The old man is a jade rabbit

The old man of the wild is the jade rabbit / the old man of the West is the jade rabbit 745.

Flying, I almost cry, watching Qin Shou, who is close, he really wants to call him with a slap! He will hear a little ghost? How can it be!

When Haishuan just wants to shoot, I will see Qin Shou turned around, and the Muzi Dadu: "Muzi Uncle, you have a look, this person is too polite, only to meet, don't know if it is hungry It is estimated that you want to eat. "

When I listened to Qin Shou, I didn't have a lot of luck in my heart. I attempted the attack on the attack, I immediately went around my mind, scratched the brain spoon, laughing in two: "That, I am really hungry ... ... just want to mix it. "

Qin Shou hit a smile and laughed; "You see, I have seen everything, haha ​​... too TM is smart. Muzi Uncle, you strolled?"

The wood smiled glanced at it, and the flying flying in Qinshou.

It's like screening, and it is begging the color.

Muzi's uncle said: "Drink, of course to drink. Well ... this little brother is hungry, then give him a sip. I have some sweet potatoes and beans, you take it."

Uncle Muzi said, throwing a small cloth bag, the bag does not fight, it is estimated that it can install a three or five pounds. Drum capsule ...

Qin Shou took over and looked at it. It is really sweet potato and beans. This stuff is not interested in it. It is directly in the arms of the flyback. "Don't be polite, don't be excited, I really want to thank us. ... "

Uncle Muzi came to Qin Shou, sitting down, picking up a barbecue, put it in the mouth, faint: "Since hungry, don't eat? Eat, you will go."

Flying, I dare to talk nonsense, and I am busy installing a look: "Thank you, thank you ... I am hungry, I haven't eaten for many days, I will eat first."

If you don't want to stay here for a second, you always feel that you have to die in the next moment, put it on the grill. Hold the bag, reach out a sweet potato, no matter whether it is born or cooked, you will eat it directly!

Qin Shou saw this, the eyes flashed a different color, this is hungry, don't use this! Think about the uncle Muzi, isn't it like a small ghost? If you really pity each other, eat so much, give each other some

Is it finished? Why get a bag of sweet potatoes and beans?

Take a closer look, then look at the eyes of Muzi's uncle, Lenovo suddenly appeared after him, flying over the speed ... Qin Shou suddenly realized that this man is afraid that it is not good!

When I think this, Qin Shou's heart rose a fraud, nor is it, nor is it ready to give us meat. Instead, sitting on the uncle of Muzi, two people eaten mountains, while drinking a peerless wine, looking at Haoyian in the wolf.

The speed of sleeping is extremely fast, and it is a few seconds to say a few pounds. However, it will become a bitter gourd on the face! I thought that this bag is not ordinary bag, but it must be taken! The sweet potato inside, the beans don't know how much, how much do he eat anyway ....

Chapter 49 Sweet potato plus beans

Sweet potato

The most interesting thing is that the flying low is a demon, eating in the sun and its picking, which is not the universal food? Nowadays, I suddenly eat this kind of beans and sweet potato, just like suffering, it is difficult to eat, it is difficult to eat, and the focus is that there can't see the result!

After eating half a time, hamarts quickly.

At this moment, Qin Shou smiled: "Mu Xiaoxu, how many sweet potatoes and beans in your bag?"

"Not much, a few pounds. According to his speed, it is almost a few days ..." Muzi uncle married.

Flying one listening, almost collapsed! He can't eat 100 pounds per second! As a result, the wood said he had to take a few days! That is to say, such a painful day will still last for a few days! Hairdresses now have a dead heart ... at least, he is so sad that sweet potato and beans are disgusting!

Qin Shou saw this time to understand, he didn't look wrong, this wretched guy in front of him is not good! Otherwise, the uncle Muzi will never play him so!

Qin Shou has always believed that the torture will always be more refreshing than the murder of simply destroyed, want to stop. So this car smiled: "This is good, this brother is watching the kind of starving, it is very good, and it is not hungry after eating."

Hairdressing words, almost putting the sweet potato, beans, the beans,

Give him two big mouth! hungry? Hungry you!

Unfortunately, I don't dare, I can only endure my tears, sulking, so that I have eaten early, I will have an early liberation, even secretly use the magic, I can eat a few tons! The goal is to liberate early, however ...

