The old man is a jade rabbit

The old man of the wild is the jade rabbit / Journey to the Laozi is the jade rabbit 755.

Qin Shoudao: "Do you because of what, they don't do, can you rise? The article inside is more, walk, your cheap sister ran."

Just talking, the front suddenly came to a roar, then one of the greens rushed into the air, then slammed, green and crushed! A white bone is down from the sky!

"Worse! It is a sister, dangerous!" Qin Yuan called out. Qin Shou is following later!

At this time, the delicate sate of the business sheep came, followed by a cyan flag swept the world, pulling the white palm of the palm. The merchant sheep fell by sparing, and the big dades: "I want to go? Leave it? Give me!" The big flag shakes, the sky is shaken, countless bodies are swept!

Qin Shou saw this, there is a bad feeling!

The nine tube said: "Worse! Let that crazy woman stop, her attack is too big, it is breaking the peace of this world! Some things are going to wake up!"

Qin Shou followed a big drink: "Stop!"

However, it has been late!

On the ground, a cyan shock wave went to the four-sided eight-party, and the broken entities were rolled into the air, weakly pulverized into dust, strong, the scene is very bloody!

Qin Shou looked at the blood of the sky, I can't help but said: "I finally know where it is quirky, Long Feng robbery does not know how many years have been in the past, the blood here is still like a new general, this may not be the dragon and phoenix we imagined. Ancient battlefield! "

"Oh ... very smart, unfortunately smart people are dead!" A yukou sound suddenly sounded from Qinshou, Qin Shou suddenly turned back: "Who ?!"

A white figure flashed and disappeared.

After listening to Qin Shou's big scream, gave up the attack on the back, recovered the flag, flew over, said: "Why stop me?"

"I don't stop you, but I have to stop you. Here there is a weird, you just attack, I am afraid that you will continue to attack and attract more trouble." Qin Shoudao.

"Things? What is it? Is these dead bodies?" Shangmei did not think it was.

"This is not only a dead body!" At this moment, one person appeared in the distance, a white dress, face is handsome, waist with a long sword, smile is gentle, so as such as Mu Chunfeng.

Qin Shou, Shang Sheep, Qinyuan three people watching this man at the same time, this man has a quiet voice, and there is still in this place. At this time, people have to be careful.

"Who are you?" Qin Yuan asked.

Men said: "I? I am the village head of the front village, you can call me a river."

"Jiangliu?" Qin Shou Bar hops, the other's self-introduction, he did not believe it. Business and sheep are smirk: "Village? Is there a village here?"

Jiangli said: "How can there be no village? I know, what I said, you may not believe that the past is not clear?"

After that, the river turned and walked.

Qin Shou, Shang Sheep, Qinyuan three people looked at it, and finally decided to follow up and see the way to go out anyway.

I follow the river all the way, Qin Shou can't help but ask: "Uncle, this river, the village you said is in front? How come you are here? Isn't it a battlefield?"

The river is headed: "It is indeed a battlefield, and the battle has not ended, and there will often be the body."

Qin Shou said: "What does the battle have not ended? What does this mean? Long Feng Wars is still playing?" Qin Shou crossed many times, he even doubted that he was shuttle.

However, if the river is, it will help him negate this idea. Jiangxi said: "Don't know, it is said that Longfeng has long been destroyed, but I don't know why, this space will have a body to fall every time a period of time, and these bodies are still very fresh, maybe, there is another one here. Time and space. Or there are other reasons ... I have been investigating for so many years, but I have no results. "

Qin Shouzhen said: "Uncle is investigating the situation here? Is there a little outcome?"

Jianglun said: "Be sure to say the results, nor, people here are indeed from the Dragon Phoenix era!"

Qin Shou Head was shocked ...

The merchant sheep can't help but say: "It is impossible! Long Feng distance is now not known for how many years, even if there is still the body, there is no rot, and it is not like this long time."

After the river glanced at the business sheep, smiled: "Yes, no matter how powerful, if you have fallen that day! Once you fall, even if it is Yadheng, you can't hold the corrosion of the time, the same as the heaven and earth avenue, ultimately As part of the way, falling leaves. However, I am telling the true ... Calculate the time, the time falling down the next body, you have a few days here, you should have a chance to see. When you know that I am really. ".

Chapter 64


Qinyuan Road: "The body is the body, or the body of the Dragon and Phoenix Wars is really incredible. Uncle, the river is the village you said in front?"

Qin Shou is extremely over, but I didn't see what the village. I only saw that many bodies were piled up as mountains, and formed a high wall!

The river is headed: "Yes, what you see is the city wall of the village. No way, this world is now moving, we can only use these dead bodies to cast city walls."

Shangyang said: "Don't you have? Why?"

The river shakes his head: "Unclear, I only know that this soil can't move, I will die. I have died for many years ..."

Qin Shou looked: "This is really strange. Do you take a look at the situation?"

"There is ... I can't come back." The river is light.

Qin Shou, Shangyang, Qinyuan collective is silent, the strange situation here is much more than they imagined!

The sky will fall into the body, and the earth will swallow life, and a group of dead bodies have lived ...

Qinshi Road: "Uncle, the river, how did you come here?"

The river shakes his head: "When our ancestors, the ancestors live here live here, so I can't talk about it."

Qin Shou nod, several people have come to the outside of the corpse city wall, there is a gap outside, the gap is blocked by a huge fierce beast, and the head is open, just like the city gate, everyone passes the skull. The big mouth finally entered the city.

Entered the city, Qin Shou is shocked, there is really a city! Just here no civil buildings, some are a white bone cast house! Only in the middle, there are only a few unique houses! Those houses exude the glory of the magic weapon, obviously not civil creation, but the magic treasure changes.

On the street, there are very few people, only a few people who fall out are walking, these people are more or less with hurt, the eyes of the gods, and they are full of vigilance.

Qin Shoudao: "It seems not to be peace here."

Jiangxi: "Of course, it is not peaceful. In addition to the village, there are monsters. Whenever the monsters will wake, we want to live, you must block the monsters. These people are fighting with monsters, left behind hurt."

Qinshi Road: "Monster? What kind of monster?"

The river refers to the sky: "Fall down, there is still something that is dead. There is also a slave, what kind of monster is very powerful. Let's go, go to my house."

After that, the river took three people to the most in the middle of the house.

Qinyuan followed behind, pulled the sleeves of Li Qin Shou, whispered: "These people are also quirky."

Qin Shou nodded. He has heavy and nine tubs. It is also a thoroughness than Qinyuan and Shangmei Sheep. He looks out, these people are not living! But a group of autopsy! In other words, the people in this village are all after the body is re-wisdom, and they come over!

Entering the home of the river, the arrangement inside is very simple, maybe he is not able to arrange it.

Several people sit down, Jiangxi: "Sorry, according to your habits, there should be tea to be right, but I have no tea here."

The merchant sheep shakes his head: "It doesn't matter, the rivers, people outside, seem to be ..."

"The corpse repair, use your words, just after the body is re-wisdom, the monks who have been practiced again. Yes, there is a corpse, but they are not bad people." Jiangfi does not avoid these things, easy to answer Tao.

Qinyuan said: "What about you? Are you a corpse?"

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