The old man is a jade rabbit

The old man of the wild is the jade rabbit / Xiyou Laozi is the Yutong Chapter 749.

Qin Shou listened, two eyes turned: "The master, you don't have disgusting me.

Is it good? I will level! People have a king level, high I have two levels, play, I only run. "

"Run? The strength is a level, which is the difference between the heavens and the earth, God and people's gap. You are worse than two levels. He can crush you with a finger!" Qin Jie did not agree.

Qin Shouno grinned and was too lazy to argue. In his opinion, the strength of the king master is not as good as flying, and if he is not afraid, will he be afraid of a gold? However, he will not say this, no matter who Qin Jie is, what strength, what is the purpose. Qin Shou's purpose is very simple, picking up a girl, with this line, you know this world!

The golden carriage is flying, and I suddenly flew three people, accurately said that it is three demon! The three guys are all exactly the same, they are all silver corners, white robe, bucket eye, waist and long swords!

The three came to the front of the carriage, and the road: "Come on! Three thousand miles in front, have been taken over from my blood. If you want to pass, please bypass!"

"Winding?" The people in the carriage have not opened it, Qinshou first jumped up, pointed to three guys, speaking: "Around your grandfather! You are three ugly eight blame, where is it so ugly, no How do you mean at home? Also, there is, there is, what is bloody, blood chicken, the rabbit is not heard! You said that the occupation of 3,000 miles will occupy three thousand miles? The rabbit master is not cool today, this party is thousands of miles I account for! You hurry! "

When you come out, the three people in front of them are stupid! Be seen

If you have seen it, you have seen it, you have never seen such awkward! Almost unspecite!

Among the three people, it is obviously the boss's men's face. It doesn't look at Qin Shou, but the trunk is in the carriage: "The Taoist friends inside, the gods of the three, have seen the friends. Your Dao Xiao's words, also represent you mean? "

At this time, Chin Jie was returned to the country, think about Qin Shou's words, almost laughed, but still said: "His words are not listening, but this is not wrong." Talk, one The golden brand flew out! .

Chapter 55, see business sheep

See also the business sheep

At the point of view of the gods, it seems that the brand is a hot lady, and the hand is too shake. Subsequently, hurriedly held up his hands up, said: "I don't know if Miss is driving, Xiao Si will pay sinful, you will not bother."

Qin Shou heard, the eyebrow beat two times, just these three guys still slammed the sky, how did this suddenly wilting? What did this brand explain? Qin Shou also carefully talked the brand, but it was a golden SE, which carved the brand of various quirky patterns. It seems that there is no big deal.

The brand flew back in the car, and the god didn't dare to stop and immediately reported it.

Qin Shou saw this, blowing a whistle: "This is going? Just so the cow, don't you continue? I am still waiting to watch the cattle!"

God heard the words, the expression flashed a piece of color, but eventually endured, did not dare to break out, with another two guys quickly left.

Qin Shou still wants to say something, GUO addiction.

Just then, Qin Jie was joined: "Don't shout, the brand is fake, hurry. After being discovered, you will trouble!"

Qin Shou listened, scared a jump, the voice went back: "Fake? You didn't lie to me?"

"What is to lie to you? Hurry and go ... Slow, you are responsible for fight!" Qin Jie's voice.

Qin Shou quickly went to the carriage and urged the carriage to run.

After three thousand miles in front, come to a big glacier.

"Stop!" After Qin Jie shouted, jumped out from the carriage, left and right, found no one, quickly collected a carriage, then took out a tie mask and threw it to Qin Shou Road: "Belt, this is I made the mask, I have made no one can recognize you. "

Qin Shoudao: "You As for? But it's three big fools ..."

Qin Jie said: "Three big fools are nothing, but their old ancestors are not good, the famous old monsters, murderers don't ask for background, losses, !! Most is The master is coming, our farewell goods are still hiding. "

Qin Shou didn't understand the meaning of Qin Jie: "What is the Positive Lord?"

"Oh, it is the prostitute who I just pretended! Go away, this iceberg is good, just hide here to see the fun." After the end, Qin Jie raised his hand, opened a mouth in the iceberg, pull Qin Shou hid in, then released a magic weapon, covering the breath of the two.

