The old man is a jade rabbit

The old man of the wild is the jade rabbit / the old man is the jade rabbit 746.

Qin Shou, a stick, on the flying head, and the flyback, the two eyes, gifted, headache, ...

Qin Shou saw this, but also secretly tongue, his stick has a lot of strength! In order to see the power of light, I can't kick out this person, then this person's strength, he has to re-estimate it. Such a powerful strength, it is afraid that it is not much more than that of the merchant sheep ...

The flying shakes and shakes the brain, and Qin Shou is a stick in the past, while drinking: "Halo! It is not dizzy? The rabbit is not faithful, knocking you! Make you, let you eat sweet potato for seven days, Beans ... After seven days, he said, how much is this sweet potato bean? It is estimated that you have enough for ten or a half months? "

Flying one listened, scared, screaming: "You dare!"

As a result, the face is a stick!


The flying brain is blank, almost fainted. However, Qin Shou's words seem to be alarmed, in his heart, scared him not dull, endured the pain, urge the magic, the next moment, there have been a black light, black strolls will be covered, Qin A stick behind the birthday is on black light, and it is not possible to break the black light!

The black light is allowed, as if it is not an entity, but it is not moving, and it is bounced in a black light.

After the sale of flying returned, he snorted; "Kid, my magic treasure will break down! I want to break my magic weapon, hey, you can repair a few hundred will be a little bit possible! Will you have a level, hey, it's really nothing in my eyes! "

Qin Shou was listening, suddenly did not cool, hey, smiled: "Your guy, mouth is very powerful. Yes, I haven't known what you call for so long?" I don't introduce myself? "

"Don't introduce!" The flying decisive decisive, this person has already lost enough, and there are not many people in the scene. There are only three people. He doesn't say it, and the wood will definitely not say. There is only this boy in front of you! This kid doesn't know him, and he is not afraid that he is talking around.

Qin Shoudao: "Do not introduce, nothing, I have a shadow, I have recorded this full name. When I look back, I will play it. Which person will go to play! Um ... Title I want to be good, just Top ten demon gods eat sweet potato, eat one can eat one morning, fart to collapse

There are three-foot pit on the ground! how is it? "

"You ... how is your child is so shameless?" Flying happiness, Qin Shou didn't know him, but others met! If this is a chart, he doesn't have to be mixed.

Qin Shou called; "Shameless? Bunny, I am very bright and big, and others fight. You? A demon god, actually sneak me a minor child! You still have a face? ! This honor gives you, the rabbit, I don't fight with you! "

Flying priest: "If it is not wood, I will shoot you now! As for shamelessness, , I am sneak attack, you think ... ..."

"It turns out that you are flying! Haha ... really is one of the top ten demon gods! Tianting's demon! Wow haha ​​... I am eating sweet potato, eating a beans, oh, seeing this speed, no one, no one. I decided, I have to copy a thousand eight million pieces of this shadow, I will sell it around! Absolutely make a profit! "Qin Shou's laughter, instantly, I broke it.

Flying old face iron, anger: "You dare!"

Qin Shou stands up: "I dare, can you be?"

Flying down Qin Shou, half a day can't let half a fart, I don't know what to do. Thinking of Muzi, he hurts, there is wood, he really didn't dare to take Qin Shou. But it is a smile: "Kid, there are many means in this world, some means afraid

It is still not possible. You causing me, but you are your biggest unwanted! "

Qin Shou is a look: "I don't like the threat of people. You think you live in this turtle shell. Very good, the rabbit will let you know, what is invincible!"

After that, Qin Shou will take the eternal Tianshan, and he is tall, just like a huge brick, said: "Look at the rabbit, I broke your turtle shell!"

After that, Qin Shouyi went down!


Sky Shaking!

The flying face did not dare to look at Qin Shou. His beefa is actually smashed by the coffin.

Freewise whispered: "What is it? What is your coffin? Is it so fierce? Isn't it? It's a powerful coffin. It is powerful! What is it hidden in this coffin?"

Qin Shoudao: "Do you want to know? Well, go in and see it!"

