The old man is a jade rabbit

The old man of the wild is the jade rabbit / the old man is the jade rabbit 753.


"If you mix, you will also want to be yin me?" The business sheep suddenly turned back, and he read a blue small flag in his hand. He waved in Qin Shou!

Qin Shou saw this, Suddenly somewhat uncomfortable, this strength didn't go, indeed retreat, after going out, he didn't care, Tianwei Di Treasure! Powerful and say!

I think this, Qin Shou wooked: "Xiaoyiang skin, look at you! This time the rabbit is to make people!"


Golden Zhongfei is in the air, protects Qin Shou, Qinshou took out the light and death, a radish, to the cyan flag.

Flag and Qin Shou's radish hit together in the air, the sound of the bang, Qin Shou fly back, the strength gap is too big, even if the equipment is good enough, the flesh is strong enough to lose.

But the merchant sheep is not good, was taken by Qin Shou in this point, the fan in the hands behind him suddenly shot on her back, wow, a blood spurted out!

Qin Shou saw this, the heart is big, haha ​​is smiling: "Being good! Take her ill, she wants her, kill!"

However, at this time ...

"Boom!" A great sound came, and the whole world was shaking!

Qin Jie saw this, his face suddenly changed, and he screamed: "Not good, the work is in the case, his knowledge is coming!"

Qin Shou glanced at the two dragons, really! The two dragons suddenly fused together, and they turned their twisted, and the top of the head was more eye-catching, and they were slowly open! The horrible pressure, it is crushed by this world!

"Walk!" Qin Shou called.

Qin Jie did not waste, run over, pull Qin Shou!

As a result, there was not much, and Chin Jie suddenly turned back, and his hand was shot, and a mana light shot.

The merchant sheep was pulled by this, and didn't fall. After returning, quickly chased it!

Qin Shou saw this, turned a white eye: "My Miss, you play good heart at this time? This is the head wolf!"

"Stinky boy, then nonsense, I will kill you now! My good sister, this time is temporarily put down, wait until you go, then slowly ask you!" After the merchant sheep fierce, they did not speak. . .

Chapter 61

Common worker

Qin Shoudao: "You see, this is a white wolf!"

Qin Jie smiled and smiled: "I am sorry before ..."

Qin Shou is too lazy to say more, this world is so much better? Everything is the heart, and Qin Jie thinks so much, he has no way.

Three people quickly sprint, the more the eyes behind him, the more they were, and the ghosts were screaming, as if they were going to open the sky!

Qin Shou first felt what is the power of Zhuwu! I used to have only one concept! Now it is understandable, even if it is just a spiritual projection of the ancestral, the strength is strong, and you can instantly kill Qin Shou!

Qin Shou will not talk, hurry to run!

Three people don't make a sound, all the way!

I quickly arrived at the entrance, and Qin Jie took out a monk, and instantly cracked a gap.

The gap is large enough, and the three people go in!

Almost at the same time, the eyes of the distance are completely opened: "Good courage! Dare to move my things? Looking for death!"

Subsequently, Qin Shou only felt something surrounded by something violent, the next moment was broken!

Crisis, Qin Shou Dafu, the way the space is full, the time to see the next three seconds! Qin Shou clearly saw that the whole void

Broken, Qin Shou, Shang Sheep, and Qin Jie are also made by the fist who is doing in the water, and the scene is blown into the bloody fog! The angle of the fist is too drilled, the speed is too fast, and it is not resistant!

However, Qin Shou saw that everything has a solution, will take the eternal Tianjia, put in the direction of the fist, Qin Shou called: "Don't want to die!"

Qin Jie ran now, she knows the extraordinary place of this coffin!

Although the merchant sheep didn't know what the coffin had, but she believed in the eyes of Qin Jie! So I followed!

It is almost an instant, the bombard, the void is broken, a fist is killed, just in the coffin!


There is a sudden sound of the coffin, and a bloody texture appears on the coffin board. Then there is a strange rune, and the slam is that it will collapted the fist!

Subsequently, Qin Shou returned to a little bit, but also stabilized, opened a portal, called: "Walk!"

Qin Jie was in front, the merchant sheep followed it, Qin Shou took behind the coffin, no way, if it is another punch, only he can hold it. As for the business sheep, Qin Shou didn't want to manage, but now I have no time to handle the business sheep, otherwise she is crazy, the jade is burning, Qin Shou can't hold.

At the same time, Qin Shou's time has been opened, looking at the future,


Perhaps it is a common distance, and it is difficult to discharge, or or other reasons, there is no coming.

Qin Shou took the coffin into the door ... Just then, Qin Shou finally saw the future scene! Time and space is messy!

Qin Shou blame: "Good guy, waiting for us here! Go out!"

Unfortunately, the three people rushed out of the door, the full space was forcibly transferred!

When three people come out, it is not Beiyuan at all! But a miserable ancient battlefield!

The broken body is full, the broken magic is full, there is a demon, some people, there is a silk ... The sky is a blood red, as if there is endless blood, it has turned into the cloud, and the roll is not scattered.

The blood flows into the river, the sound of flowing, can hear the water flow ...

"Where is this?" Qin Jie was shocked.

"Where is this?" Shangmei is also a face of a face.

Qin Shoudao: "The battlefield! I don't know what the battlefield happened in any age! A lot of dead people ..." Qin Shou kicked the entity of a huge behemoth, and the West was pressed against a few people, but unfortunately died.

"Battlefield ..." Qin Shou was once thought that a guy may know the situation here! Qin Shou immediately started calling in the sea: "Nine tube! Go out!"

"Hey, boss, you finally let me come out?" The sound of the nine tube said with a little excited.

Qin Shoudao: "Nine tube, you look at the place in front of you, are you familiar?"

After the nine tube, he finally saw the scene outside. After half a day, he said: "Boss, this place is a bit more familiar, it seems to be a flood battlefield, but not!"

"What do you mean?" Qin Shou asked.

"It's very similar here, but it is definitely not that the flood battlefield I am! I will be the battlefield, although it is very fierce, but the power of the air is not so terrible! Where do you go? This is very evil door! People, the worst power is very horrible! You look at the magic weapon on the ground, it is the concretion of congenital Lingbao, although the grade is not high, but it can represent the identity of the deceased. There is the big flag, I promise, That is the dragon flag! Only the army of Zulong is talented to hit this flag! "Nine cork.

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