The old man is a jade rabbit

The old man of the wild is the jade rabbit / Journey to the Laozi is the Yutong Chapter 756.

The river shook his head: "I don't know, from I have memory, it is here. Maybe I am also a corpse, or, not, but this is not important. Tiandi Wan Life, there is life. It doesn't matter repair

Or demon repair, ghost repair, and heart decide everything. "

Qin Shoudao: "Uncle, the river, how do you talk to old antiques? I am not a corpse, they are not a corpse, I just want to know, how to go out. Listen to the rivers, you should go out. Why? "

Jianglun said: "Of course, it is not an Jedi."

Qin Shou, Qinyuan, the eyes of Shangmei suddenly lit, they are really afraid that they are not in here!

The river continued: "However, if you want to go out, you can only wait until the night of the moon. Only that time, the guards will leave the door, you have the opportunity to leave here."

"Guardian?" Qin Shouzhen.

Jiangxi: "This is just a spatial gap, a narrow space sandwiched in the gap of the fairyland. In the gap, there is a hometown blocked from the sky. There is a martial art in the trend. The only one can go. The time of going, is the night of the moon, the night of the moon, the martial arts will leave the gate, go to worship what is. I am also many times, I went a few times in the fairy world. The fairy is a bit aware. However, most people here have not been there. "

"Since the crisis is heavy, life is hard, why not go out?" Qinyuan asked.

The river shakes his head: "Here is our home, you are going out to leave the hometown, no one is willing. What's more, they have never left here, not familiar with the outside world, it is not possible to be able to integrate into it. More, and outside Not the place of the monster, the demon king, ghost king, heavens, and the witch often have a fight. No one can set up a business. At this time, it is also fighting outside. They finally chose to stay here, even if it is dead, it is also dead in my hometown. it is good."

Hearing here, the noddown of the merchant sheep: "Indeed ..."

"I know that there are a lot of questions in a few hearts, but I am sorry, I know there is not much." Jianglu Road.

Qin Shoudao: "There are few more than us, uncle, the monster you said every night?"

"Yes. Every night will appear, but you don't have to worry, now the strength of the villagers is getting more and more powerful, those monsters are not enough. ..

Chapter 65


However, you are best not to go out at night. In addition, the villagers have not seen people outside, they are very vigilant, you are best not to contact. Seven days, it is the night of the moon, I will send you out. River channel.

What is Qin Shou, Shang Sheep and Qin Yuan? It can only be nodded.

Then, the river arranged several people to arrange the room.

Qin Shou, Shangyang, Qinyuan three people again gathered together, Qinyuan released the magic weapon, after closing it, During the road: "I always feel that it is wrong here."

Qin Shou nodded: "It is indeed unreliable, but the body of the corpse is not right."

After a look at Qin Shou, the business sheep despised, said: "The corpse repair is not normal? The corpse and other monks have no difference, and the body is still the soul, and it is life-free. But the people in this village are very weird, They don't seem to normal corpse ... "

"The corpse is still not normal." Qin Shou only felt a little could not keep up.

"The corpse repair, in general, the body is not corruption, the instinct condense the heavens and the earth, nourishing the flesh, re-educating the soul, re-cultivating the situation. Such autopsy and normal people are almost

It's just that they have a higher starting point, but the soul does not have a congenital weak phenomenon. But the corpse in this village is different, and their soul is very weak, but the flesh is very strong, a bit like the current witch.

But their flesh is not as good as the witch, and there is no witch's body for the protection of the soul. In short ... they seem to be a semi-finished product that is temporarily created! "Shangyang Road.

Qinyuan said: "It is indeed a semi-finished product, but their soul is independent, and it does not meet the embarrassment of being refined. What happened?"

Qin Shou touched the chin, and suddenly had some kind of premonition, whispering; "It is possible, some people have created these autopsy!"

"Who?" Qin Yuan asked.

Then the three people are in the same way: "rivers!"

