The old man is a jade rabbit

The old man of the flood is the jade rabbit / the old man is the jade rabbit 747.

Qin Shi is of course not going to be an official, but to see the insight, this monsters are the first event!

"Flood, the rabbit, I will travel ..." Qin Shouhua is a golden light, and the speed is flying towards the Wan Mountain.

It is far away from the Wan Mountain, with the speed of Qin Shou, but also fly over the moon. On this way, Qin Shou finally saw what is a flood! In this era, the murderer is in groups, the beast is pile, the demon ghosts are rampant, fighting as if they will never stop.

However, the strength can reach the level, but there is no. by

This is visible, during the flood period, the level is not too garbage ...

Just when Qin Shou was proud of this, suddenly he suddenly came to a roar, then Qin Shou saw a white figure rushed to the air, followed by a black light chasing!

Qin Shou took a closer look, suddenly ecstatic, this is actually a big wind and a hunna to do it!

The lower side is a swamp, obviously, here is the site of the hook! And the wind's paws also grabbed a hook snake cub!

The black light that came out is the tail of the hook snake, speed, if it is lightning, as if the space is general!

The wind has a dodge, the paw suddenly hooked the tail of the snake, then the snake snakes, and taking the big wind!

The wind roared, suddenly changing, a huge tornado from the sky, knocking, killing the snake!

The hunch is also not weak, and the swamp below is with boiling, and the ignorant of countless mud is grasped to the wind that cannot escape.

Qin Shou saw this, amazed, these two guys's strength, absolutely reached the peak of the level, and I have achieved a handsome level! Moreover, Qin Shou can feel that these two guys have hurt, which leads to insufficient strength. If it is a full day, it is definitely a handsome existence!

However, Qin Shou still didn't understand, and the old blood of the blood river said that he is still weak in this era, not as good as these farewell beasts. However, now it seems that these fierce beasts don't seem to have more ...

Qin Shou station looked at the wind and hooks in the high-altitude, and the hook snake is good at fighting. The wind is good at manipulating the wind attack, but his own feathers are like steel pouring, the defensive power is actually, the hook will be difficult Hurt the wind.

The two guys were more fierce ... Just then, the tail of the hook snake suddenly covered a layer of green light, green light sweep, turned uncomfortable! The feathers of the wind are cut off, and the blood is sprinkled into empty! .

Chapter 52 is a servant?

When servant?

The wind seems to be angered, and Zhang opened a bird mouth spurting a bead, and the eyes of the hood were shot!

The tragic scream of the snake pain is even more fierce, rushed to the air, and the wind, the wind fell into the quagmire. The wind is controlled the endange crazy attack hook snake, and the hood is shot a bloody hole, but the more the battle is more and more, tearing the skin of the wind, bite a large piece of blood ...

Qin Shou saw this, secretly screaming: "It is a fierce beast, it's really fierce! Unfortunately, the brain is not very enough!"

After the two fierce beasts, the two fierce beasts were played more than a time, they were finally injured, and the scars stared at each other. The hunch is still not willinkate, the wind is buckled with the abdomen of the hook with the paw, and the two defeated!

Qin Shou saw this, took out the radish, slammed, bite a bite, swaying away.

At this time, I will pay attention to Qin Shou at this time, two guys just look up! I saw a big big carrot dropped! Wrapped around the carrots around countless runes, falling on the instant radish body, turned into a tangerine killing sword!


Two huge beasts landed!

If the two Yuan gods, they must escape.

Qin Shou made a striker, and the two yuan gods were collected back, swallowed into the belly, and then, the flesh of the two fierce beasts was incorporated. This is not much good, you can't waste!

Finally, Qin Shoucai fell on the small hook. As a result, Qin Shou did not know that the wind did not know that it was killed in the middle of the way! I broke the idea of ​​Qin Shou Club.

After all solved, Qin Shou turned around and determined that there was no baby, it was ready to leave.

at this time…

"Gomy ... Your little ghost is dry, it is simply beneficial!" A female voice with a number of playful.

