The old man is a jade rabbit

The old man of the wild is the jade rabbit / Xiyou Laozi is the jade rabbit 743

"Hey!" Flying Directity directly, the old, the old, quickly got up, arched: "Shangmei sister, time is not early, then I still have something, first."

The merchant sheep flashed in this eye, but a flashing, looked at the back of the flying wolf, smiled: "The strength is not as good, I will lose, I am not angry. That thief Even if it is, the little thief is very angry! "

At this time, the flying weather is scheduled to be in the original place, the body is shaking, and it is already opposite the business sheep, with tea, I have been sitting here, never walked.

Flying with angry: "There is such a small thief? Business sheep sister, talk to my brother, my brother will shoot, help you tell him!"

Shangyang said: "When the kid is called, I don't know, but when I left, I grabbed his breath, you can find him in touch with the breath. This is his appearance, the strength is probably around "Interverence, business sheep waved, an impact is in half of the air, is the same as Qin Shou's thief.

Flying carefully touched Qin Shou, grinning: "How do I look at this kid?"

The merchant sheep glanced at the freedom: "He is a demon, his mouth is very stinky, people are very embarrassing! Do you make sure he is not your illegitimate child?"

One turn around: "What is it? I am free to have a child! If there is a private child, I am now affirmed. Again, I said, I have to use private? What more, to be born, ... "

"I can feel that the little thief has begun to run, if it is to go to the Witch Camp ..." Shang Yang's heart is not cool, break the flying style.

Flying is immediately jumping: "Reassure, he can't run! Even if you really run the Witch Camp, I can catch him out!"

The business sheep nodded, this, someone said that she may not believe, but with a flying style, it is really dry!

However, it is not a fool, I really want to race in the witch camp, and trouble is definitely not small! Especially, the twelve ancestors have short, once

Being stared, it is necessary to catch a good!

Therefore, the sale is still rushing away, and the lower bound is chasing Qin Shou.

At this moment, Qin Shou did not know what trouble is in the door. It is standing on a mountain, a face of a face.

Today's fairy world is too big, look at the earth from the starry sky, it seems not particularly large, at least barely can see the side. But after falling, Qin Shoucai understands what is broad!

Nowadays, the fairy world is actually taken away by the time and space! The one-meter place seen in the sky, the performance in the Dairy World, I don't know how many miles! From this, Qin Shou wants to be like the previous one or two, it is impossible to easily across the continent.

Now, Qin Shou is not knowing to go, and it is still a few years from the Wanmili Conference. During this time, Qin Shou has to find a living.

"Hey, it seems that the rabbit will have a home! However, who is going to rob any old nest ... In fact, the merchant sheep is also very beautiful, this is going to play, do not play the coffin board serving ... I'm coming, I have a little fun. "Qin Shou said.

Qin Shou left thought, no place, swaying and walked to a big river, anyway, there is nothing, just put a bonfire on the river, one waved a lot of fish shrimp, Wang Ba, Crabs come up.

Plus his seafood inventory, this goods started to barbecue.

"It's okay, or eat something, reduce the pressure." Qin Shou muttered, took out the seasoning, pepper, oil salt, roasted, baked, was fragrant in a time, attracted Xiaomen.

Qin Shou turned his head, seeing a few heads, the beasts, the beasts of the meat, played directly, grabbed it, cut into pieces, bake!

Seeing this scene, those a little smart beast ran, such a horrible guy, they did not dare to continue to be turned in front of him, so excused to be grilled.

Qin Shou baked, while pondering the next itinerary, in addition, he is still working hard to recall the position of his hometown. .

Chapter 46 Muzi Uncle?

Wooden Uncle?

Although, I don't know, now I am still there, but ... go see it.

At this moment, a man's voice came from the woods: "This taste is really good, the little brother, what are you doing?"

Qin Shou looked up, he saw a linen, medium, and the whole year of men slowly came out of the woods. There is no powerful momentum of men, it looks an ordinary person. But can ordinary people appear here? The answer is yes!

Human activity area is generally only around the village, hunting some beasts that are not too fierce, and collecting wild fruits, wild vegetables, planting food mixes. In addition to human beings, only the demon ghosts are left ...