"Don't mention this thing, at least the river is malicious to us, we still need him to take us out." Qin Shou low.

"Tains and quiet look, see what this river wants to do ..." Business and Sheep Point.

Qinyuan said: "This river is not simple, and his strength I can't see."

Qin Shouno said: "It is not simple to see it. Hey ... I hope this river is not malicious, otherwise the rabbit will let him understand what is full of malicious!"

"Rabbit master? Your body is a rabbit?" Qin Yuan suddenly called.

Qin Shou turned into a white eye: "How, have any questions? What happened to the rabbit? What is the rabbit?"

Qin Yuan giggled: "Then you change back to the body, if you fen, I will reward you with a carrot!"

Qin Shou took out his own super large carrot, bite a bite; "No, rabbit is back!"

"Cut, small ghost. Yes, water fire lotion?" After Qin Yuan, he immediately said.

Qin Shou listened, the eyes of the eye drops, the cough two times: "Hey ... that ..."

"Don't want to lie to me, I see you get it! Don't say, your changes are quite powerful, turned out to work together, but also deceived two dragon weapons, true Yes. Ok, don't talk nonsense, take it out! "Qin Yuan stretched out the little hand.

Merchant sheep listened, the eyes suddenly lit up, said: "Water fire lotus? The baby that is bodied in the world is a water fire lotus? No wonder you will pass, this is a good thing ..."

"What is good? No you have! Don't forget, you can't kill us, now I want to be good? No door! If you come back, if you don't mess, we are doing two punches What is it to play this ghost? "Qin Shou rushed, Qin Yuan is definitely unable, but the business sheep is absolutely unparalleled! Qin Shou likes beauty

, Prefer to play beautiful women, more likely to talk to beauty in bed! However, Qin Shou is absolutely not to see the beauty of the beautiful woman!

If it is not the relationship between Qinyuan, Qin Shou is too lazy to take care of the business sheep! If you can halt it halfway, or let her a meal, it is good.

The merchant sheep heard the words and scared. "Joke, if I can't take two dragons, can you get the water fire lotus?"

Qin Shou cut said: "Are you teasing me? If you have a few waste? A photo is spiked, the rabbit, I want to have changed magic, now the slag. In short, no you! Unless "

"Unless?" Shangmei immediately asked, water fire lotus, a great benefit for the demon gods such as Shang Sheep, Qinyuan! She certainly refuses to give up!

This era has not yet happened, what kind of righteousness, a messy, a mess, is not existed at all.

The people in this era, only believe in power, so in order to pursue power, they can give up a lot of things!

Qin Shoudao: "My Rabbit, I lack of winter warm bed, summer shoulder the servant of the leg, or try?"

"I can try it now!" Shang Shendo cold. The strength is important, but the position of the business sheep is achieved, and the face is equally important.

Qin Shoucou said: "If you are not sincere, even if you don't do it.

Come, our little girl, come and see our water fire lotus. "

Qin Yuan glanced at the business sheep, and finally didn't say anything, after all, this water fire lotus is Qin Shou. Qinyuan is also only discovered. The credit of two people is half-half. Qin Yuan can't seek Qin Shou's opinion, and the water fire lotus will be given to the business sheep. What's more, after going out, the merchant sheep will turn it back, improve your strength, is the skyrocket of the future.

The kindness of Qinyuan is also a degree. Not silly kind ...

Qin Shou saw this, his heart is dark, no wonder Qin Yuan will become one of the top ten demon gods, at least in this reason, is not stupid!

Qin Shou took out the water fire lotus, put it in the room, Qinyuan small mouth slightly said: "Although I know that you get this thing, but really exciting. You are too great, giggling ... "Qin Yuan hugged Qin Shou's arm, got on the top, Qin Shou was not Qinyuan high, but this jumped, or let Qin Shou cool. .

Chapter 66 Rabbit strength crazy breakthrough [Shang]

Rabbit strength crazy breakthrough [Shang]

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