The old man is a jade rabbit

The old man of the wild is the jade rabbit / the old man of the West is the Yutong Chapter 741.

Kill the fight, this is to violate the sky! In any case, I have to catch him back and give it to the Criminal Minister. "

Qin Shou hurriedly came to the side, calling: "After the big brother, can this matter can blame me! This world is a grandson named Tianyun demon, and he disaster people, murder countless, And greedy my magic weapon, then killed by me. The grandson spent thousands of years five-star grass, I killed him, this is my trophy? The result is that it is necessary to mature, Boucun this old The bastard, actually running, wants to work!

You give comments, a God! A heaven's God! One day shouted on behalf of heaven and earth justice, actually did this kind of family robbery, fly camp! Do you say that these God want to face?

This fight, I'm fighting, I will, I still have to come to such a old woman to find me! This is also the big brother, you are coming, if you don't come, I will definitely be bullied by them. No way, even if you want to win this old, it is estimated that there is still a group of old and old women in the back, waiting for the big bullying, with the old bullying, leaning against the old, and not face. "

Qin Shou said the cheerful, the business sheep on the side is angry, one is a foot: "Little thief, you need to believe in glow!"

Qin Shou immediately raised his hand: "I have an oath of the sky, the words are basically true! If there is a violation, the sky is thundered! Do you dare to swear?"

Merchant moon!

For example, today, it is equal to the Tiandao's place to show the gods! I swear, I will communicate the heaven, the world will give it to it, if it is lying, I will have an oath immediately! Therefore, in this world, swearing is not no one dare to hang!

The business sheep gapped his eyes, staring at Qin Shou, and he did not dare to argue. Subsequently, glanced!

Buchen, I was scared, I didn't dare to scare, and he dared to bully Qin Shou, that is because Qin Shou did not rely on the mountain, it is a road aid. Not a sense of God, not a witch, and he is not afraid of him!

But the merchant sheep is afraid, he is more afraid of him! These two can be killing countless peerless people!

After the face of the colors, he looked at the business sheep. ! "

Business sheep, one foot: "How do I, I still have to comment!"

After the cold, I said: "Well, then I don't evaluate, let's see Skiff!"

The business and sheep face suddenly changed, and the latter is a famous big witch, but the first person through the round rebound, there is a rich plate of ambient blood! Although the top ten demon gods, although they are at their own risk, they still dare to say, and they are just behind the stability!

Shangyang said: "Top, I still have something today, you have to fight for the sky."

Yes! But the fighting wood can't die, I want to take away! "

In this way, it is already a businesswater, and then it is no longer forced, and the momentum is falling. Like said: "The true spirit of this wood is in the sky, kills can't kill, why do you use? Little brother, let him go."

Qin Shou, grinned, he is really good! Qin Shou knew that Feng Shen Bang is the sky, but the times are different, the name is different. However, this era of God is different from the future of God. The future of God is trapped by the gods, and all the gods don't have a flesh. It is just the immersion. And this time of the God is to pin the true spirit on the sky, in exchange for eternal. The body is all combinations of the soul of the flesh, and the cultivation speed will only be faster!

However, Qin Shou and others are also different. He doesn't care where you are, there is blood, there is a soul, this is a big meal!

Half-Holy Nine-year-old big dinner is not ready to eat ...

But look at the tranquility of the merchant, actually remembers his fierce look, and the meaning of the post, helpless, pull the ears, let go, put the patron to put it out.

The face of the business sheep, Qin Shou, can not care, but the face of the post is always given! At the same time, Qin Shou's heart has decided that in the future, we will encounter these natural gods, be sure to start fast, faster! Less trouble!

The merchant sheep collected the soul of the fighting wood. After the Qin Shou, after the Qin Shou, I've said: "After you, you have a multi-tubeful born!"

After the laughter: "You don't have this thing, don't you have these things? Remember, what you have in the sky, but the things on the ground, I said!"

Business sheep heard words, pretty faces, this is already a bright and big provocative! In the face of the words of the Humbleda, the business sheep watches sleeves, and the patriarch is disappeared as a green light.

Qin Shou saw this, long loose tone.

After the mistake: "Little guy, are you afraid?".

