The old man is a jade rabbit

The old man of the wild is the jade rabbit / Journey to the Laozi is the jade rabbit 757.

Qin Shou smiled: "Of course, the rabbit is me, you haven't tried it yet. After trying, you will know that the rabbit is good."

Qinyuan is also good, the business sheep will also, the circles of life are all the fierce people who go straight, and they will go straight to the women. Don't you do it? N't it work? Grab, rush? Forget it, the next ...

Such a circle makes the two women are very pure, and there is something in Qin Shou's words, and the two people have not heard it.

Qin Shou saw this, the heart did not know that it would be in order to secretly tune success, satisfying his own darkness, but should be depressed in order to bring the cow.

Qinyuan said: "OK, I will try it later."

Qin Shou heard the more happy, try? He really wants to try ...

After two people wared two sentences, they started a lot of fire.

Qinyuan Road: "This water fire lotus fuses the power of the water and the heavens and the earth. Under normal circumstances, it has already been blown up. Today, the water is turned into lotus, generous, how to eat. I have a look, a total eight The leaves, six petals, twelve lotus seeds, we are half, no problem? "

Qin Shoudao: "No problem, hurry, the rabbit, I want to improve the strength now, then go to the ass."

Business Sheep Angry: "If you eat, if you eat the whole water fire lotus, there is a kind of silk, eat half, hey ..."

Qin Shou smile proud: "I am more like you now."

"Let me know that I will kill you now?" Shangyang Road.

Qin Shoudao: "You can play two?"

The face of the business sheep became difficult to look ... Qinyuan's strength and she didn't come up, add an intercalation to fight, and then knock on the stick, she is really playing. Especially the coffin of Qin Shou, she is particularly jealous.

Qin Shou saw the business sheep and did not talk, and continued to laugh: "Hey, you see, don't you do it? So now you are under the eaves, the old is very low."

The businesswood flashed in the eyes.

Qin Shou received a good time, really bombing this woman, not good for everyone. There is still a river who doesn't know the shadow of the shadow, in case, the three people are more than two people.

Qin Shou quickly went to see the water fire lotus, and Qinyuan has been separated from the fire, this cutting water fire lotus is also extremely technically, the power of the water must be balanced, otherwise it will explode! This place is awkward. Three people in the scene must be unlucky, the focus is, too much! I have been so big risks, Mao is not, but also fried, the two people crying.

Qin Shou is watching the original water lotus lotus, while secretly protecting the sheep

This woman acts as a spicy and decisive, and it is easy to take extremely, Qin Shou is really afraid that she is rushing directly, ruining the water fire lotus, come to everyone.

However, Qin Shou's worry is obviously redundant. The business sheep is just holding the shoulder to stand on the side of the side, and there is no meaning of the hand.

The water fire lotus is over, Qin Shou and Qin Yuan are half a person, Qin Shou two words do not say directly! He is now urgent to force, wait!

After swallowing, Qinshou plague sat on the ground and immediately started refining! The furnace of the body is crazy, and the power of the water is decomposed. Absorption ... Qin Shou only feels that the realm that has not improved has finally begun to loosen. In the short moment, he heard the two sounds, Qin Shou's strength directly rushed to the Level nine heavy days!

Subsequently, Qin Shou's flesh is like a black hole, and it is crazy to swallow every effort! Qin Shou was shocked, and the nine-headed beasts in Xuantian nine changed, and it was absorbed by black holes and integrated into Qin Shou.

Then, Qin Shouzhi Hai Li's total, I wish the two flesh has actually have a movement, and the two people sit in the sea. Subsequently, the water is turned out, directly in the Tin Tamada!

Qin Shou saw this, heart is coming! I thought that only half of the water fire lotus, the benefits they got should be big! But now it seems that he has got the advantage of being amazing!

How much strength is two drops of ancestral blood? Think about the evil eyes that works, what is it? And their blood condensed

The power is absolutely terrible! Even the power of the water fire lotus!

