The old man is a jade rabbit

The old man of the wild is the jade rabbit / Journey to the Laozi is the jade rabbit 754.

Qin Shou's heart trembled, and the same voice with the nine tube: "Longfeng battlefield ?!"

Nine tube: "Boss, you seem to have a place. Although it is the battlefield after the war, this battlefield is from ancient spirit, the stuff is also horrible. There is a corpse! You have to be careful If the specific, their strength can reach something, I don't say it. I suggest you, be careful and cautious ... "

Qin Shoudao: "I know."

"What are you doing? What happened?" Qin Jie said.

Qin Shou smiled: "Not a daze, but thinking about the problem. That is a dragon flag, only the army of Zulong is eligible for the banner. We estimate that it is a battlefield of Longfeng ancient!"

Merchants heard the words, the eyebrows chased the road; "Dragon and Phoenix is ​​said to be the land of the battlefield of the year, and later the Northland land is collapsed, and Shen into the north of the sea. After the weather, the weather is getting cold, here Frozen into today's Beiyuan ... Qinyuan, you are best to treasure hunt, you come to the North, will you just have to work? "

"Qin Yuan?" Qin Shou glanced at the eyes and stared at Qin Jie, although I have already guessed, but after confirming, Qin Shou is still surprised. He thought that after coming to this world, he is a Witch's person, then follow the witch, lead the people, and destroy the monsters. .

Chapter 62 does not ask for people

Not ask for people

In his heart, the demon group is a big won that is not evil! But now, things are a bit change! The same is a demon, Qinyuan has no business sheep, and it is not too shameless!

These demon people give Qin Shou's feelings, more like a future! There is a good or bad, can't fight a boat.

But when you think, Qin Shou is tangled, how should this future? Is it really necessary to bring a group of humans, rising, then dry over Tianship, dry down those saints, and set up a heaven?

Alternatively, no matter whether it doesn't matter, it will go to the saints, go to the future, , three clear them?

"Hey ... Are you angry?" Qinyuan saw Qin Shou did not speak, in that black face, I don't know what to think, make up, like a child who is doing wrong, pulling Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Qin Shou Ward.

Qin Shou came back to the body, seeing the expression of Qinyuan, immediately sighed: "I am angry ... of course, I am so relief, how can I swindle?"

"Okay, it's not not familiar. What do I report, what should I do?" Qin Yuan explained.

Qin Shoudao: "Yes, you are a top ten demon, I am a small rabbit on the ground. Hey, you can't wait for you ..."

Qinyuan saw this, anxious, said: "Are you really angry?"

Qin Shou looked at the lovely look of Qinyuan, and no longer caught up. Haha smiled: "Of course, there is no! Take you is Qin Jie or Qinyuan, in my opinion, no one is important. Important. Important Yes, you are my little girl! "

Qin Yuan said, this is happy to laugh, kick Qin Shou one: "The smelly slave, even dare to bully me! Watch the penalty!" After finishing, he flexed Qin Shou ticking, Qin Shou hurriedly running, two I will run away for a while, and I will run away.

The merchant sheep was hanging by two, and the face was unhappy. Nowadays, they are inexplicably, the business sheep don't dare to go alone, although I am not willing, but I still follow.

After I was in the original, I stopped: "Qin Ge, Shang Sheep, you say that it is a place where Longfeng should rob, if so, how do we go out?"

Shangyang said: "If the legend is true, this world is likely to be a battlefield space of the dragon and phoenix robbery. As for how to go out, I am afraid I have to rely on him. Space, you don't have any comprehension."

Qin Shounhen, immediately carry hands with his hands, look up, the cattle up: "Business sheep, I have not remembered, let's have two hatred. I have helped you before, now you still want me to help you? No The benefits, the rabbit, I can't do it! "

The merchant sheep heard the words, and he snorted: "If I don't want to go, I will kill you! Let you stay with me!"

Qin Shouyi is a porno: "You are too shameless!"

Shangyang said: "Other?"

