The old man is a jade rabbit

The old man of the wild is the jade rabbit / the old man of the West is the Chapter 734 of Yutu.

But now, I still have come, Qin Shou leader Wang Dasheng, Ye Shao to feel the blessing from the saints, and their body exploded a cool power! This power is not overbearing, but it contains infinite vitality.

In combination with the heaven and earth, and the introduction of Qin Shou teaches the introduction, it has begun to wash the whole body of two people!

Qin Shou saw this, the heart is big! With the participation of this force, Qinshou Province went to refining the medicinal herbs, helping them to rebellion. Continue to preach, the leaders have constantly feel the power from the saints, and then integrate the merits of the sky and Qin Shou, soon forming their own strength in their body!

Wang Dayong's mind is very simple. He only wants to protect the village, do not seek long life, only for strength! So his vitality has terrible destructive power! The same number of voyage, he can burst two hundred percent combat power! But in the same, it is a big discount for the temperature of the body, and it is not one-third of others.

If someone else can live for three thousand years, Wang Dawei does not have a big firmer in the future, the fill life makes up for the flesh and dark injury, it is estimated that it can live for a thousand years. However, Qin Shou is here, this problem is not much more problem.

Ye Ying's age is still small, she is not so much, but she is naturally full of curiosity to the heavens and the earth. The power in her body actually took a stock of a stock, which made her cultivation of the wind attributes and half-hard time, show The strength of the wind attribute is multiplying. Similarly, there are many other aspects ...

Seeing this, Qin Shou once again issued a doubt, this leaf, isn't it true? If not, but why

Like? Like the name, even the gods, it is also related to the wind ...

However, Qin Shou didn't think much, the days were long, and the comparison was slowly.

Days have passed every day, and Qin Shou's change has also caused attention and discussion in other people in the village.

"Wang Dasheng took a small image for three days, why can't you come out?".

Chapter 33, chance is fair

Opportunity is fair

"Take a look at the yard, ghost Edison, afraid it is eaten."

"Hey, don't talk, it is a big god!"

"I look at a big demon, otherwise, why do you have to come in three days? Also, he doesn't let us bring your child in? I always feel that he and the wolf are almost the same, all of our home The child is coming. "

"What is your aunt? You have these long tongues, nothing is going on, what do you really want to eat your child, can you keep you? How do you keep it in the room, block your door, or hide It's okay in the cellar? Your set of wolves can't be dealt. It's okay to deal with this waving god. "At this time, an old man came out and repeated.

This is the top grow in the village and the most authoritative person. There is no village head in the village in this era, everyone is gathered together for life. The old man is not as cumbersome in this era, but will be respected when doing auspicious treatment. A village is booming or not, don't look at the old man in other things, look at the child. The old man explains the village Taiping, and the child will show that this village is rich.

And the elderly have more experience to teach others, so the status is naturally high.

The women are scared, but they still hang on your face.

The old man has no way, shake his head, watching Qin Shou's attic: "You don't listen to the big courage? If the big god is not really truly, it still costs so much? I want to eat people. , One waving, I'm all, I still use it to lie to you? "

Everyone he said, you see me, I will see you, a shy low.

The old man said: "The opportunity is in front of you, you can't grasp, you will see yourself. The village is not alone, nor a big gong alone, but if the gods are gone, Dashi is also left. That The consequences, what do you think? Dead a wolf god, there will be another wolf God, this world has never lacks the monster. Are you a lifetime to give the monsters, or want to fight for a fight? "

I heard the old man said, a man suddenly called: "Fighting is a fight! But Wang Dad, we all go in, what is the child, a woman eat? We don't hunt, are you not hungry?"

The old man said: "That's going in!"

"Ah?" Everyone was .

The old man glanced around everyone: "Useless things, what? Forget it, don't tell you, I am in!"

"Secretary, are you in this old age?" A man asked.

"Hey, what is older? Let's let go, if you have become, you can take care of these things that you use." After that, the elderly walked into Qin Shou's attic.

Other people see this, once again hesitate, and finally someone followed the yard.

It's just that most people still watch in place, they want to wait, wait until the first batch of Wang Dayong comes out, ask the situation.

In the case of the situation, Qin Shou naturally looks in the eyes. In this regard, he is a happy laugh, and he is so good to touch it. What is the real rabbit? I am a big head? Do you want to learn the rabbit? When you are also hit, the opportunity is can't grasp, then when the ordinary people in a lifetime! The mind is not determined, hesitating, is not suitable for practice.

Qin Shou thought this, blocked the yard directly.

One day later, some people think it, I want to enter the yard, and the result is hit in the air wall, and the way is said: "I can't go!"

Others have seen this, anxious one.

Some people call: "See, I said, inside is a liar! This is a blocked the yard, don't let us go in, Daxie, Wang Daden, they are afraid! Everyone thinks about it."

"Shut up! Mado said, if the other party has a villain, we have already died early. Hey ... I got a big uncle, I saw that the gods inside did not welcome us ... The apprentice admired enough, so Let us go in. Opportunity ... ... "A man finished, shook his head

Go, the original straight rocker is also curved.

Others have written words and are also silent.

I don't want to go, I can't get it, I can't get it, I am really eaten ... we are still alive. Again, even if they really cultivate the magic, we are looking for it. Our relationship, can they still teach us? "

Everyone thinks, this is reasonable, one is scattered.

At this moment, Qin Shou has given a sincere uncle, and the six young men and women have said the foundation, and then everyone will speak synchronize. This is a month!

After a month, nine people entered an entry, and the gas was introduced, and they were impacted to practice gasification.

Qin Shou knows that this takes some time, it will be three months, slow half a year, no hurry ...

At the same time, a group of little demon among the wolf gods, but they can't sit. After your wolf god, I didn't come back, this shook a month, no information, anxious.

Subsequently, there is not long after the Village of Wangwu Village, and the rich volatility is a binochang. But they don't know what happened in Wangwu Village. I didn't dare to be too close. The quality can look far away.

After a few small demon, I finally did some people called: "The king is very bad, this is not dragging. I will go to Tianyun.

Demon Jun comes! "

"It is! We are here to monitor the move of Wangwu Village." Another small demon.

After discussing properly, I went immediately and went to Tianyun Mountain.

Tianyun Mountain, the Yuan Magic Cave.

"The monarchy, the hand of the Wolf is coming again." A little demon report.

"The Wolf is not coming here for this month, what does it mean? Listen to what he said! "..

Chapter 34 has meat to send the door.

There is a meat to send the door.

"Yes!" After the little demon retired, didn't take long, a monkey of a sharp monkey passed away.

"Meet the Tianyun Demon!" The monkey refined five-body cast, and worship.

Tian Yun demon saw this, his face is better, said: "Your little monkey is a gift number, get up, your family is not personally, how can you come?"

The monkey is desirable, I cried on the spot: "The demon king didn't know, my king ... Hey ... Since the day from Tianyun Mountain, some people go to see our kings. Say Wangwu Village I came to a person, killing us where the breeder. Our king of our family is anger, just alone, the result will never come back.

Small people go to find more, but the golden light in the king area is like a bright light column, straight into the cloud, the momentum is extremely scary, and the little people do not dare to be close. I have to come to find the demon monarch ... Demon Jun, you have to give small people. "

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