The old man is a jade rabbit

The old man of the wild is the jade rabbit / Journey to the Laozi is the jade rabbit 742.

After shaking his head, he did not continue to say, obviously the ancestral road will not pass.

After the eyes, I suddenly loudy: "The road this road may not work, but you are a demon, if it is strength, you may wish to participate in the Wanyan conference every thousand years, maybe you can take a one in terms of Tianship. Half ahead. If the opportunity is coming, I get the appreciation of the Empress Dowager, you may get answers. "

Qin Shou immediately asked: "Wan Demon Conference? What will this? Also, big brother, you determine that my body is?"

After you move his head: "I can't see if your body has a problem, but I always feel away. Maybe just me more ... As for the Wanfei Conference, once every thousand years, it is held on the Wan Demnsishan. Just It is a demon, you can go. "

Qin Shou immediately wrote these news, but there was still a little worried: "I have to fight for wood and business sheep, will they not let me participate?".

Chapter 44, hardship


Hou said: "They don't dare, the Wan Demon Conference is the first big event of the demon family, and the Emperor will take the town, it is a fair event. Whether it is, only the strength. Don't say business sheep and fight, even if it is the top ten demon, I want to make a lot of time, and I don't dare to make a haunt at that time. "

Qin Shou is relieved, and the result is not loose, and then Qin Shou depressed.

After: "However, I didn't dare to guarantee it outside the conference. This time I was blocked by me this time, but she was branched proud, absolutely can't stand, there is a repeated provocative person, so you will Still be careful, don't be found by her. "

Qin Shou Chickens came to the end, Qin Shou tried, and his fog is getting more and more strong, and it is estimated that the saints can't be out of his whereabouts. As long as Qin Shou will hide, the business sheep will absolutely can't find him.

After a great glance, I was deeply glanced after Qin Shou, said: "You should be fascinated by the fog, she should find it is not you. Ok, let me say, you will leave. I will stay here for three days. I will leave after three days. In these three days, no one can find you trouble. "

Qin Shou is busy thank you, three days is not long, there is a lot of things that Qin Shou needs to deal with it!

Qin Shou immediately got up and went to Wangwu Village, there were nine apprentices.


Qin Shou is intended to be completely rooted in Wangwu Village, teaching a group of apprentices who are forcing the sky and then sweeping the fairyland. It now seems that this plan must be changed, otherwise he stayed in Wangwu Village, which is equal to the disaster of Wangwu Village.

The business sheep is very strong, and the powerful to Qin Shou does not throw the coffin and don't grasp her!

However, if the business sheep is not hard to hard, but there is no way. So the best way, it is still going to leave.

Going back to Wangwu Village, Qin Shouli, selected a few volumes of gradual cultivation method, and made simple modifications, after a complete practice of practicing, Qin Shou gave him a name: "Non-Quantity", pass it to Nine apprentices.

Among them, the "nine-nine-way" that he created him to the future iron fan princess was passed on.

Then Qin Shou got a "thirty-sixth day" "72nd land" craftsmanship.

These are the wilderness foundation of the people's trim, all of which are inseparable from these wilderness, and they are evolved from them. With these, their future practice road is also a direction.

Finally, Qin Shou also taught them a set of "practice Raiders", which is the dilemma encountered by the basic cultivation, the bottleneck breakthrough method, simple dry

Crisp, practical.

After the transfer of these things, Qin Shou directly got up and arranged several big waves in Wangwu Village. After it was completely hidden, this leaving Wangwu Village, this time did not bring it!

No one knows, after thousands of years, the Wangwu nine ancestors in Wei Zhen Tianyi was so quietly. More no one knows that the fire of the people of the family has begun to burn ...

Qin Shou left the Wangwu Village, nor did it, and turned around, and finally decided all the way to west!

Prosive, the Taoist Taoist Taoist is in the West. He wants to grab two people's saints, you have to first understand these two people. Children know each other!

And at the same time, outside the sky, Shangrieshan Gate!

