The old man is a jade rabbit

The old man of the flood is the jade rabbit / the old man of the West is the Chapter 748 of Yutu.

The girl is suspiciously looked at Qin Shoudao: "This kind of thing is also vowed?"

Qin Shou called: "Must! I said, I am very serious! Take a look, you let me make me a servant, I let you be my hostess, this is an intention contract. Contracts must have witnesses ... there is no witness, and the correct relationship will only see. Then let God come to witness. "

The girl touched the small chin, looked with a small mouth, and stared at Qin Shudao: "How do I feel, after signing, I am selling, not

Are you selling? "

Qin Shoudao: "How do I say this? I said, I only do what servants should do, the servant should not do it, you have not allowed, it is absolutely not! But what should I do, you can't refuse Of course, if you don't worry, we can put this in the vows. "

When the girl left thought, I didn't find what a loophole was there, so I got some heads: "It's good, you can't play anything!"

Qin Shou took the lead: "How can I play tricks?" I added a sentence: "Don't play the trick or the rabbit master? Wow haha ​​... I am still playing, this time I have played!"

Girl said: "Little ghost, what is your name?"

Qin Shou Road: "Qin Ge!"

"Not allowed to take me cheap!" Girls gave a pearly, a suffocating face, Qin Shou actually had a feeling of being bold! Suddenly, I have a new cognition for this girl ...

Qin Shoudao: "Who is you cheaper? My name is Qin, a single song song, do you think? Do you want me to be your pro, I still don't do it! I said, I am just a servant, only Be a servant should do something! "

The girl is satisfied with him: "For you to pass, you can listen, my name is Qin ... Qin Jie!"

Qin Shouno's mouth: "Big sister, don't you use me? I am called my teacher, you are called the sister?"

The girl giggled: "So, this is the fate! But I am not surname Qin, my surname! White clean!"

Qin Shoudao: "Seconds! I will go out later, I'm the most bullish combination, introduce it to a domineering. This is my family's wife! I am your pro! ... Wow ... I like this! "

Qin Jie was also amused by Qin Shou, shaking his head: "You can't tell you, I let you say it. Ok, oath!"

Qin Shou immediately cooperated, and two people added the conditions that had just had a vows, however, the sky does not seem to respond! Under normal circumstances, if the vow is successful, the Tiandi Avenue will issue these two words, establish vows into it!

But there is no happening in your eyes ...

When Qin Shouton, there was a little deliberate. I thought I could mix it with a false name. Now I seem to be broken, and the vows cannot be can't. Qin Shou has a little regretted, before, I haven't studied this! It's really a book to hate it!

But let Qin Shouzhen, the opposite girl is pretty face, and it seems to be a little bit! When Qin Shouton, this gimmick was lying! She is definitely not called Qin Jie!

So Qin Shoufu was discontinued and stupid, only when he would not know. On the front: "That, is our vow?"

Qin Jie looked at Qin Shou's face, it seems that I really don't know how to

Words have been established. Suddenly, the heart is very fixed, and the mold is the same. "Of course, from now on, you can't ruin it. Don't forget what you said, it's more, but you want to play five thunders!"

Chin Jie knows that he is not a tender little chick in front of him, but a growing old fox, the appearance is honest, the heart is cute, but the heart is like a ghost, hundreds of years a little acting school Big man! Oscar small golden people have a feast!

Qin Jie did not wear Qin Shou's mind, Qin Shou didn't say much, there is a ghost in each other, this matter is already confused.

Qin Shoudao: "The owner is relieved, I remember! Absolutely only do what you do!"

Chin Jie's clear throat said: "I understand it, um ... You can't call this, I call you don't want to see you so small, so fun, you will call the little pigeon! Getle ... This name is good."

Qin Shou is unhappy, this is called how much is it like a male in the three-palace six hospital? But according to the main servant's relationship, he can't be opposed. But Qin Shou's bead is turned, my heart is brugging: I want to take advantage of the rabbit? The rabbit will take you cheap!

After the arrival of Qin Shou fart, the generously put his hands on the shoulders of the hands, pinched! Chin Jie's shoulder is not a thick, very soft, smooth skin, Qin Shou pinched two and secretly called it.

