The old man is a jade rabbit

The old man of the wild is the jade rabbit / the old man of the West is the Yutong Chapter 727.

If you are on your back, you can wake up, you seem to be in a place. Heart can't help but a little lost ...

North Wind Road: "The king, how can you start talking about?"

"From the place you know, the sooner, the better, the more detailed! What is the legendary story of bragging! Well, how many forces have you tanded with me, who is the most cattle, what Qin Shoudao.

North wind should be said: "Good! Dawang, you don't know, after the dragon and phoenix robbery, Zulong, Zu Feng disappeared, some people say they die, some people say they left the fairy world.

There is no suppression of the dragon and phratic old ancestors between the heavens and the earth, and immediately become a pot of porridge. All parties will hide each other. The war is constantly, the sky is broken. It is finally angered to think that the god is.

Under the anger of the girl, with the trichlor, I tried the demon, and I went to the Emperor of the demon king. Too much a girl who came to the world. The world was to fight the Baiz. Thereby, it is talented to dominate the world, and that year is called the emperor's first year.

Emperor Emperor will enter the main Tiantian, then suppress the world, the world is calm. Other saints see this, no one is saying, it seems that the main Tiantian is not in the heart.

If you say this world, the first push is naturally the demon heaven of the Emperor, and the master is gathered, and it is suppressed to the four seas, no one.

Secondly, I don't listen to the Witch of the Tianting No, the witch has twelve ancestors.

The witch sitting in the town, even if the female scent of the girls can only be paid with their lifelong. Emperor is also can't be suppressed ... but these years, the Emperor Taiyi seems to move their minds, not less contradiction with the witch, and play a few games.

There are many in the Wusian strong, not lost to the heavens, so this is also the only two major potentials today.

Second, the Northern Demon Justice, the old ancestors, whoever, no one is willing to provoke this person.

The rest, that is, Dragon, Feng people, and a group of murder beasts, beasts. But their number is not much, so I can't do it, I can only say that it is a big energy that is generally in the same manner. No matter what they do, they don't want to find trouble to heaven. "

Qin Shou listened, suddenly, he saw this continent, as well as the huge palace in the sky, he had guess, mostly from the time and space tunnel fell into the world.

After all, there is no one in the world, there is no North Arche, West Niuzhou, Dongsheng Shenzhou, Nanfia. There is only one continent, Zhongzhou!

The earth is different from the terrain landform.

"Now this world, say peace, it is also safe, the ordinary demon family is under the shelter of the heavens, in general, as long as the courage is small, don't make things, you can have an innocent. Let's talk, the witch is very horizontal , A little careless, it will be hit by the witch. "Beiwei is emotional.

Qin Shoudao: "Oh? So, the witch is still very fierce."

North Wind Road: "No ..."

"How is the niece?" Qin Shou suddenly asked.

"People? The life of the family is so short, but the meat food of all parties, the annual tribute to all kinds of beauty, children as food is delayed," the North wind disadvantages, seems to have disdain for the human nation.

Qin Shou eyebrows challed: "Is it so miserable?"..

Chapter 23

Mountain god

"Miserable? Chicken Phoenix, fishing dragon is even more miserable! Directly is the best taste of all parties, put it on the table, and the people are already good, the flesh is sour, not good, generally People who are power will not choose to eat people. Eight, only eat the baby just born, so as not to contaminate turbidity, affect the taste. "


The north wind has not finished, and Qin Shou's eyes flashed a fierce light. On the ground, the whole mountain was shocked.

The north wind is scared, and it doesn't dare to talk.

Although Qin Shou is a swallowing rabbit, it is a person!

Although Qin Shou's past life is also self-laid, people are the source of evil, and everything is eaten. But only one day, when the family became a million food, Qin Shou still couldn't help it! People also have pride! Qin Shou bones still think that they are alone, not a swallowing bunny!

The encounter of today is very unhappy!

