The old man is a jade rabbit

The old man of the wild is the jade rabbit / Xiyou Laozi is the jade rabbit 726

Chapter 21 receives a small brother

First receive a small brother

"This ban is also interesting, can't see it in the sky, the ground can see! Mom, which is the might of the earth, getting such a big yard, hanging in the sky to the ground, the earth, this is not typical ? "Qin Shou whispered.

"Boom!" At this moment, the sky was condensed in the dark cloud, and then a thunder fell down!

Qin Shou was shocked, raising his hand, scattered the thunder, roared: "Which grandson, throw garbage?"

It's a majestic voice from the sky: "You this monk, dare to edit the sky! I don't know if there is three feet of the head. Say Tiandi's bad words, you have three loud thunders! If you don't accept the gas ... Hey!"

Qin Shou did not listen to him nonsense, slap in the air, slap the clouds, one person blame, dropped.

Qin Shou backhand fishing, one will catch it!

That is a geeks wearing a helmet, but there is a geeks of a dog head!

Qin Shou was stepped on the foot, whose he was saying: "What did you just say? Come come, put the words just give the rabbit! The rabbit will not kill you ..."

"Great God, forgive! I said!" The dog head is a little bones and did not immediately call.

Qin Shou immediately added a sentence: "But step on you!"

If the dog head is on the mouth, I will swallow it immediately.

Qin Shou took the light and died, biting a bite, he looked at the dog head: "Your guy is very fat, throwing it in the pot, the taste should be ok."

"Great God, forgive! I am a demon, and I haven't take a shower in a few years. I will grow your mouth." The dog head quickly called.

Qin Shoudao: "Oh? Xiao demon? A little demon also dare to come to the bunny? I still dare to tell me?"

The dog headband has a cry. "Great God, do you really don't understand or understand?"

Qin Shou eyebrows challenged: "What is it?"

"The emperor has made, the monsters supervised the world. We are as a demon, as long as it is a bit related to the above, you can do a little bit of duty. But you can't use it, otherwise it will be died. I just did it, but also according to Tianting Law. ... "The dog's head is hard.

Qin Shou's heart moved, listened to something, squinted, kneel down, use the light and dead, the dog's head is taking the head: "Interesting ... What do you mean, this Tiantian is now a demon policy? Supervision of the world? "

Dog heads look like Qin Shou Road: "Great God, how many years have you been going out? Who doesn't know, after the dragon and phoeniases have been robbed, the demon family re-enters the tiara

Emperor Emperor is called the emperor, and the world is taught. Even if you don't listen to the Witch of the Tiago, you will not deliberately violate the Tianting Law. These, you don't know? "

Qin Shou smiled: "Know ... I know a fart! I don't know how many people, I don't know how many people, how much? I see your fantasy bones, it is also a cultivated material. How, I started to mix with the rabbit, how? "

The dog's headnishment, bitter Tao: "Great God, you don't have a small, small afraid, you can't help you ... small is a demon ..."

"Don't mix with the rabbit, the rabbit is hungry, just don't hunt." Qin Shou said, yang, a big black pot threw it on the ground.

The dog head climbed up, he was squatting on the ground, calling: "Meet the king!"

"Hey, your dog's head is very fast! OK, get up, see if you are not slippery, then call the north wind." Qin Shou waved, gave this dog head fine.

North wind does not dare to say, just, "the king, I am not a dog, I am the wolf."

"Wolf? The wolf will be so fat like you?" Qin Shou looked at him, the belly is not small, if not staring at a dog head, Qin Shou thought is a guy who is pork.

North Wind Road: "I am not a good job ... I have a lot of royal milk in my cave. I am afraid that others grab it, and I have no day to drink three days.

It's all given it. Results The god did not rise, and the body was drinking fat. "

Qin Shou wondered, opened his heavy sweep, and he suddenly had fun. This north wind has a large amount of rumor, and rumored milk is also known as the earth, and the vital gas is over-condensed, and the gasification water is made.