The business sheep is a cold, and I haven't entered the door. I saw a person to come, haha ​​smiled: "The merry sheep sister, this is something that is not long, I will make you angry? My brother said, my brother helps you teach him! "

Business sheep listened to these two words, and the eyes almost spurt! After being played by Qin Shou, she never wants to hear this two words! But let's think about it, laugh: "It turned out to be a haired friend, how, you are not in your flying palace to see your few little women, what is the matter?"

Flying smile: "Business sheep sister, you said this ...

But it's a play, how can I calculate my woman? Want to be my woman, the strength is at the very minimum to be equipped with me. Business sheep sister, don't ... "

The merchants flashed in the eyes, but turned around and went back, laughed: "Flying friends, what do you ask me to make me unhappy? May I want to go to the Palace, I slowly and you Tao? "

Flying one listening, suddenly! Who doesn't know that the business sheep has a clean, the Shangyang Palace is in addition to the Emperor Taiyi, the demon teacher, the old ancestor, etc.

As for the flying and other people, no one has passed, and now I can enter the business sheep, sleepy suddenly feels that the end of their own Single is nearly one step.

I entered the Shangyang Palace, two people sitting down.

Shangshi poured a cup of tea, and the hamma is like a brow, the brain is hot, and the business sheep sister, what is it not annoyed? You tell me, I will go now. He gave you! "

After the business and sheep nodded, I sighed: "The Flying Taoist friends don't know, today is the world. When I pass the million mountains, I felt the breath of the fighting wood. I just saw it, but I just saw the fight. The wood is fighting with people, falling in the wind, almost being killed. "

"What? Bouuku is the God of Tianship, who dares to kill him? This is to rebel?" Flying anger!

Shangyang said: "I also think so, I'm going to ask about things.

From the thief, the little thief didn't know that he made mistakes and told me. Can I take this? I want to catch him a criminal department ... Hey, the result, ... "

"It is right! Shangmei sister, you told me what the little thief is moderate, I will go down, take his head, give you anger!" Flying.

Shangyang said: "The little thief can be evil, but later came again, it is even more evil! It is actually in the god, put me ..."

"Big thief? God is still strong than you?" Flying is a little false.

After the business sheep glanced at it, he shook his head: "Not strong than me, but I didn't grasp the robust to win him. Under the way, I can only return ...".

Chapter 45, the rabbit is bored

Rabbit is very bored

Flying tapped on the table and did not dare to shoot his chest. In the top ten demon gods, their own character is different, but flying is the most shameless. Flying is not paying attention to and the person's single list is hitting, but likes to attack behind! No matter how weak your strength, no matter how much he is more than you, he likes to solve it with sneak attack! In his words: can sneak attack, just sneak attack, don't hit it before! The frontal fight is a fool of the brain!

To this end, the world is almost shameful. Similarly, this guy also can't see those who like the public, think they are stupid.

Despicable, it is, the most important thing is that the clutches of the flyback are not big! He only likes to make a hundred percent, less, you have to be ignored! Such character, the strength of the strength, the martial arts, the flood, which is simply a wonderful!

It is also a hard work of the business sheep can't see him!

Therefore, after the sale of the merchant, the business sheep is a bit, it is a bit wilting, the strength of the business sheep, and he is absolutely weak than him! The business sheep can be made, and the hallow is also somewhat unscrupulous.

The merchant sheep is too happy, and the beauty is turning between, and the attitude is also cold, and the road is faint: "The thief is good, how do you fear?"

Flying one listened, suddenly, he could sneak anyone, but some faces still want. So I called: "Joke, I will be afraid? I want to say, definitely is your magic. Face-to-face battle, too ... cough ... The strength is almost, you sneak it, it is okay, it will become. Come, follow Let me talk about it, what is the goods? I will go to the time I will go, let him understand, what is invincible! "

The business sheep smiled: "Are you sure?"

Feidian: "Of course!"

The business sheep is a bit: "The big thief wears a few feathers, carrying a bow and arrow, the sword eyebin, the momentum is extraordinary ..."

"Wait a minute, how can this person a little more eye? Can you say that the name directly?" Flying is a little false, hurry to cover the tea.

Shangyang said: "Big witch is behind!"

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