Qin Shou ear shook, the heart is shocked, there is still someone else here? He didn't find it? It seems that the strength of the people is not weak! However, Qin Shou is also not afraid, but if you run, run, run, and you will take the coffin! So Qin Shou hanging gentleman said: "Who? Standing and talking? Do you stand in the air? Don't be tired? Two big heads are so fierce, the speed is so fast, I have a long time? Is it good to pay back pain? "

"Gomy ... Your little ghost is really fun, your skin is thick enough!" There is a beautiful girl in the sky, the girl is not high, but it seems that the body is very uniform, It seems to be beautiful, a pair of big eyes, aura, and a bit of a bit of hard and overbearing, as well as the attendee! unfortunately

The doll face is a kind, a child is trying to instigate serious illusions, full of joy and cute.

Qin Shou saw this, just wanted two sentences, but the next moment didn't laugh, this woman's clothes were made up of countless birds, the most precious feathers, those feathers, Qin Shouhe saw the fierce beasts , Heavy bird, bifout, and beast Phoenix, Suzaku's feathers! Other feathers Qin Shou did not know, but from the dissected glow and attached avenue, these feathers originated in the same general!

Most importantly, this dress is not a powerful congenital spiritual treasure, just a later Tian Lingbao! In other words, this woman pulled the feathers of many birds, did it, just wearing a good look!

What does this explain? Either this woman is strong enough to horror! Either this woman's background powerful horror! Otherwise it is absolutely unable to do such a luxury! You must know that there are still a few feathers when you have a few feathers ... Although the quality of the feathers is higher than that of this girl. But this is still difficult to cover, the precious girl is precious!

Take a look at the girl's clothes, then look at your own, Qin Shou suddenly found that he really TM is cold!

Girls see Qin Shou Returned to take themselves, and then reveal the uncomfortable look of a face. Curiously asked: "Little ghost, what is your expression?"

Qin Shou shook his head: "Hey, I am sigh, the same

But people are more dead than people! You look at what you wear, then look at me, this is simply ... isn't it comparable! "

The girl looked at Qin Shou's funny expression, and I laughed on my little mouth. Qin Shou found that this girl especially likes to laugh, smile, the two dimples on the small face are particularly conspicuous, especially cute!

After the girl smiled, the board was played: "Your little ghost is interested! This kind of thing, the girl decided, the book seals you for my new class! From now, follow me! How is it, have you been honored? feel?"

Qin Shou listened, two eyes turned, who is he? The sky is unique in the sky, the burger is awkward, hanging the sky. Sweeping the Lingshan, doing the rabbit grandfather! Now, I was like this girl, a photo, like picking a pet, I don't give him a choice of right, I will be directly set to class! Also asked him that he is un honored?

Qin Shou's heart: honor your grandfather! Not a bed to sleep ...

Qin Shou mouth is said: "First, who is you? Second, I have to be honored? Third, when you have the advantage of the class? If you have a good thing, the rabbit is not dry! Fourth, little girl , Look, you are not much bigger than me? "

When a girl listened, Liu Yebei picks: "Are you not happy?"

Qin Shou hugged himself: "This is much better, if you are more, I don't mind when I go back to the class. If it is good enough, I can't do it!"

The girl heard the words, and then smiled again later: "G ... Your little ghost is really fun, I live for so long, you are the first to talk to me so much."

Qin Shou made a little more than a girl: "Although you bring your original forced, I have to say, this is a good thing! I give you ninety-nine points, the rest is not given, So you are proud. Um ... In fact, you just have just, and I want to say. "

The girl screamed, obviously didn't understand the meaning of Qin Shou's previous words, but behind her understand. .

Chapter 53 Who is the owner who is the servant?

Who is the owner who is the servant?

The girl shook his head: "There is always the first time ... Well, let's talk, what are you doing, when I follow?"

Qin Shou swept a girl's child's big breast, dry cough two: "Actually, when you are with class ... mainly, my people are too serious, afraid that you can't stand it."

When the girl listened, I suddenly had fun: "Don't worry about doing things, I don't believe, if you do things serious, I will only praise you!"

Qin Shou eyes are bright, said: "Really?"

"Of course!" The girl looked up.

Qin Shou Road; "That can be said in advance, I will do things that the servant should do! Rest assured, I will not do the servant should not do something, but when I do what you do, you can't be against! Well , There is no done, let's make a vow. "

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