The old man is a jade rabbit

The old man of the wild is the jade rabbit / Xiyou Laozi is the jade rabbit 731

"The king, you won't really be here?" North Wind did not

Human, this is really careful.

Qin Shou glanced at the north wind and smiled: "Is there a problem?"

North wind immediately called: "The problem is big! With your magic, you can accounted for a good hill, open the fault, and the open mountain cave, how is it in such a poor garden."

Qin Shouxi smiled; "Strong? Hey, you will understand. Do you really think that human beings are weak?"

"Of course, weak ..." North Wind Road.

Qin Shoudao: "The saints of the saints, pinch people, will make a waste? Your brain is still too beautiful, waiting to see it, it will not take a few years, this mountain nest will go out! .

Chapter 28 seconds!


At that time, you will understand, what is the genius! The people are weak? The rabbit, I am very much better than I like to hear this sentence, I want to use the actual action, and smoke those grandson's face! "

North Wind: "..."

Qin Shou didn't expect the north wind to really hear it, the value of Beiwa is local, and it is good.

Qin Shou happened to take the north wind, sitting on the bed, starting to have the road to the future.

"First, this is already a period of flooding. The Lich mill has not been dried. Attendance people and quasi-triskers should have not yet sanctified, such as today's four saints, women and three clear. I don't know now Where is it, if you can find it, you will have a few big ear photographs.

Also, this halun is not a half-style? Hey ... This damn information occlusion is fine. Why didn't the wolf scorpion haven't come?

Ok, first figure out the situation in the fairy world, then find a way to mix, at least with the red cloud. The position of the people who take the people in the same year is the red cloud to let go ... Red clouds can make the attraction, you should give me. No more, you can't let the attraction! Well, this must do it.

There is also Fang Ya, the rabbit, I haven't seen it for so many years, I came to the flood, I have to go to see it. I don't know if the Fang Ya at this time will be a woman, will it take me to shoot me? "

Qin Shou , , He has a feeling, his strength, in the future, maybe you can call the rain, invincible for the world. But in the flood season, his strength may be a bit not enough ...

At least, people who can fight against him, there are a lot!

The head is calculated, and the Emperor is too one, and the Peng Zu's teacher calculates one, and there is a Yuanzi, azure, and the passing person ... there is also the three thousand people listen to the Zijing Palace!

In this way, Qin Shou suddenly found that this world is not very good! He must have to think about the way, turn these people into grains ...

Just when Qin Shou cranky thought, suddenly fell black down!

Qin Shou saw this, and he suddenly became ("finally came, waiting for you to die, I am!"

After Qin Shou, I opened the door and ran out. ,

Outside, fluster, flying sand, when you really have a monster, there is no show.

Qin Shou smiled and looked at the sky.

"Great God, what is going on?" At this moment, Wang Dayong ran over and panicked.

Qin Shou smiled: "What is panicked? The real person is here, the sky is collapsed, and it will not be able to panic! Nothing, the wolf who eats your village is coming, I will fight him for a while. You go up and give him a meal, and you will also have this shatter. "

Several villages were gone and scared. The witch also calculated, did not shoot, a photo was killed.

But the god of the gods, they have been seen, so many years of shadows are not Qin Shou three words can be flattened, and a battle is stunned, and the two legs are shaking, squatting.

Wang Dayong is still better, his face is white, and there is no trembling.

Qin Shou took the shoulders of Wang Dabong: "This is right, you are a man! It is the guardian of the village of the guardian. If you are all, what else can this village?"

Everyone he said, the old face is red, bites his teeth, and the spirit is coming.

At this time, there was an angry in the sky: "Where is the Taoist friends, actually kill my people? Go out, report the name! If there is a relationship, don't hurt and gas!"

Qin Shou, heard, Sunday: "This I thought you called the puppy who claimed to be a Wolverine, I didn't expect it to be an egg! You don't have to be afraid, the rabbit, I didn't rely on the mountain, just a person!"

After that, Qin Shou slowly flew in the air, standing on the clouds,

The twisted flying, it seems to be felt at any time.

Sure enough, I saw Qin Shou so unbearable. There were two people in the sky. One person was tall and powerful, and the face was horrible. Holding two huge yin and yin, fierce, staring at Qin Shou. Another person is an acquaintance, really running the second tiger that will be reported.

Wang Dasheng saw two tigers, suddenly angered: "Two tigers, you actually and demon?"

Two Tigers angered: "What is shouting? What demon is not demon? This world strength is supreme, the wolf God has strength, it is God! You are weak! Are we hunting? What is the difference? ? "

Wolf Wang Wen said, smiled: "Two tigers, you said this, look back!"

"Xie Dawang!" 2 Tiger hurriedly greeted.

Qin Shou saw this, shook his head slightly, the name of this two tiger is still fierce, but it is a bit too bad. Qin Shou didn't care about the two tigers, but looked at the Wolf King: "Puppy, you are yourself to make the rabbit master, or the rabbit master in the past,?"

"The people are weak, where is the real person, Taoist? Looking at the whole world, the strong people of the people are just a place in the fairy! You call the real person, but I don't believe you are human beings! Isn't it nearby? The demon king of the mountain, want Wolvering in your own? If so, you will roll back now to tell him that there is a matter, this god will then! "Wolf God proudly

Qin Shou saw this, suddenly speaking, the family is really not optimistic in this era ... Strong is doubtful. However, if this wolf god went to the future, he was sure to be a group of people in a group of people, let him understand what the heaven and earth protagonist ...

But now, Qin Shou does not want to fall the limelight. He shot this time, it is to bring these demon! Since the three clear, no matter the people of the people, the female, can't manage it, then take the rabbit master! Also, Qin Shou has also been a cause of people in the past!

Think of this, Qin Shou will no longer talk nonsense, a waving: "Catch it!" ..

Chapter 29, Qin Shou, to be a grandfather

Qin Shou wants to be a grandfather

The goddess has not responded yet, only heard a loud noise in the top of the head, look up and see a dark!

The wolf is surprised: "How can I? Top Ten Demon will be ghost?" At the same time, a big mouth, spurting a green smoke!

Unfortunately, the ghost cars are not afraid of this magic weapon, a dark roll, and the green smoke is destroyed, and the green toxic sand falls into Qin Shou.

And the ghost car has been drilled into the wolf body, and the wolf god struggled, he honestly.

The second tiger on the side did not understand this means, only see the darkness disappeared, the wolf god is still, loosen, and quickly stunned: "The king is mighty!"


The Wolverine god directly gave two tigers a big mouth and fonds it from the sky.

The height of the wolf flying has a hundred feet, the second tiger is just an ordinary person, after falling, screaming, death on the spot!

Wang Dasheng and others ran over and checked it, one secret shook his head. No matter what the Tiger did, after all, it was a village. Now it is dead, and how much is a little rabbit to death.

In the sky, the wolf god came to Qin Shou, and the heaven, Tianling cover

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