The old man is a jade rabbit

The old man of the wild is the jade rabbit / Journey to the Laozi is the jade rabbit 744.

Just as Qin Shou's wondering, Uncle turned and turned out of one.

The large wooden barrel came, this wooden barrel Qin Shou seemed to look at it, it is an oak! Qin Shou doesn't know what wine barrel is best, but this oak should be good ...

Then the uncle smiled: "Try my brewed beer."

After that, the uncle opened an oak barrel, Qin Shouton was in the original place, the rich wheat incense, actually seduce the wine sever in Qin Shou's stomach, and the smell of saliva flows out!

Qin Shou is not a good wine! The quarten of the Tiantian jade jade also didn't drink less, but so incense, such alcoholic wine, Qin Shou swear, he smells his life! .

Chapter 47 Muzi invitation

Uncle Muzi's invitation

Qin Shou is also welcome, running over, getting a big wooden cup, reaching into the barrel, smashing a cup, throwing two ice cubes, then in the mouth, Qin Shou's eyes suddenly Boss, a big mouth, just feel the aftertaste, lip and teeth stay!

Qin Shou excited tears quickly came out, calling: "Uncle, you are true! This wine is great! It is great! I have gone with your alcohol, I have become those, I can only be Masonic! Also, do you sure you are not well in advance? "

Uncle heard the previous laugh, behind, almost sprayed on the spot! What Malin? Is it true? Just drink?

However, Uncle didn't mind, smiled: "I will not don't know, this wine is indeed brewed, using a means, so it will be so good. Um ... now has a good wine, but your dish is like it. Be unver. "

Qin Shou grin said: "This is simple! With such a good wine, I have to take a good means!"

So Qin Shou also did not hide private, Long liver phoenix claws, Dapeng meat, what all took it, it is, and all kinds of rare treasures such as Beijun have been made up of him! This time, the original appeal is finally unchaul!

Uncle looked at those dragon meat, phoenix, Daba meat, Beibu fish and other rare people, taking a cold air: "Little brother, these things are not casual! This dragon, phoenix is ​​also Even if the blood is obviously not pure enough. But this big Peng meat is scarce, the Dapeng bird on the side of Bei Ming, the general people really don't want to hunt. There is also this fish, the mouth is not big, the entrance is qi, taste Extremely beautiful, should it be the legendary North Miya? It is said that although this fish does not have any heavens, it can't grow, but the taste is a number of days. The most important thing is that this fish is extremely rare, precious Unparalleled ... "

Qin Shou haha ​​laughed: "Uncle is really a good look! Is the so-called sword to give heroes, it is rare to encounter a confidant. These babies must not hide it. Let go, eat, eat, I have there. ! "

Uncle took a nodded: "Well, good, good, today I am in the emotion, borrow your light, huh, huh ... come to the cup!"

"Cup!" Qin Shou called.

So this big one, two people, a cup of madness, is not a mortal body, drinking, don't worry about alcohol, play mad. Drinking Guo addiction, comfortable ...

But over time flies, Qin Shou's two people are cool, gradually release, no longer dispersing alcohol, more drinking.

"Uncle, light is drinking, is it called?" Qin Shou drinked a little more, the tongue is a bit big.

Although Uncle is not drunk, it has more exciting brilliance, which is clearly a bit impact after letting go of drinking. Daddy laughed: "You can call me wood, age is much bigger than you, you told me a big uncle and not suffer. Little brother, what about you? How do you call?"

Qin Shouno's mouth: "My name can be forced, what is the emperor too, Pangu, Hong Yu is not as good as me!"

Uncle heard, laughed: "You are not small, I am more curious, what is your name."

"My surname, Qin! Not sexual assault! Don't make a mistake, uncle, don't laugh ... I am very serious! Um ... Single name! Song song, don't be wrong, otherwise I have risen in this life. ... said that I will come back, I don't like the guy who doesn't like it, I usually is a brother's brother. "Qin Shou full face.

Uncle Muzi healed out what he huh huh, and when he heard it, Qin Shoujo thought that he would be a bit, and the uncle Muzi smiled and more exciting! Muzi laughed; "Haha ... little brother, your name is interesting! Change personal is parent! Haha ... is indeed more than the East Emperor, Pangu, Hongjun's name! Who saw you Dwarf."

Qin Shou smiled and said: "There is no way, people have talents, where to accouminment."

Muzi's uncle smiled happier: "Qin Xiaogong, you caught this person

It is interesting. "

Qin Shoudao: "Mu Du Uncle, this wilderness, you can't come here?"

