The old man is a jade rabbit

The old man of the wild is the jade rabbit / Xiyou Laozi is the jade rabbit 750

Qin Shou died in Qin Jie, and she said this ghost old ghost, killing people did not divide the background. But how do you calculate this? This ghost is very taboo business sheep!

Qin Jie seems to have seen Qin Shou doubts, whispered: "The ghosts were repaired by the business sheep, but this old guy is a famous old man, very revenge. Don't look at him on the surface, In my heart

Not allowed to swear. Hey ... Behind the yin, is what he is best at. Besides, the merchant sheep is the demon god of heaven, who dares to make a look at her. "

Qin Shou wants to say, then you will dare! But this is not good.

Qin Shou glanced at the Qin Jie of the side, Qin Shou suddenly found that he seems to play! Just want to pick a girl, play one, the result ... It seems to fall into the quagmire, it is troublesome. The only thing that makes Qin Shou comfortably, this trouble seems to have trouble for business sheep!

Qin Jie was white, Qin Shou, said: "Look at you, this is afraid? Isn't it a business sheep, what is too fear! I still run, but I am relieved, this girl is, you are fine. "

Qin Shou wondered, under the scene of tears, and touched wow, I pounced into the arms of Qin Jie, and took into the chest of Chin Jie! Heart is roaring: "The rabbit is taken care of? It is too bullying, no, it must be bullied ... um, comfortable ..."

How did Qin Jie did not expect that Qin Shou will suddenly play, but Qin Shou imagined anger did not happen, and Qin Jie was touched his head: "Hey, the child is a child ... I am afraid that I will cry."

Qin Shou: "23 ¥ # @ ..."

What does Qin Shou can say? Only continue to smoke ...

The ghosts and the sky will continue to say: "Someone took adult your token. My people saw the token. I naturally thought it was a businessman who was driving, I naturally released a business sheep again, they certainly meeting

There is suspicious. So, this is, don't blame us. "

The merchant sheep heard the words, the beauty turned, the eyes were very cold: "Someone pretends me? You will not look at me carefully. Is it me, put it?"

God climbs up, bitter: "Small long-lasting merchants' sorrow, which dares to overere ..."

The business sheep heard the words, not very angry, one waved: "You listen to it, if I come, I will appear, and I will use a token to open the road? Forget it, I don't blame this You, you tell me that people who are pretending to be me, what is long? "

Qin Shou listened, his face was green, and God knew where Qin Jie is long, but Qin Shou's appearance ...

Sure enough, God immediately said: "We didn't see the appearance of the people who pretending to be commercial sheep, but the driver's way we wrote."

Qin Shou's brain is all black lines, now he finally understands that Qin Jie did not pull him to do hardship ... Qin Shou looked up, he asked: "How many drivers have you changed?"

Qin Jie's touched the chin, a way to say: "There is no thousand eight hundred ..."

Qin Shou two eyes ... Sure enough, this driver is a thunder!

Seeing that Qin Shou didn't scream, Qin Jie smiled and smiled: "G, tease you, I have no car before. If you see you, do you think I will receive you as a servant? However, you this servant

It is also rogue, how to see, it seems that I am honest. "

Outside, the gods have used water printing, and Qin Shou's appearance is made.

The merchant sheep saw this, and the eyes flashed a fierce light! The little mouth is slightly opened, and it is almost called the name of Qinshou. Qin Shou also felt it with his heart, this would make the merchant sheep shouted out, and most of his bubble girls planned to be. Chin Jie can be a little white butter! Can Xiaobin to recruit a big BOSS such as the sheep?

However, the business sheep did not say anything, but a waving, turned into the carriage, said: "I know, ghosts, the ghosts, if you see this person, be sure to help me grab him! After the event, there must be Thanks! "

The ghosts, the sky, Junha, smiled: "The Shangmei people are relieved, if you see this little ghost, I must help you grasp!"

Shang'er Road, thank you, the carriage drove again, flew from Qin Shou and Qin Jie's head.

The ghost is also a ghost fog again, disappearing in the sky.