Qin Shoudao: "Other? Otherwise, when you give me a maid, when I go out, I will take you out, how?"

"Dream! You don't want to die, take me out, otherwise! Hey!" Shangmei face is cold.

Qin Shou cut a saying: "Do you think that the rabbit is afraid of you? Come come, the rabbit's coffin has been hunger and is difficult, today, take the flat, let you lighten it with me."

During the speech, Qin Shou has to take the eternal Tianyi!

Although the merchant shell is at your own risk, it is not self-satisfied, and she also understands that this coffin is so murdered, and she can't make it. The face is naturally ugly ...

Qin Shou smiled: "More to mention, I also have Qin Yuan sister to help, we have two hits, you believe in the second second to explode your clothes, let you run away!"

Business sheep heard the words, the anger: "You dare!"

Qin Shou mats, a second task, I am a hooligan: "The rabbit is really not dare!"

Seeing Qin Shou and Shang Sheep in the bucket, Qinyuan hurriedly came to the front: "Okay, don't quarrel. You will make our province, no matter what is, danger is definite ! Life is not familiar, all are crisis, I think everyone is still letting

, Temporarily join hands. Everything is waiting to go out! "

Business sheep turned his head: "Let this boy apologize for me, I will join hands."

Qin Shouton is not cool, carry on the coffin, : "Love to join hands and don't join hands, we are like two people! Business sheep, you like a person, then you are here! Take a look at you, you are Dead people ... Dead, don't know how many years, you said that these guys mixed so many years old, and suddenly see a big beauty strolls on the side, will it suddenly come over? "

After that, Qin Shou did not talk about it, and took Qin Yuan.

I looked at Shangyang Road, I'm looking at Shangyang Road: "Merchants, this moment, when you see ..."

The merchant sheep looked at the back of Qin Shou. It flashed in the eyes: "A group of dead people also want to scare me? Don't forget, I am one of the top ten demon gods, business sheep! One person walks alone!" "

Qin Shou Head didn't return his hand: "Come on, look at you!" Be careful! "

During the speech, Qin Shou has already pulled the original, and the gradual hours were in the sight of the business sheep.

Waiting for Qin Shou and Qin Yuan, the business sheep suddenly panicked ... If it is in the fairy world, she is not afraid of anything. Because the things in the fairy world have rules. But here is different, there is no rule to follow, people ... will be fearful to unknown!

Business sheep is no exception!

However, Shang Yang is still proud, absolutely does not allow himself to bow to Qin Shou, so he bite his teeth, turned to another direction!

After she left, the two portraits quietly returned.

"Your guy is so bad ..." Qinyuan whispered.

Qin Shou cut a saying: "What is bad? I am so good, you still say that I am bad? If you look at your face, I promise that a coffin will shoot her! It is too lazy to manage her life."

Qinyuan wrinkled nose: "Look at your cow, your coffin is really powerful, it is just passive defense. Do you seem to actively control him?".

Chapter 63, the village in the battlefield

Village in the battlefield

Qin Shou turned around, and looked at Qinyuan. "Little girl, the more dangerous, the more dangerous, you are not afraid of the rabbit master, do you put you on the ground, eat dry?"

Qin originally Qin Shouyi said: "You can't get the point? I am talking about it!"

Qin Shoudao: "At least the rabbit master is still in the unbeaten place? But can't you have disgusting her?"

Qin Yuan suddenly speechless ...

Just when two people speaking, I was a loud noise, a big flag suddenly fell down. Qin Shou jumped behind, turned a white eye: "Scare me, think there is anything to climb up?"

Qin Shou finished, kneeling down, looking at the big flag, the flag is not ordinary flag, is a magic weapon, just low grade, and destroyed the flagpole, there is also the place.

"This is a badge of the collapse, and the collapse is extremely good at the Dragon. It is said that the Year of the Dragon is the Dragon's fairy army. But now it seems that they are here, I am really curious, what happened What, can make two elements into this ... "Qinyuan Road.

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