Chapter 43 Strange System

Strange system

Qin Shou shook his head: "Not afraid, just think that women are really a trouble! Just that old woman is more trouble! This time, thank you, big brother, big brother, show!"

After a smile: "Your little ghost is a close, but your big brother I am inappropriate. If there is a fate, it will be said in the future! Little guy, your heaven and earth five-star grass will be faster."

Qin Shou listened, the legs ran, and the heads did not return! Simply destroyed, don't slump water, let's go, don't stay in love at all! Bring the natural exposure of the money ...

When I suddenly became a mess, I stood in the wind. So the best boy, the whole witch can't find the second!

Sure enough, the five-star grass will be done, and Qin Shou quickly revenues the golden bell, which is loose.

"Where is your golden bell?" After seeing the golden bell, his eyes became lifting, and came over.

Qin Shou can't say that it is to give him back? I can't say that Guanyin is given? Future things, his decisive choices will never mention! Otherwise, if you listen to the people, when you are weak when you are weak, you will be borne. Qin Shou wants to be self-policy, then you will be able to disconnect with the future!

Thinking of this, Qin Shou knows that his super cow is trying to give up one.

During the period. I still use the name of Qin Ge in the future, and according to his memory, there is a rabbit called Qin Ge during the flood period.

However, Qin Shou is also uncertain. This Qin Song is himself, or it is really other people. If there is anyone, I will see it. Let him have a bow!

Qin Shou thought this, immediately said: "!"

After the afternoon: "Is it good? Your luck is good, this magic is good, the potential is endless, and it is good."

Qin Shudao: "That is a must, right, then big brother, are you ready to go?"

Seeing the feet before the eyes, the mouth of the big brother shuts down the big brother, the skin is thick, and the thickness is embarrassed to refuse. I have to take a look: "The north has a enchanting, for the disaster, I will go see, the way is handled. Yes, kid, what is your name?"

Qin Shou stalls said: "My name is Qin song, don't stand me, don't take you cheap, song song, of course, if you are hard to call my brother, I don't mind ... cough, words home, my Master can force the cattle However, whoever, I don't know, he didn't say it. "

I don't want to continue to entangle Qin Shou's name, this name is too painful! Then only when Qin Shou is suffering from a master, wearing a road, but there is no leaving the name. This kind of thing, there are many in the fairy world ...

After the latter, Qin Shou took a look: "Forget it, ask you the last one.

I have a problem, are you demon, or a person, or a witch? "

Qin Shou, "You asked this, I don't know what to answer. I was a demon, and later got some witches, now I don't think I am?"

After the "Lich ..."

Qin Shouno's mouth: "Is there this thing?"

"No, you are the first. I still saw that there is a demon to withstand the power of the witch, but also to reach the level."

Qin Shoudao: "How do you hear how to panic this ..."

"I used to have the power of the demon sparking, but in the end, they all played themselves. Kids, you are the most important guy I have ever seen. In the future, there may be no future, or it may not be bright, so good." Pat. Qin Shou's head.

Qin Shoudao: "Big Brother, how do you feel like this, I am more afraid. Is this a good thing?"

After laughing: "I can't say it, you have this situation, from ancient times, I have never been done. Since ancient times, Wu, people, demon, ghosts can control the world. But the witch is the witch, the power is strong and the soul is insufficient; The demon is not in the sky, the day after the day, it will be the form of the ancient circles, the way to simulate the heavens and the earth, but the same is a bit lack of, after all, is a beast; ghost, everything dies, the flesh is rot, the soul is cultivated, It is for the ghost. The ghost has no flesh, only soul,

The same innate is inadequate; all the people have the flesh, the role of the ancient form, can practice and have the soul that fused with the flesh, is the most perfect body. Unfortunately, human beings are because they are too perfect, but they are excluded by the heavens and the earth, all kinds of bottlenecks, and there are countless, they want to practice difficult, not to make a master.

Your state, I also say it, it seems to blend the strengths of the great ethnic group, but it seems that it is not right ... Kid, not me frighten you, your situation is too special, if you have a chance, go find someone to see it. "

Qin Shou booth stalls: "Big Brother, you are the most fierce people, you can't see it, can I still look for?"

After the slightly sinking, he said: "The Witch is not good at enlighten the earth, and your witch can see through, perhaps only ancestral. Unfortunately ..."

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