Qin Shou suddenly opened: "Uncle, this guy seems really hungry, eat so fast, afraid that your sweet potato and beans are not enough."

Uncle Muzi laughed: "Reassure, I am a sweet potato and beans, just eat, eat multiple pieces to eat a few days, um ... If he decreases the speed, it is still the previous speed. So Now slow down, only to eat more ... This is good, hungry children should eat more. "

Qin Shou followed the links in Jie again: "Yeah, watching the child is thin, but it should be supplemented."

After that, Qin Shou will throw a northern fish into his mouth and eat full of effort. I have been hidden, I can't help it, and I will grab it! Unfortunately, he doesn't dare!

Qin Shou met this, smile, turn around, all kinds of delicious and constant, I have made a small spell, blow the smell, flying, and more It is an inexplicable angry, and it is almost ejected to the fire! On the mouth, the saliva is coming soon.

Wooden saw this smiled: "The food in this bag is enough for seven days and seven nights. It's good to eat. If you are full, you can live it."

I heard the words, the two eyes have a black poor dizzy, and I will eat seven days of seven night sweet potatoes and beans. Now he just wants to die!

Qin Shou suddenly understood anything, turned it, said: "Uncle, are you going?"

Mulu Uncle laughed: "Yes, some things have to be dealive, this meal is very good today. If you encounter it, you can hide private."

Qin Shou smiled: "Reassured is never hidden private, say it back, I am a little bit good, send you." After that, Qin Shou will make the top monkeys whose big monkeys,. Delivery to Mu Mu.

Uncle Muzi is also welcome, I took it, I smelled, laughed: "Monkey wine? It is quite pure, not spells become, yes ... I will not give you a good wine."

After saying, the uncle Muzi has a large small wood bottle in the hand, said: "Take it, there is not much wine here, but you will be a hundred and eighty years. If you are gone, go to me. That tribe is some. "

Qin Shou heard, go to the tribe, you can come, suddenly interesting a few levels, it is not too good to be too good, so it will not be soft. I didn't see it at all, and the envy of the admire and hateful appearance behind him!

Muzi saw this, and smiled. He likes Qin Shou. This simple straight white, does not make it, but a little smart personality, people like it. exchange

After the gift, the wood did not carefully swept a blindly, and the flying low his head and hurried, and he didn't seem to see anything.

The uncle Muzi turned and left, there was no way to drive, it was such a step, but the blink of an eye disappeared at the end of the world, the speed of the speed, the Qin Shou, secretly tongue! This speed is definitely faster than Dapeng!

This makes Qin Shou not hinger a little confused, saying that Dapeng's speed is the first, but there is a wife, there is a wooden, and their speed seems to be better than Dapeng! This thing seems to say that it doesn't matter ...

These thoughts are faded, and Qin Shou opens a small wooden bottle, suddenly the wine is fragrant, the taste, even let Qin Shou have a feeling of fluttering! Compared with this wine, Qin Shou sent the monkeys and wine, which is simply! No, it is a bubble urine!

Qin Shouton is a bit embarrassed, I know that Muzi's uncle has such a good wine, what is the ugliness?

"Kid, this time you know how good this wine? This kind of wine is not anyone can drink. You are really a shower." Flying , although the wood is gone, but flying Lian still dares to move. He is clearly remembers that every sentence said by Muzi, let him eat seven days and seven nights, he is not stopped for a minute and a second! In addition, the relationship between wood and Qinshou is not usually, he doesn't want to provoke yourself! This kid in front of him, and scan the stars in his eyes!

After Qin Shou White, he sat in front of the sky, hey

I smiled: "You are ugly, I almost forget you. Let's say, what exactly? Why do you sneak the rabbit me!"

Flying off his mouth: "Who wants to attack you? I just pass, the result is delicious to come and see!"

Qin Shou cut said: "You will continue to flicker! You don't tell the truth is it? Let you taste what is the carrot! "..

Chapter 50 Rain Water Love


Qin Shou took the light and died, and he took the past!

Flying to see this, angered: "You boy, crazy? For ambusted me, I will fight with you!"

Qin Shou haha ​​laughed: "Desperate? Save you? Well! Come, you moved it!"

Flying off his eyes, staring at Qin Shou but did not dare to move. result…


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