The old man is a jade rabbit

The old man of the wild is the jade rabbit / the old man of the West is the Jade Rabbit 735.

Tianyun demon king heard the words, and the eyes suddenly lit, surprised: "What kind of beam is there in Jin Guangtian in the king house?"

Tianyun Monster is not in the death of the Wolf, but it is concerned about the changes in Wangwu Village. The monkey is full, the heart is cold ... I want to give a gift to Tianyun Demon Junjun, now that the wolf is dead, Tian Yun demon is not revenge and the old feelings to revenge them, but think of baby, gold


The monkeys are dissatisfied, but they don't dare to show it, so respect respect: "After returning to the demon, the golden foot is thick, extremely bright, the clouds are gone, and they have got a nime. Listen to several villagers discussion It is said that the village came to a person. The people discovered a baby in the village. It is refining, so there is this scene. Small eyes, I have never seen anything, I can't be cleared. But the golden light is Really ... "

Tianyun demon can think of this little monkey is hard to lie to him, only when the monkey is true, suddenly, smile: "You have a good monkey, the wolf can don't go back. Waiting for the hard work of the royal village, you stay in me this day. "

Monkey is busy, thank you.

Tianyun demon king immediately went to him: "Come, give me a soldier horse, goal, Wangwu Village! The demon is going to see, what kind of person is even daring to kill me Tianyun Mountain!"

Two Tianyun demon kings have a hand, two posts have launched: "Yes!"

After a while, Tianyun Mountain rose from a big demon cloud, clouds, and the drums are rumbling. They are full of dense Ma Ma, there are two giant beasts on both sides, and they are ignorant. vast!

Tianyun demon tricks, this kind of smoke, clouds, wearing white clouds, hung, hung, exchanging, and extraordinary. I know, this is a demon, I don't know which kind of God is, live people travel.

Not long after, the army opened to the Wolf Gulin, Tian Yun Demon Jun looked at: "Your monkey, speed, let the children of the Wolf join my army, start now, here is here, Tian Yunshan "

The monkey is complete, the heart is more cold, the wolf is late, the Tianyun demon will not help the walrow to revenge, even if the family in the Wolf is eye-catching. However, he is just a demon, it is not good to say, just a hometown of the heart, if the Taoist strength of the king, the power is strong enough, and it is fine this day.

The heart is unhappy, but the leg is not slow, after the monkey is fine, I will see the wolf scorpion of a valley, the monkey essence, the mountain wilderness, the monsters are scared to the ground, do not dare to scream, fart, do not dare to put one, The heart is even more dissatisfied, and these guys have not been inevitably, and the light is scared. It has become this look, how much achievement can you still have? If you do it, as long as you swindle Tianyun demon to help the Wolf, I will go, go anywhere, and find the master.

When you think of this, the monkey is even more uncomfortable. After passing the words of Tianyun Mijun, let the monkey carefully, these wolf scorpions actually screamed, cheering, seem to join Tianyun Mountain, for They are very happy things.

Monkeys are deeply shaking their heads: a group of things that have no brain! The master is ruthless, you have these demon investigations, which is the color of the cannon, which is a dead!

The monkey has a group of little demon joined the Tianyun Mountain Army.

Tianyun Monster is more satisfied with the monkeys and smart, greeted the monkeys, standing on their side, and envy a lot of demon.

Only monkeys are hard to have their own heart, the more they value by Tianyun demon, and he wants to go, it will be more difficult. If it is in the village of Wangwu, the things will be blocked, I am afraid that the first dead is him!

The heart is uneasy, the army has already »open, straight to the royal village.

The army is still outside the thousand miles, Qin Shou has heard the drums of the rumbling!

Qin Shou was not a young age. After many battles, he was siegeted several times by the Vair army, and he will also beaten with Tianbingtian, for this drum's voice.

