit the distance! The distinction is dark, there is no clear, but the explosion is endless! In terms of thin, Qin Shou seems to see a big hand is about to reach out ... Unfortunately, the image is over.

Qin Shou has a tongue: "My sister is also fighting with a thing, but the scene seems to be very easy ..."

Subsequently, the woman appeared, standing on the sky, looking up the sky

Jiangshan community fly in the air, the Jiangshan community fly out of countless mountain river, rushing to the sky ... The sky, it seems that someone falls, and the mountain river is smashed!

Qin Shou scratched his head: "What is going on? How can a saints are in a shot? It seems that someone can fight against them! This is simply, too much?"

Countless questions flashed in Qin Shou's heart, but unfortunately, no one can answer him.

Just when Qin Shou is running, there are some broken things in the scene, there is a mountain, there is water, there is a fire, there is no image that is movable. They are all sight of some broken items, without any clues to provide Qin Shou. .

Chapter 16, Flood


"It's really annoying, just see the video, now only the scenery picture left by people." Qin Shou said, continued to speed up the footsteps.

Finally, in the time and space tunnel, Qin Shou saw the second person!

"Xuan woman!" Qin Shou Zhang shouted!

The other party slowed down, however, not a mysterious woman! It is a person who has never seen anything in Qin Shou!

The man is hanging, with a golden mask, a head, but three faces, a front, two respectively. This is a man who is incomparable, solemn, solemn! Everything in one fell swoop, everyone giving a man who is pressure!

When the man slowly turned, Qin Shou actually had a kind, and the time and space was distorted!

The man didn't say anything, and the Qin Shou void fingers, one thing is broken!

Qin Shou's consciousness is going!

As a result, the thing has penetrated his body and flew behind him!

Qin Shou looked back, suddenly stunned, he actually saw the second person! Herone is too old!

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