Flying, I saw that Qin Shou was in the coffin and smashed it. He is a cold, hurry; "stop! You ask what I said!"

Qin Shou immediately stopped, smiled: "This is, you said you, the skin is so itchy, the rabbit is not to move, is you still not honest? Say, who sent you, come Dry! Not allowed to lying, the rabbit

I can have a super lie meter. "

Flying, the face is more ugly, he is really planning to lie. In front of the boy, he became more and more, clearly the strength only, but when he couldn't put the coffin, it turned himself to be shocked!

Now I have a lot of regrets, I am alive, which is just a matter of finding!

Flying priest: "You guilty business sheep, I am coming to help her avenge, it is so simple."

Qin Shoudao: "Sure enough, the girl is not forgotten to me! It's really a little rainy, as for ..."

Flying and listening, the eyes are extremely huge, and the face is full of red, "What are you talking about? What rain is?"..

Chapter 51


Qin Shou sighed, carrying his hands, looking up the sky, a master Ji lonely: "Hey, people are too handsome, even if the age is still small, it will be ignored. What is your saying, what is the love? Forget it, don't tell you, you are so delicious, the rabbit is not accompanied by you! Remember, next time you fall in my hand, otherwise the rabbit will be welcome. Let you eat sweet potatoes, beans! "

After saying, Qin Shou spokes up, hurry away!

Qin Shou didn't want to kill the flying money, but Qin Shou also understood that flying is not so killing. Don't look at the premiere of the gestone of Muzi, take the hawless. That is that Fai Lian determines that there is no danger of life, and it is afraid of Muzi Uncle, this is still standing there. If there is a danger of life, it is absolutely desperate!

Qin Shou has seen the means of merchants, it is indeed strong, Qin Shou wants to win the bright and big win, almost impossible. The most is borrowing the coffin, standing in an invincible. And flying is also one of the top ten demon gods, even if you can't kill Qin Shou, if he wants to run, Qin Shou can't stop. Instead, the two have been completely pressing the enemy, and there is a lot of trouble.

But now it is different, and it is a uncle, and Qin Shou is just a lesson. Feil-time is as long as the brain is not a show, there will be no longer want to meet Qin Shou again, and will not find Qin Shou's trouble.

Of course, the real reason is: anyway, can't kill, why have you been


After Qin Shou, the flying and bustling stood in the same place, continued to eat, when she was a few days and seven nights, she was crying. Just, every one step is a step, it is odor, farting ... all, when it is a hundred beasts, the Wanban dodge. This image is not so embarrassed to return to heaven, and find a hill hide. As for the success of these fart, he also tried, but unfortunately, it is useless!

After a row of farts in a row, Haiming was rushing to find a business sheep.

Then, some people saw the flying martial arts, and didn't you hear some people in the mad, and then the haired wolf ran out, followed by a business sheep who made a long knife! The business sheep stationed at the door, did not have the style of the wind, but a angry: "If you dare to go out to chew your tongue, I will kill you to the end of the world!"

Flying to the distance, call: "Business sheep, I am wrong you! What is angry? It seems you really and the rabbit ..."

"You are looking for death!" Shangmei angered, chasing it.

For a time, the heavens were jumped by the two guys.

In the distance, the two men are sitting on top of the game.

Sitting on the people holding white, a golden huang colorful robes, head wearing a nine days of the king crown, face the crown jade, a pair of eyes like a cold star

Generally, it is equipped with the Junlang and not lack of majesty faces, so that he has a feeling of notgent. Anyone sees him, it will take a sense of consciousness and don't dare to look directly.

The man is opposite, sitting on a white cloud crash, a head of the head, the head of the sword, the waist. The man holds a black child and smiled and laughed: "Taoist friends are really lively."

The opposite man huh, smiled: "A group of little guys, I like to make a haunt. But this is good, the alarm, some energetic."

"Oh? This is not as you, do you like the rule of the rules in previous years?" White man.

"The rule must be, but it is suppressed, but it is not beautiful." The robe man said.

At this moment, Qin Shou has already counted the orientation and went to the Wan Mountain.

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