"What kind of grandson is this, didn't eat it, drums, bothering my clean?" Qin Shouxiang said, after opening a thousand miles of eyes, he suddenly! "

"Good guy, the rabbit master has not been to you, you will send it to the door!" Qin Shou absorbed the memory of the Wolf, and naturally he met Tianyun Demon.

When Qin Shou pupo opened, he saw the lotus of Tianyun Mijun's head, and there was also three lotus petals, which is a saint three days of scenery!

Qin Shou's heart is sinking. In this way, Qin Shou's strength is in this world, that is, the level! There is also at least a handsome and king level above!

Qin Shou shake his head, the heart is very unhappy, knowing the people of the flood

Fight, but also prepared for half of the Saint-Saint, but did not expect that in the flooding, he is the level of the middle upstream ... it is not tip!

But when I changed, Qin Shou smiled: "Your uncle, this seems to, the rabbit, I have to appear, eat a daytime! So many dishes, the rabbit is really a long ... ".

The 35th rabbit is innocent

Rabbit is innocent

In the eyes, I still see the nine people of Wu, cultivation, and Qin Shou slowly got up, and arranged the next soundproof in the attic, and then hide the entire attic.

Qin Shou no longer said, the scene of the avenue and Ming did not.

The Tianyun Monster in the distance is wrinkled. He also saw the direction of the Wangwu Village, there is a large road, how can I not blink?

Tianyun demon; "Little monkey, what do you say?"

The monkey is hard to laugh: "I have just come, I don't know why, I suddenly gone. Is that people refining the baby?"

Tianyun demon king, suddenly anxious, able to distribute the baby of the big road, definitely not all products! Can you fall into the hand of others?

I think this, Tianyun demon jerk accelerates flight, the army sprinkles, and soon came to Wangwu Village.

The villagers in Wangwu Village heard the born rumble, and the house was so bad, and one was scared to see the situation. As a result, one looked up, one by one was scared, and there was soft to sit on the ground.

More people, I have urine on the spot ...

"God, many monsters!"

"It's over, it's over! It must be because the wolf is dead in our village, they are revenge!"

"This is true, so many monsters, we have no land.

Run! "

"What about the big god?" Someone called.

"To the right, go to the loft, there is a line of life." Some people shouted.

The crowd halves, running to Qin Shou's attic, and the result is shocked, the attic disappeared! I can't see it completely, and I will take it one by one, fall to the ground.

More people cry: "I said, the man is a liar! It is a monster. I have eaten Wang Dayong, and I ran a few strong butrs. Now it is good, the monsters will be guilted, what we give? They apologize ... "

Everyone is dead one by one ...

Just then, some people screamed: "He is there! In heaven! His people welcome the monster army!"

"Who? Who is in the heavens?" Everyone panicked and looked up, then one of the mouth was big, did not reply to this scene in front of him.

"Qin Ge God! Is Qin Song God to fight the monsters?" Someone called.

"Maybe, maybe he is a monster, how to discuss us in the past ..." Some people think about it.

At this moment, Tianyun demon king opened: "How do you call it?"

Qin Shou, I laughed: "In the next surname Qin, a single singing song

word. "

"It turned out to be Qin Ge ... Hey ..." Tianyun Demon Jun said this, his face changed.

Qin Shou haha ​​laughed: "Tian Yun Xiaoyi doesn't have to be so polite, don't call brother, and it is useless. Today, the rabbit is at this, you can't go."

At this time, the following villagers are completely boiling, and one excitement looks at Qin Shou, and the previous rumors are not full.

Tianyun demon jun angered: "Okay, good, good! You dare to get the monster, when you really don't want to live! Qin ... Hey, the kid, the kid, the kid, you don't want to make you kill. Give you a road , You get the baby, give it to me, how do I put you a way? "

When Qin Shou heard, I thought this guy was coming to the wolf god, I didn't expect it to go to the treasure, it is really a little love! The memory of the wolf god, the guy could not honor this Tianyun. Results The front legs were dead, and the hind legs were forgotten ... it is really sad and reminded.

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