This thing, for the general goblin, and people, is a peerless god, drink a small mouth, you can rebirth, strength is increasing!

But for Qin Shou, it is not used. He needs too much, this place is not enough to show. What's more, take the means of Qin Shou today, the nine-day ten places have been opened, and it can be used to make landmilings at all. Therefore, Qin Shou will not look at the inventory in the dog head.

Qin Shou raised his hand to shoot the belly of the north wind, and a strainer injected into it. The next moment, the north wind only felt hot, as if he was thrown into the fire! Hot pain!

The northern wind is over, keeps rolling, calling: "The king, you are doing? To eat dog meat, you also give your mouth ... hurt ..."

"Call a fart! I will help you let you refine the emperor, I still don't hurry up, don't take this time, I missed this time, regret it!" Qin Shou.

I heard the north wind, hurry up, I don't dare to say anything, sit, enter!

Qin Shou saw this, secretly nod, this north wind is not bad, in fact, the goblin system that can be a demon will not be too bad. After all, all things in heaven, people are closest to the road. According to the reason, people are most prone to essence. Unfortunately, people are too smart, smart is smart, invented various tools, due to the relying on tools, and the forcibly change of the environment, separated from nature. The innocent is a sense of congenital, when people have not understood things, they will be dirty in the sky.

Since the Lingtai grows more and more dirty as the age is growing, and finally everyone is awkward.

Why is this, many people's people receive the apprentice, collect the child, the smaller the age, the better. Not directly collecting adults ...

In contrast, the goblin is a little bit, not the top genius in his own family, and there is no qualification! .

Chapter 22, the cruelty


Therefore, even if it is a demon, its system will not be too bad, even if it is not as good as human genius, it is more than the general middle system.

The demon loss is not inherited ...

It is like it, two people are in military cultivation, and a inheritance can get a plane cannon, submachine gun. Another one of the weapons is not, there is a strength, once you play ... the result is self-evident.

The system of the north wind can be, at least the institution of those demon seen before Qin Shou. Plus a belly of the extulmon essence, as long as it absorbs, it can immediately remove the bone. It is better to be more than human genius.

Qin Shou is doing this, it is a smooth person, two, his life is unfold, it does need a leader.

This north wind is just right, there is a person, knowing a lot, but there is no great power, and he does not provoke. As long as the back big rod is good, it is good to use it, it is still possible.

Not long after, the north wind wakes up, after opening his eyes, he is surprised to find that his hair is all, the dog head has set a little face, the whole body skin crystal clear! When it is a reborn!

The north wind is grateful, kneeling on the ground, and smashed three heads to the handsome, called: "Thank you, the king cultivation!"

Qin Shou waved, and smiled in the northern wind: "You don't thank me, when the dragon and phoenix robbery, this respect the world, killing how much strong enemy. Finally, I have been hurt. I didn't expect, this Out, actually is a person, the world change is really big.

You are the first demon I have seen, and it is also a fate, so give you a creation. North wind, I am not clear at the situation in this world, you tell me. If you say it, you have a reward! "

I am listening to the north wind, my heart is hot! The master of the dragon and phoenix robbery actually became his king, the fool knows, he is a big cheap! As long as you wait, you can do it, can you still? I think of this, he is more respectful to Qin Shou.

As for doubt, nor isn't it. But let's think about it, he is so beautiful? A bachelor demon, in addition to having a little bit of power, the shit is not. The only value of the milky, people can't see it ... countless, he doesn't suffer!

What's more, Qin Shou does not understand this situation in today's world, let him believe in Qin Shou.

His mind has not crossing this, so he instinctively believes that Qin Shou is really closed too long, missed the Dynasty.

The north wind quickly climbed up, respectfully said: "The king is rest assured, the little one knows that there is no words, there is no end!"

"Then there is not to talk nonsense, didn't you see the rabbit master waiting for it." Qin Shou changed a vine chair, taking the top, knotting the two lang legs, just calling a win dance

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