Mu Xiaoke shook his head: "My home is in the south, I have no things, I went to the North. What about you?"

Qin Shou booth stalls: "I? I am a miserable ... I have no job, I don't know where to go! I just hired, see if there is a better hill nearby. Grab one, temporarily as a nest ... "

Musak is talled, and I didn't expect Qin Shou so best! This idea has ...

Mu Xia said: "Qin Xiao Brothers, if you don't go wrong, you may wish to go to the south. It is still a peace. If you don't go, join my feelings. I will continue to eat. Delicious, talk about what to chat. "

Qin Shou eyes suddenly lit up, he didn't want to go! He and the uncle Muzi are also very speculative. If you have a lively, it is not excluded.

But let's think about it, Qin Shou Road; "Forget it, wait until there will be the opportunity again."

Muzi saw this, slightly, curiously asked: "How? Is there something?"

Qin Shou did two sounds: "It is indeed a bit, and a few days ago

God gave it. It is estimated that the grandson is pulling the grandfather in the sky. Your tribe is to avoid the avoidance. If you don't force it, I still don't go ... "

Muzi uncle suddenly, I didn't expect Qin Shou to be so straightforward. However, the uncle Muzi is not angry, but it is very appreciative of Qin Shou, what is the character of Qin Shou, smiled: "You don't go to our tribe, then where you are going to go, you can be a big trouble, that is a honeycomb. You I have been old, and I have two, unless you can completely suppress the sky, otherwise it is a problemless. "

Qin Shou drank a big mouth, smiled: "There is a big brother to refer to the road, the bee is not good, it will become a bee. I heard that the Wanfei Conference is fast, I have passed the test Exam, mixed a sense of God, it is not afraid of it. ".

Chapter 48 is flying away.

Flying is really awkward

The uncle of Muzi heard the words, suddenly smiled: "You think about it, but I still have a word, if you really can't get it, go to the South."

Qin Shou took the lead: "It seems that uncle's tribe should be very busy, wait for me to mix, I will go to your avoidance. Yes, Muzi Uncle, where is your tribe?"

Mu Xiaoke laughed: "I am in the tribe, named Mang fog. You got to the south, just find a witch person, you can know the position."

After that, Uncle Muzi took out a wooden sign from his arms and handed it to Qin Shou.

Qin Shou took over and saw it. The brand did not know what wood did it, very heavy, strong. The front portrait of a bird's face, the geeks of two Qinglong. After writing two big characters, Qin Shou has never seen these two words, and there is no corresponding spell above. Qin Shou guess, it should be the meaning of hunger.

The uncle Muzi said, got up: "It is a bit more, go out and walk."

After that, the uncle Muzi went away, Qin Shou did not stop, only when the wood is uncle went to the toilet.

Qin Shou he scored a small song, drinking beer, eating a barbecue, can't say it.

At this moment, a strange figure dropped from the sky, quietly falling on a nearby hill. This person is just a down-world, and it will find Qin Shoufei!

Feilian standing on the top of the mountain, I saw Qin Shou where I was sitting on the river, I was a big mouth, smiled: "It turned out to be a little ghost, the strength is not good, it seems that I can finally In the business sheep, I have a good impression. Um ... It is best to be grateful, directly marry me forget. ... If you marry the business sheep, the husband and wife are mixed, the count can not call me to drink it. ? "

When YY, the Brain, YY, Qin Shou was killed by him, winning the scenery of Bai Fumei and going to the peak of life.

Half, sleepy is only back, and instantly entered a shadow, touched Qin Shou. Flying is not the strength of Qin Shou, how old is the age, can sneak attack, not sneak attack is not his style!

Flying all the way, quietly ...

Qin Shou also didn't induce the existence of hamma, but sitting in the extreme!

Flying around the big tree behind Qin Shou, see Qin Shou has not responded yet, suddenly smiled, heart: "The little ghost is good, I will remember you!"

Fortunately, I'm going out, I am going to shoot! I walked one of the opposite side, I saw this person's moment, the flying legs were soft and slammed!

Qin Shou heard that there was a movement behind him. He turned back, he saw a long-awaiting guy, rushing, and suddenly becomes the knees in the air! The sound of the squat, from the half-air, in front of Qinshou, a big land fell!

At this time, Qin Shou has a grilled fish in his hand, put in the mouth, looked at the super bonus who sent this sudden wretched man sent to him, said: "The first time, no need to travel So big gift? "

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