The space in the iceberg is not large, Qin Shou and Qin Jie are next to each other, smell the body incense on Chin Jie, Qin Shou Bar, the mouth: "The taste is good."

"What?" Qin Jie asked.

Qin Shou shook his head: "Nothing, I am thinking of the barbecue eaten yesterday."

Qin Jie, I didn't pay attention to Qin Shou. Qinshou side face, looked at the skin that Kin Jie's blowing bomb, especially the chest of the peak of Cheng Chengling, I really want to see something in it, and make it so awkward.

However, Qin Shoushu only had a while, he heard a loud noise in the sky, and then the seven people flew from the sky, and they were a gold carriage, and the neon is woven! Qin Shouzhen, this carriage is very familiar!

Qin Shou bowed his head and looked at Qin Jie, and Qin Jie's booth said: "Hey, the master is coming."

Qin Shou eyebrows pick, the feelings of this Qin Jie is really a fake goods! However, the origin of counterfeit goods is not simple, otherwise it is not to be able to afford it.

Looking up, sitting in front of the carriage, sitting a burly car, the car is half naked, and the chest is a white hair, especially conspicuous. The carriage follows six people, three, one beast, face cold, there is a fierce flash in the scorpion, as if you are ready to choose people.

God's three groups once again, blocked the road to the carriage, and the result was not open, and he saw two people behind the carriage, and the two shot at the same time, and the rude is incomparable.

God screams, let go of the maidaine, a three-color ring! As a result, the ring of the ring was actually flying out by the other party!

Subsequently, a big feet were born, and the gods were flying on the spot. It was printed in the glacier. It was a long time to get up!

The two days left and the grounds and the land were not good, and they were overwhelmed by the other side!

Just then, a cold snorted: "The friends of the monsters, why are you so angry!" The sky, the sky in the sky appeared, the fog, there is a movie, sitting on the throne, I am a jumping dog around, I am quite a fan.

Two demon men who shot did not answer, but returned to the carriage behind. The carriage picks up the curtain, go out of one person, standing back!

Qin Shou saw the woman, suddenly stunned, almost consciously called, the woman is not someone else, is a business sheep, one of the top ten demon! But how do you look like a business sheep and Qin Jie! Is this hoe not afraid that others pick up the curtain verification? It's too no technical content.

Qin Jie spit Tou said: "What is it? I just borrow her identity, I didn't plan to become her appearance. You see, this is how good, I am disaster her back."

Qin Shounie grinned, didn't know what to say, this gimmick is really a ghost! But let the business sheep, this thing he likes!

At this moment, the business sheep is still a green shirt. It is a strong and aggressive woman with a random, and there is a majesty, and there is a premium!

However, Qin Shou is not interested in this. He looks more or the two long legs of the business sheep, strong and powerful ...

Qin Shou's consciousness said: "This legs, the people are affirmative strength. Well, this breast muster is very developed ..."

In the side of the Qin Jie heard, I almost laughed, and glared in Qin Shou Road: "You are a stupid, that is not a chest muscle!"

Qin Shou wondered, almost happy, feelings this girl is still a pure little brother! So, Qin Shou immediately began to go along the rhythm, and the generous swept the big breasts of Chin Jie: "Your breast muscles are more than her, how do you practice?".

Chapter 56 I am your uncle

I am your uncle.

When Qin Jie suddenly made a big red face, I didn't know how to answer it. I watched Qin Shouyi: "You will practice it!"

Qin Shoudao: "Oh ... I have heard that muscles will help to develop, look back, I will help you blink your breasts. Well, you don't have to be so excited, this is a servant should do!"

Qin Jie was suddenly gas, lazy to take care of Qin Shou, and continued to look at the situation outside.

Qin Shou is also suitable, followed by it.

"The ghost old ghost, your people dare to stop my car?" Shang Yang arrogant, the eyes are extremely sharp, as if we want to wear the sky!

The ghosts around the sky were shredded by this eye, and they were unastro. The dog on the side is even more like a mouse to see the cat, and hid behind the ghosts.

The ghosts are not angry, but the governor: "The merchants say this is not right, this is not a person who blames me."

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