Most importantly, this liquid has been chemically shaped, can be cultivated, producing more blood, more power! These power, eventually all Qin Shou! It is just that Qin Shou has never known how to mobilize these strengths, ie, borrowing the flesh of the two ancestors, but also because the soul and the flesh do not match, and the whole force of the ancestral body. Only use some basic ability to use some basic skills, playing the battle force is less than one!

This time, the water fire lotus just became a medium between two drops of blood, and the power of two daily hangers and guys who mutually moved!

Water fire lotus, growing in the water! What else is more pure than the ancestral water?

The water fire lotus has attracted the arrival of the two ancestors, and colleagues have quickly grown rapidly, restore the power of the ancestors! The lotus of only three petals is actually growing the fourth petals in the speed visible to the naked eye! The leaves have also begun to appear fifth!

At the same time, the power of the ancestors of the water, the ancestors of the ancestors were absorbed by Qin Shou. Qin Shouton felt that happiness came too fast, and I couldn't hold it!

Qin Shou's flesh is extremely strong, and now he is infused by the forces of the ancestral, it is enhanced again!

At the same time, the way of the heavens and the earth, the water fire in the water, and the water fire in the water, and the water fire in the water, which are absorbed by Qin Shou!

Qin Shou full strength is in explosion, the speed of Wu Dao also is also in explosive, and finally bombing! Qin Shou broke through the level to reach the handsome!

Outside, Qinyuan did not swallow the water fire lotus, but he was helping Qin Shou care.

The business sheep is sitting not far away, and it is also to give Qin Shou care.

As a result, the two women saw Qin Shou just sitting down, nothing, and continued to break through, and finally broke through the big realm, reaching the handsome, two women's face, there was a shocked color! .

Chapter 67 Rabbit Power Crazy Breakthrough [Medium]

Rabbit strength crazy breakthrough [medium]

Qinyuan said: "Is this guy a monster?

Shangyang said: "It is indeed a monster, this water fire lotus, even if you, I don't dare to swallow. Otherwise, the power of explosion, it is unbearable, and this guy ... is really a freak!"

Qin Yuan giggled: "Business and sheep sister, I am curious, how can you be on Qin Song? Is it to you with his strength?"

The merchant sheep snorted: "It's not the waste of the fight! I want to dominate the five-star five-star grass of this kid, and the result is re-killed by this kid. I helped the woods, and the results came back, let me Also gray face. Do you think I can swallow this tone? What's more, this kid is too stinky, don't kill him not to hate! "

Qin Yuan said: "Gigle, this guy's mouth is really powerful, but ... Shangyang Sister, according to your character, you should now kill him."

The merchants are helpless: "You also think I am a female madman? Extremely not distinguished in the occasion? No matter what, you can escape from the bus, I owe you. I still don't have this time. If you retaliate, even if you want to retaliate, you will leave here again. Again, here, the situation is strange, we are three people, less than one, afraid that it is not a good thing. I

There is a feeling, according to the river waiting for us! "

Qinyuan nodded: "I also have this feeling. Although I don't know if this river is a friend, it is always a hairy. He looks like a peaceful face, and it seems that there is a strainer whispering ... "

Shangyang said: "Anyway, I believe anyone here! It is relatively, you are still better."

Qinyuan heard the words, nodded, whispered: "Merchants, then ..."

"Don't say it, a code is a code, I don't want to confuse!" The business sheep finished, closed his eyes and no longer talk.

Qinyuan saw this, it is also a helplessness.

At the same time, the house outside, the river looks at the sky, the sky is rolling, and I don't know what to watch.

Just then, two men came to work, kneeling on the ground: "The owner, you make us do what you do."

Jiangxi said: "Know, get up, don't say anyone, understand?"

"Yes!" The two finished, quietly retired.

The river waves sleeves, leaving the village, walk into the battlefield, and what is collected while walking. Time passed by a second, when the sky saw the downtown, the river spared, quickly returned to the village, and then waved a huge blood red junior rising, and the whole village was shrouded. Not long after, I heard the outside of the monster outside.

The snoring sounds, a sound roaring, as if you want to shin this world!

The river stands on the top of a huge behemone, looking at the distance, cold snoring: "Let you are in a while, you are my morning and evening."

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