The old man is a jade rabbit

The old man of the wild is the jade rabbit / the old man of the West is the jade rabbit 725.

Qin Shou desperately burned the flame in the body and rushed to the black hole.

"Order destroyers, obliterate!" The voice came again, big

Hand falls!

Qin Shou has already launched the gold-winged big Peng Wi, and the golden bell is wrapped in Qin Shou to accelerate! The speed must reach the ultimate!

However, that is very slow, but it is still a step by step to catch up with Qin Shou!

Qin Shou sighed: "It's a metamorphosis! Who is this guy? It is so fierce!" At the same time, there is a bit of weak feeling, from birth to now, he is the first time to meet such a terrible enemy!

However, Qin Shou has not given up, he can resist the front of the front, this last blow, you can resist it! The flame is extinguished, and the sea water is liter. Qin Shou will be broken, the body is replaced by the body, the flesh is intact, the combat power has reached the peak state!

However, let Qin Shou shocked, then there is also a change in this time, no longer a simple shoot, injured more strange flames! Qin Shou didn't know what flames were, but instinct the awareness of this unique! This flame can murdere in an instant!

At this moment, the eternal Tiandu flew, and he blocked in Qinshou. Subsequently, Qin Shou was shocked, the coffin opened!

That's right, eternal Tianyi actually opened the coffin! Qin Shou is very curious, what is there in the coffin? But he is clearer, it is not the most important thing when you look for your stay! No matter what it is, once the outbreak, and the other side hard, the remaining wave produced is also

It is extremely horrible.

Qin Shou turned! However, Qin Shou has left a belief, releases the nine-headed beasts, observed the battlefield from nine angles, he wants to see, what is the coffin!

However, Qin Shou is destined to be disappointed, and there is no person in the coffin, just open a gap.

Then Qin Shou heard that there was a shocking discourse in the sky: "How?"

Then, a white light flew out from the coffin, and the heavens and the earth were shine. Qin Shou, the nine fierce beasts were there! I can't see anything!

Qin Shou didn't know why the coffin was so doing, but he knew that there was no play, no longer got, it was really stupid!

Qin Shou stepped into the black hole, running.

Almost at the same time, Qin Shou passed the auditory of the nine-headed beasts and heard the shocking voice!

"Ah!" A scream! This is the voice of the big hand!

" ! What is the stuff in the coffin? Even the owner of the hand did not suffer?" Qin Shou was not the first time to see the Octa, the last opened, or the sky At the time, the ancient rule of the disc left, and Haotian was flying ash. .

Chapter 20 Broken Letter

Broken letter

Although the strength of Haotian is not too strong, it is unquestionable! A shake the mountain river, open the sky, powerful! Under the saints, no one can block a shake of the ancients.

But even so, I can't stop the things in this coffin ...

Today, this is the horrible order maintainer, and I can't hold this coffin. The shirt is hit.

Qin Shou is very doubt, is there a colorful color in the coffin ...

When Qin Shou thought, it was a sinking behind it. It didn't have to look back, and he also known that the dead coffin came back!

Qin Shou took the nephronic road; "I said, what is it installed in this? How is it so fierce? Also, the rabbit master is weak, people, if you want to eat meat, or I still change your family. Follow the rabbit master, you will eat a strike, eat the life of the wild vegetables. With others, you can still eat some meat, drink some soup. "

Unfortunately, the eternal Tianyi does not move, and it is really a coffin.

Qin Shou saw this, hunching hob, collecting his eyes, starting to play for four weeks.

This is a starry sky, the distance, and it can see a continent.

The shadow, an estimated, that is the fairyland.

Qin Shou did not hurry up, but opened his hand, see the seven-color light passed by the previous nine-day Xuan women. There seems to be something in the light, and Qin Shou gently crushed the seven-color light, and a piece of paper fell.

Qin Shou took a look, suddenly speechless, this paper is turned away!

Thoroughly, it is fly ash! Qin Shou carefully distinguished the text above, the result of bitter discovery, he didn't know the words above!

At this moment, the seven-color light shot an image, which is a nine-day mysterious woman.

The nine-day Xuan women hold a paper, nervous: "The rabbit, I saw many pictures, those pictures look like a thousand heads, blurry, but I know, you should come from the future. And is being Inverter space, want to return to the past, change what! But I want to tell you, no matter where you go, don't go to the flood!

This is a letter I received in the Time and Space Tunnel. I saw an image in the Time and Space Tunnel. Someone broke the time and space, and sent this letter. Unfortunately, this letter has been broken, only a few words left. These words, I know, this is the demon article in the flood season! It is also the text shared by the world.

What is written above: Reality! Two words!

But the true and illusion, there should be a word, and the illusion should also be

There is a word, but I don't know why, the two words are destroyed ... I can't analyze it. But I can see that the flood seems to have a terrible thing, extremely terrible. Don't go to the flood, it's too dangerous! "

Speaking of this, the image disappeared.

Qin Shou sighed: "Original flood is my fixed trip, but you said that the rabbit master suddenly didn't want to go. Unfortunately ... don't go, the two kings have to be a time, I am, if I am Don't go, don't you completely change the fate of the future? No matter what happened, the rabbit, I have to go and see! Dao Dao is dry! "

After that, Qin Shou put the paper in his hand into the golden bell, nor waste time, flying directly to that continent. He is eager to determine, what age is it! At the same time, Qin Shou wants to smoke two big mouth! I didn't ask the whiteboard, I threw the whiteboard, now I am fine, no matter what the year, he can't continue to shuttle!

"No matter, there are whiteboards in each era, there are moonlight treasure boxes! Um ... the body of the Moonlight box is in the Tongtian master, whiteboard ... Grass! I hope this era is near the Westward Journey, the rabbit master I found the wishful immortal It's okay to grab it. "Qin Shou said.

The previous continent is coming soon, but ...

"I will go, this is this?" Qin Shou is stunned.

Holding that continent!

Familiar North Arche, West Niuzhou, Dongsheng Shenzhou, South China is gone, only a huge continent! connected together! The four weeks of the mainland is the ocean, the riverside inside the mainland are extremely wide, getting the earth, that is a silver river!

The scene in front of you is too spectacular!

The mountains are higher than the fairy world, the rivers are wider, and the air in the air is extremely rich, and the mountain essentials are blamed. Qin Shou saw people, those people didn't live in the city, but living in the forest. However, they are not primitive, they have clothes, weapons, just their clothes weapons, are made by the beast, and the light of the rune, obviously, is a manner!

"I have a jealous, an ordinary person did not see, all were practicing the rises?" Qin Shou was very angry.

Unfortunately, the distance from the distance, there are not many things that Qin Shou can see. Qin Shou directly fell, through the clouds, falling on a mountain, overlooking the earth, quite a list of hills. Deep sucking a sigh of breath, I have to make a long hanger, and when I am depressed, I am angry to my mouth, and I will live!

Qin Shou eyes smashed, and the sky was shocked!

I saw the sky, a huge, like a quarter of the palace group of the fairyland, situated in nine days! The above neon is soothe, Ruiqi Ten million, dragon and phoenix, the beasts, the infinity gods are almost

Illuminate the sky!

However, Qin Shou knows that is not true, just a projection!

But the body of the projection is true!

Qin Shou first thought of the Tianding in the Westward Journey! At the beginning of the Tianda is part in the void, part in the fairy world, such as South Tianmen.

And the palace in front of you is afraid that the entire palace is in another space. Otherwise, when Qin Shou fell, it is impossible to see its existence! Even until now, I saw it ..

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