Unfortunately, Qin Shou did not think of this man's bottom, but the instinct thinking, this guy should not malicious.

Qin Shou is not a small family. Anyway, his ingredients have, a person is indeed lonely and bored, suddenly coming out, talking with him, talking, chatting, and sending time.

So Qin Shouchi is incomparably, the road: "Hey, I didn't expect to meet someone in this big forest, I am a food, barbecue! The taste is secret, uncle, you want to feel If you are interested, you will try it. "

Qin Shou finished, throwing a roasted fish in the past.

The other party heard the words, slightly stunned, then laughed, generous, took the flying fish, torn into the mouth, the eyebrows chased: "Hey ... This taste is really good. Well, there is cumin , Pepper ... ¥% ... "This uncle said a dozen kinds of ingredients!

Qin Shouton was stunned, whispered: "Uncle, your tongue is too busy? Taste a small mouth, taste my secrets ... After it is over, this is not so embarrassed to say is my exclusive The secret recipe. "

That uncle heard, huh, smiled: "Reassure, you call me a uncle, you will not grab this formula. My tongue is also general, just is born to these things, the resolution is strong. Small Brother, you seem to have something else. "

Qin Shou glanced at the beer in the wooden barrel, then laughed: "This is, you estimate that you will not like it too ..."

That uncle came to Qin Shou, generous sitting down, smiled: "I don't like it, I'm trying again."

Qin Shou smiled: "I love to listen, taste it, I call it a beer! Made, it is good."

Dad, the uncle came over, and fell a bomb to fly, just drink, Qin Shou hurriedly called; "Cow to drink! Don't supplies tea, and my wine, this wine is going to eat meat, big mouth Drink, drink a half bottle is called cool! "

After that, Qin Shou also took out a bottle, withdraws a large piece of leg meat, and chew it in the mouth, a big mouth is drunk into the belly, just a bottle! Subsequently, the long hit a bar, the eyebrows were pick, smiled: "Cool!"

Uncle saw this, huh, smile, learn Qin Shou's look, tear off a large piece of fish and put it in the mouth, then directly give the whole bottle!

After drinking, the uncle did not sick, but laughed: "Little brother, your law can be released, rest assured, I will not vomit."

Qin Shou didn't expect his little movements to be discovered, laughing two times: "There is no way, most people in this wine are not used to drink, they can spray. Can be drunk, uncle, you are still one."

Uncle shook his head: "That is that they don't understand wine, this wine has wheat, but it is not a wheat brewed, it seems to be a force forced to change."

Qin Shou quickly set up a thumbs, sitting opposite the uncle, said: "Enemy! Even this can be done, Uncle is really a hipster in the goods! No way, I don't have time to make wine, this is The mouth is directly changed. "

Uncle is told: "You will tell me this?"

Qin Shou is also an inexplicler, this god is not oxidant is a refiner to add some stone into the fusion, and it is also the unique magic of Qin Shou. Qin

Shou, I really don't believe that this big uncle can see it, I have learned it!

So, Qin Shou waved, a bottle of beer could open it.

The opposite uncle saw this, slightly orally: "It is indeed some meaning that can change the structure of the substance and become another substance. This god will be cultivated to the deep place, when you can get all kinds of magic weapons, small brothers This means is no. "

Qin Shou smiled: "Ohara, I am barely. Uncle, don't drink it? If you don't drink, I will give you a drink."

Uncle is bright, said: "Is there another wine?"

Qin Shou smiled: "Of course, this wine is also changed, not brewing." After that, Qin Shou became two bottles, a bottle handed over, a bottle of himself.

After the uncle drunk, he said: "This taste is really good, but it doesn't match this dish. Eating this barbecue, you have to drink your beer."

Qin Shou's eyes are bright, through so many years, so I understand him, I have encountered my head! Qin Shou smiled; "Hey! Uncle, you, I love it! I will get some beer again, let's drink a happy!"

However, Uncle shook his head: "Your wine is good, but it is not pure. Or let me ..."

Qin Shouzhen, heart: "Is this uncle really so fierce? Look at the rabbit, my magical pass?"

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