Qin Shou's eyes were shining, and the sky was turned over with his breath.

"Hey, the breath drives the sky, my , is this the king?" After the heart of the north wind, it is ecstatic, and you will go to you! "

After Qin Shou was angry, it was also awake, he knew that Beiha said

It should be true. In the world of the flood, the world is the world, the human beings are too weak, and weak is to be bullied. This is normal. There is nothing surprised by the phenomenon of eating people.

So Qin Shou pressed anger, looking to the north wind: "You can eat human meat?" Do you say human beef and oxel? "

North wind scratches: "Small mix is ​​okay, one can hunt to some mountain sperm blame, so there is no way to eat people."

Qin Shou wondered, nor did it know that it would be happy, or anger. Didn't you eaten the North Wind? Still the anger, the bailout of the north wind actually disadvantages the man is not delicious, don't eat?

Qin Shou shakes his head: "Do you know where the nearest people are?"

"Know, distance from here, three thousand miles from Dong, there is a tribe." Beiwa immediately.

Qin Shou glanced a north wind: "Are you teasing me? This mountain is more than three thousand miles, I can't see it in three thousand miles?"

North wind is called Yutao: "Dawang, you can don't make a small. This mountain is just a hill, but it is not a thousand feet, just dozens of miles, where is it three thousand miles?"

Qin Shou stunned, suddenly realized a thing, the seemingness of the same scale is not the same!

So Qin Shou asked: "Oh? How far you said?"

North Wind Road: "The distance here is the Northern Pengzu Normal University

After all, there is a huge body, and the speed is extremely fast, and I don't know how far the wings. In order to make it easy to calculate, the ancestors of the Pengpeng were in the year of the year. Later, this calculation method was taken up by Tianship and announced the world. "

When Qin Shouton, I was so tongue, and the speed of the gold-winged Dapeng bird was how fast, he could not clear. It is 90,000 in the wings! Ten below it is 900,000 miles!

And this is that there are thousands of miles, in this world is one! This is also no wonder that the North wind has a tribe of the three thousand miles, that is three thousand miles, changed down, Qin Shou suddenly found that the brain is a bit not enough.

"Sure enough, the land of the legendary, the fairy season, far more than the future, the fairy world is big! A battle that happens in the middle, the fairyland is collapsed, which shrinks into a later look." Qin At the same time, it is ready to call the north wind and go to the man's tribe to see.

As a result, at this time, the sandstone on the ground suddenly rolled up and gathered in a direction.

In the north wind, I saw this, scared, whispered; "The mountain is coming!"

Qin Shou eyebrows pick, this north wind is a bit big! So I asked: "Is this mountain god very powerful?"

"It is great to be sure, otherwise it will not enter the heavens, the volume is God. However, this mountain god is really powerful is his identity! There is a heaven behind the mountain, who dares to move him?" North Wind whispered.

Qin Shou cuts, although I don't know much about this world, I am really not afraid of things! And from the three words of the North Wind, it also seen in the three words of the North Wind, this fairyland and the future fairy world have no difference. No more external is the Emperor Too more powerful!

But the emperor of the year is not bad! Haotian is not bad!

The Emperor is too pervadated, but the rabbit master is in the ordinary rabbit, I played a fairy rogue, pitted four big kings or even the Lord of the green cattle! This will be afraid of the Emperor Taiyi?

Most importantly, north wind does not consciously point out a crucial point! This world is not a word of heaven!

Those powerful, like Tong Pengzu, the ancestral town of Yuan Dai, twelve ancestors, and their part, do not buy a heaven account! To put it bluntly, the strength determines the status!

Qin Shou asked, his strength is OK, so he doesn't want to be managed. He is going to see, this shit hill god ran out and wanted to do it!

Countless ten gathers together, some, turned into a high hundred stone giants, the giant seems to be afraid that others don't know that he is a mountain, there is still a stone armor, the armor is written with a large font: Mountain god Two words!

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