The old man is a jade rabbit

The old man of the wild is the jade rabbit / Journey to the Laozi is the Yutong Chapter 732.

Broken, a group of black smoke clouds flew out and integrated into Qin Shou. The wolf god behind him suddenly dried down, and he flipped on the ground. He was straight, and the water was so angled. It became a fool of a man-lost!

Qin Shoudao: "Wang Dayong, this wolf has been abolished. You have a complaints and resentment, don't bother the present today. Tomorrow, if you want to cultivate the gods, you will come to the courtyard, the smaller the age. "

After finishing, Qin Shouyi sleeves, returning to the loft to see the memory of the wolf god.

Below, Wang Dasheng and others have heard Qin Shou's words, a excitement, worshiping Qin Shou Lianlian, the wolf god kills how many people don't know how many people, and finally being caught, and they have been repaired, they can revenge! This hate, when you change anyone, you will be crazy!

Waiting for Qin Shou, Wang Dawei and others are completely crazy, Wang Dasheng first rushed, and the long gun was stab. Sure enough, the skin of the original knife gun was not in, but the skin became a general person, and a shot took one. hole!

Others see this, the fear of the heart is gone, and we have added before, the fists are added!

More people ran back in the village, shouting: "Don't hide, come out! The wolf is dead! The wolf is killed by the gods! Resentment, hatred revenge, take you Things, Wolf God! "

At first, everyone didn't believe it, but there was always a big counted, or if the enemy is like a sea, the sea is not ahead to run out. As a result, the wolf god was really lying on the ground, and immediately rushed to the eyes.

Many women are more wolf crying, even grabbed the bite, crying: "You a vintage, but also my son!"

More and more people have gone out, the outside of the outside, the grievances are also getting more and more serious, Qin Shou has some induced, and immediately refers to a bomb, flying out, integrating into the wolf.

Suddenly wounded wounds slowly, the healing speed is not fast, and many people will ignore. The key is that this is the spiritual light, the wolf will not die easily.

Standing on the window of the attic, looking at the north wind of the scene outside the chaos: "The king, what is this? Let them kill the wolf god is not better?"

Qin Shou shook his head: "These people were crushing, one by one, one, and the wolf crafty deeply like the sea. If you don't give them a full venture opportunity, I am afraid that I am lingering, for others, and for themselves Not good. Northern wind, since you followed me, then you have to understand. Although I am not the human body, I don't agree with those demon human food. "

North Wind Road; "The king is made, the little looks clear, and naturally, I will never dare to smash human."

Qin Shou shook his head: "You just are afraid of me, do not understand what is the potential of mankind. You know, the heavens and earth people, why do you cultivate to the end?"

"Human? ... king, we think this type is not a model of mankind, but as much as possible with the ancestors of Tiandi Avenue, it is close to the road, it is easier to practice ..." said this, North The wind suddenly realizes a problem! When the thousand people still have a hundred years, when the millennium cultivated into an ancient body, there is a race that seems to not cultivate, it is already!

North Wind Road: "The king, I have a little understanding, the morphology of the people is similar to the ancient times, the most close to the road, their potential is really huge. However, why they have been in the past for so many years? Not as good as the demon "

Qin Shoudao: "Do you know how many years have there?"

The north wind shakes his head: "This little really doesn't know, only knows that the saints of the saints, the genitals, but I don't know what year, what year."

Qin Shou nodded: "Then you don't know, the people are weak, because they have not found a way to cultivate. What you see is just an illusion. Why is the million bullies? That is not because the people are weak, but They are afraid! I don't believe that there is no wise man in the Wancha, can't see the potential of people! They don't like people, but they encourage the demon to eat people, this is why? "

The North Wind Face Delivery: "They want to compress humans through this method?"

Qin Shoudao: "I am estimated to be like this. In the memory of the wolf, he eats people, eats children, specializing in the congenital spirit and hunting. And this is because of his master. But Wolf God, I don't like to eat people and human children! After all, human beings have a little aura, and it is better than those monsters that cultivate thousands of years.

So, there is a lot of things between this world, not as simple as the surface. "

Northern wind worry: "Master, you are preparing for the military, the support of the people? However, if you are as you said, you are equal to the enemy of the million ..." ..

Chapter 30 and Wanchao?

What is the alive?

Qin Shouxi laughed: "How is the hostility of the million people? The rabbit is not used to the despicable practice, and how do you do it? If you are not convinced, you will do it. North wind, if you really want to follow the rabbit master The road, you have to learn to be domineering! Repairing will be against the sky, it is a big courage, if you don't have the courage, even if I pass your magic, your future road will not grow. "

North Wind is fastening on the ground, respectful, and praise: "Little taking the king of the king, and be brave enough in the future!"