Qin Shou saw this, whispered Qin Jie: "Where are we going now?"

Qin Jie said: "What are you eager? The baby wants unearthed, nor is it a short thing, first find something good!"

After that, Qin Jie took Qin Shou from the iceberg, and then turned to change, and Qin Jie has turned into a neighbor. Qin Shou followed a change to an adult man.

Qin Jie said; "What do you become so mature?"

"You all become small Loli, I turn it into Xiaoying, do you not be bullied? You see, now how good, I am your uncle, you are my niece, this is good, I also admit defeat, safety, Less trouble. ".

Chapter 57 Rabbit earned [Shang]

The rabbit earned [Shang]

Qin Shouli is straightforward, but the heart is, the business sheep is looking for the right, the rabbit, I become an adult, I am not chasing it?

"Hey! You are my servant! It is also a servant!" Qin Jie quickly corrected, this servant wants to upgrade the behavior, must kill in the cradle! Although her sense of accomplishment is there.

Qin Shou did not fight, said: "Well, the servant is the servant, the lady is lady, is it hugging, or going back?"

"Hey ... Why do you want to hold or carry? Can I walk?" Qin Jie asked.

Qin Shudao: "Please, you have a servant's cattle Miss! Do you have your own walk? You look at the business sheep, do it, do you, there is a big horse, you are also a big lady. Do you want to walk? That is too cold ... "

Qin Jie's mouth; "Is it so cold?"

"Must! I can't see it as your servant. Therefore, you look at it, it is hugging, or going back ..." Qin Shoulian sold the second choice of insurance in this year. .

Qin Jie felt that Qin Shou said that there were some truths. In addition, Qin Shou's age, the appearance is too deceptive, and his invincible acting skills, Qin Jie can't connect him with super big color NG in one

Start up.

So one o'clock: "Okay, um, then hold? Don't ... Back? It seems to be very awk ... Do you want me to ride?"

Qin Shou's face is black, ride? This is not! Can you play a rogue, this ride? What is the hooligan and I have to be as a horse? Qin Shou can play, but you can't play too much price!

So, Qin Shou immediately said: "Master, you are sure, you have a thousand golden lady to ride? Ride on the neck, the two legs are separated, that is too indifferent?"

Qin Jie is listening, it looks like it. The legs ride in Qin Shou neck, not only indecent, but also close to the other party ... Thinking, Qin Jie is pretty red. However, the views of Qin Shou are greatly changed, so that this is a good thing to refuse, it seems that this servant is still very pure!

She didn't know, this hooligan is both hooligans and wants to face ...

Qin Jie said: "That is holding."

Qin Shou immediately bent over, hook the legs of Qin Jie, let Qin Jie sit in his arm, hug! This height, just is Qin Shou's line of sight and double feng, walking from the road, although it is a bit obstruction, but the scenery is greater than everything, Qin Shou said very satisfied!

Qin Jie did not think so much, one waved: "Okay, let go! Goal ... Well, go to the northeast, I will tell you again for a while."

Qin Shou shouted a lot, holding the Qin Jie's biggest meteor, this run is up and down, and the beauty will only understand himself.

"Hey ... this leg, really feeling ... At first, it is exercised all year round. This body ..." I want to criminal ... "At the same time, the thoughts in the heart of Qin, but the children said:" If you see one, if you see one Three mouth, then go to the road in the middle, go to the head all the way to see the North of the sea! Do you understand? "

Qin Shou took the head and continued to accelerate.

Sure enough, I didn't have long seen a three-stop, then along the middle road, came to a cliff, and below the North, the sea is five black, as being sprinkled with the ink. This is different from the future of Bei Ming,

Qin Shudao: "This sea is very dark!"

"Black is right, this is the best ink sea in Northern, which produces the best in the world. Jumping, there should be a small cave, drilling in." Qin Jie said.

Qin Shou nodded, jumped down, and sure, there is a small cave on the cliff wall of the glacier. It is very inconsistent. I don't know if it is a glacial crack.

After flying, there is nothing to have a hole, which is still another long glacier corridor!

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