Qin Jie was scared by Qin Shou's move, although the flood period

There is no such thing as men and women, and there is no so deep ethical morality. But men and women are different, no marriage can't make troubles! Especially those who have the status, the more it cares about this!

Chin Jie was suddenly touched by Qin Shou, and suddenly became anger. "What are you doing?"

Qin Shou is unfun, it is very strong. "Didn't do it, as a servant, give him the shoulder when the owner is tired, legs, back, press the waist, ease the mood, stretch the body , Relax the spirit, this is normal? ".

Chapter 54

Deceased servant

"You ..." Qin Jie found that she didn't say anything! But so, look like two people's status to interchange!

Qin Shou immediately crowded his eye: "The owner, which is uncomfortable? Small help you press?"

Qin Jie saw this, suddenly the air festival, according to the vow, she doesn't seem to refuse! Although I know that the vows didn't work, but this only started, she was exposed, didn't play? Qin Jie is high priority, which is willing to entertain so!

So Qin Jie said: "It is very comfortable now, no need to press! Go!"

After saying, Chin Jie has released a huge carriage, the carriage is low, the neon flashes, all kinds of Tianwei Di Bao seem to be found in this car! In short, the whole of this car gives people a very luxurious!

Qin Shou saw this, secretly shook his head, thinking that he is also a well-off home, now and Qin Jie, Qin Shou suddenly found that he is a meal! Still, there is a meal, all the meals that are persecuted!

"See what? I haven't seen such a beautiful carriage? OK, don't look, this thing is much later, slowly see. I got on the bus, gone!" Qin Jie jumped on the carriage and sat in.

Qin Shou almost didn't endure, asked: "You have money so much, exactly

It is a Japanese, you are still a good day, your mother is very powerful ... "But let's think about it, this is asked, the eight-year-old will be killed, so I still have to hurt. The most important thing is that Qin Shou is countless. At the perspective, Chin Jie is absolutely clean! In this case, then he still cares!

Money, beautiful, calendar, this still uses it? Standard Bai Fumei, not chasing, staying waste!

Qin Shou jumped on the carriage. There were twenty-three gold wars in front of the carriage, and Qin Shou swept it, and he understood the driving method of this carriage. Irrusted in the voyage, the thirteen horses also sent a sound, and the struggle and rushed! The speed is fast, it turned out to catch up with Qin Shou!

Qin Shou secretly smashed, "It seems that this girl is not only pursuing beautiful and luxury, practicality is also pursuit."

"The owner is awkward, are we going?" Qin Shou asked.

"Go to Beiyuan first, fly in this direction!" The joy of Chin Jie was passed down.

Listening to Qin Shou is itchy, this sound is really comfortable! Qin Shou continued to ask: "Go to Beiyuan? What to do?"

"I heard that there is a peerless treasure that is about to be unearthed, countless masters have passed, I have passed! If you can touch the fish, fish, then make big!" Qin Jie took a little excited. .

Qin Shou's bead turned, he didn't remember, and the uncle Muzi went to the north. Then there is also a pass here, saying that it is going to the north to clean up a demon.

I can't get it, I can't get it.

If this is true, Qin Shou is also curious. What did this Northland appear, it has attracted so many masters! Also, what is the origin of this innocent, rich, power, appearance ...

Qin Shou's ceremony is a question mark, but unfortunately there is no answer.

The carriage is in the north. Qin Shou saw a lot of people rushed to the north, but there was no exception. Basically, after seeing this carriage, one by one was around, or avoided.

This is more determined to guess Qin Shou's guess, Qin Jie's origin is not simple!

Beiyuan is located in the north of the Chinese continent, close to the sea of ​​Northern Ming, and the ice and snow, the ice and ice, and the iceberg, the glacier is almost a little green!

When I arrived in Beiyuan, Qin Shou also saw more people, and the strength of the strength, and the strength of the water, the strength is strong, and the handsome is also a lot! Even Qin Shouyuan, I also saw the king expert flying!

"Hey, this is a king master, what is the surprised? The guy is Jin Snun, the golden snake, the huge golden snake he stepped on, is his snake refining, an attack and defense. The power is not small. "Qin Jie glanced at the king master, and did not think about it.

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