Qin Shou waved: "Okay, you go down, I first closed the customs in these two days. After you have a letter to practice, you will be able to smash the wolf, don't miss it. A wolf, I gave me back! "

"Ah?" North Wind is awkward, do not understand what Qin Shou means.

Qin Shou is too lazy to explain, and the north wind does not dare to ask, and you will be busy.

Qin Shouyi pointed out, a repair, and the true solution is taught to the north wind. As for a higher and deep law, Qin Shou naturally has a lot, swallowing so many experts, he is the least practicing practice! However, the north wind is still under the assessment period, Qin Shou is not intended to teach him too much.

Although it is just a good look, Qin Shou can't look at your eyes.

But the north wind is won by the treasure, thanks to Dade, and went to the sky.

Qin Shou closed the courtyard and began to read the memory of the wolves.

The Wolf God is a level of the world with the north wind, at least knows more.

First of all, this world is not as simple as North Wind, except for a few supreme saints, the Emperor of the Tianship, the Northern Pengzu, the ancestors of the people's land fairy, and some fierce live This world is in this world.

Tianstrooms have ten demon sitting ten squares, suppress the world, namely: counting, British tricks, flying, nine babies, business sheep, Qinyuan, iron, ghost car, Bai Ze, a daily.

This is also a recognized monsters ten princes, and the strength of the Yao Nationality.

In addition to the top ten demon holy, there are four big beasts in this world are , , poor, chaos.

In addition, there are emperors and Emperor of the Emperor, and the strength is not weak in the Emperor. It is also a peerless master. No one dares. Emperor Taiyi and Emperor two people are in the same gas, even if the twelve ancestors are dissatisfied with the monsters, they are not good. After all, there are two monsters on the emperor.

In addition, Qin Shou also learned that the Witch seems to be a piece of iron plate, and the internal contradiction is also a lot. In addition to the exterior, there is no less fighting, and several ancestors have three different sidelines.

In short, the power of this fairy world is complicated, often holding a whole body. All roads, masters, great gods, the top strong people also say where they will come out ...

Seeing this, in addition to shocking in Qinshou heart, there is not much surprised. He knows that the battle of the flood is high, so it has been preparing for your heart. I just didn't expect that the fighting power of the flood will be high to this level.

In addition, in addition to these top masters, the magic weapon in the wild is also distressed, East Cross, Pangux, Pangu, refining the demon pot, Haotian Tower, Fuxiqin, Shennong Ding, , Kunlun Mirror, female Hydrangea, Jiangshan Society, Xuanhuang Tower, , ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

At the same time, Qin Shou searched from the memory of the Wolf God, that should not appear in this era of Shennong actually have it! This is not a gods, but it exists innate, just because Shen Nong is famous in the future.

Think about so many top magic weapons, top masters, Qin Shou's scalp is a bit malaria, he suddenly found that he wants to be in the flood, and a flying sky, replace the attractions to achieve the saints of the saints, seems to be a bit difficult. ...

"Mom has easter, so do you play, how do the rabbit?" After Qin Shou, he continued to look at the memory of the Wolf God.

Nowadays, the fairy world is indeed a large piece of land, and the land is collectively called

In the continent, Zhongzhou is divided into the east, Nanbu, Bei Ming, Western Tu, Zhongzhou, in the East China, and is extremely vast, and many fairy have not fid out their own big state. Most round-trips are transmitted through the transfer arrays of the major forces, but that price is not a general expensive, and a person is affordable.

These are the overall situation of the Wolf God, and the overall situation of the fairy world is not clear.

Qin Shou looked at the basic information of the Wolf God, and the north wind is almost the same, but his master Tianyun demon is not a half-holy, but a demon!

The strength of the wild is divided, because the Emperor is too involved, with a detailed system. This system is based on the official position of the military commander, respectively, for soldiers, Wu, Sh, Yao, Qi, Wan, Teacher, Will, Shuai, Wang, Huang wait.

Although the strength of Tianyun Mijun is not a top, it is not a good food.

Tian Yun demon's body is what wolves are not known. I only know that Tianyun Mons will fly in the air, through the sun and moon essence, and the magical name of cultivation: "Sun and Moon Qiankun Jing", there is a magic weapon in his hand Qiankun, killing countless power.

"I don't know how these things, those that really seem to, this is really not a peaceful place. Previous north wind said Yao Jun is half-holy, I don't know what this halin is." this,

Qin Shou's voice gave the north wind and asked.

Beiwa ran over, respectfully replied: "Go back to the king, I said half, different from the strength of the heavens, but a kind of popularity of the people. General strength breaks through the master level, strength There will be a qualitative leap. The master of the master microcrati level is like the killing chicken is generally easy, waving between the waves, and the gray is smoking. If you face the saints, we like to call it half. It is a kind of yourself. A high hat is a saying ... "..

Chapter 31 Ye Ying?


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