The old man is a jade rabbit

The old man of the wild is the jade rabbit / Journey to the Laozi is the jade rabbit 758.

After saying, the riverside legs are sitting on the wall, not in the sound.

At this moment, in the body of Qin Shou, there have been changes in the sky, the common work, the two drops of blood, and the flesh of the two drops of blood, which seems to have endless power, constantly incorporate the water fire lotus! After an alive in an afternoon, the water fire, has been reopened, and the seventh petals will come out! And its leaves have also appeared eight, the ninth tablet has also begun to sprout!

Absorbs such a long water fire lotus, Qin Shou also has a deep understanding of this heaven and earth! Water fire lotus, six is ​​small, nine are big! And in nine, there is a higher level!

At this point, it is estimated that Qinyuan also understands, but the work is too dangerous, and the opportunity to leave the work is too small. If you miss this opportunity to go, I will do it when I will work in six petals.

She is afraid that the nine petals is not opened.

Qin Shou estimates that the six products of the water fire lotus are not very useful, and the common workers are cultivating nine water fire lotions! Even higher levels of water fire lotus!

Unfortunately, I have been in Qin Shou and Qinyuan on the road.

It is estimated that it is not light, Qin Shou is really afraid that this guy is hard, and it is not happy, it will not hit the mountain!

Qin Shou whispered: "The rabbit is for so long, I haven't seen this long-awaited pillar! Cooperate the old guy, you can be a little ..."

Qin Shou also is not expected to get a higher level of water fire lotus, but he has a better way to use the water fire! He has two drops of ancestral blood, and can cultivate itself to produce more ancestral blood, the power of the ancestors! He wants to use these two drops of hydraulic lotus, and the fine water is long! Qin Shou will not kill the chicken to take an egg, but only take a few pieces of flower petals at a time, and a few leaves take it.

In this case, Qin Shou will follow the water fire lotus, such as eating, and still don't work?

If the strength is really reaching the peak, he can cultivate higher grade water fire lotus, although it may take longer, but this seems to be a problem for Qin Shou.

In addition, through the water fire lotus, Qin Shou gradually touched the information of a long ancestral witch, the blood of the ancestors seems very precious! Even if the ancestral, there may be not much, and any blood loss is lost, it will cause the strength of the ancestral strength to decrease! At this point, you can feel some from the two drops of ancestral blood from the Qin Shou body. It has not been seen in these two guys. The most is to keep consumption and restore balance ...

"It seems that the ancestors are not completely weak, they are very strong

But wants to become stronger, it is even more difficult ... and the blood is divided into a drop, the strength is weak ... Otherwise, we can fully use your own power, cultivate the water fire lotus, and it is not enough. "I thought in Qin Shou's heart.

However, Qin Shou does not matter, although the blood and the precious blood are very valuable, but in Qin Shou Eyes, their existence and water fire lotus are almost his ration! The foreign matter is more powerful, it is better to be strong and reliable! .

Chapter 68 Rabbit strength crazy breakthrough [Next]

Rabbit strength crazy breakthrough [Next]

What's more, these two guys are all existed, absolutely can't expose. Once exposed, it will be a lot! Qin Shou can not want to be squatted, dig out of the bottom. So these two still as a meat chicken ... Although this broiler is quite expensive!

I thought about it, the water fire lotus has reached nine products. Qin Shou two words do not say to the five petals five leaves, and twenty-four lotus seeds take out the twelve direct refining!

Next, Qin Shou's strength broke out again!

The handsome level, two days, three days, four days, five days, six heavy days, like a broken bamboo, directly rushing to the handsome nine heavy days!

The nine heavens breakthrough to the king level, the power required is much more than the heavens from one heaven, this is the cross-section of the big realm! The water fire lotus is also a bit behind, and when the handsome nine heavens hit to a lot, they stopped.

Qin Shou saw this, also known, almost like this. Unless all the water fire lotus is swallowed, it will definitely cross this divide! However, Qin Shou is not anxious, he still has the same thing!

The outside of Qinyuan and business sheep have been completely dumbful! They know that the water fire lotus is a good thing, but it is absolutely unimaginable. Half a small water fire lotus has such a big benefit!

The merchant sheep looked at Qinyuan: "Are you sure you give him just half?"

not all? Also, this water fire lotus is really six products, not nine products? "

Qinyuan said: "I know what you are thinking, but I want to say is that the water fire lotus is six products, I have already sure it. Moreover, the flower is also me, how can I give him more? My cognition of water fire lotus, the water fire lotus is definitely not such a powerful effect, at least the small water fire lotus is half, I don't do it. I estimate that this guy should have other good things together ... "

Shang Yang said: "He should have a five-star grass, nor does it know if it is used."

During the speech, Qin Shou slowly opened his eyes, grinned: "Of course it is still useless, but it can be used now."

After that, Qin Shou took out the five-star grass and throw it, it is directly swallowed!

Shangshi and Qinyuan have a little speechless, for this wonderful rabbit's tooth, they are now very curious. How much appetite can be digested so huge vitality and strength?

Next moment, Qin Shou roared, there were three lotus flowers in the top, and the two have been filled with nine flower petals. The left is still a flowers, but a petal is already open!

Business Sheep and Qin Yuan saw this, flashing over a shock!

"Wang class!" Shangmei is extremely shocking.

Qinyuan said: "This should be a history, the breakthrough is the fastest."

Is it? "

"How much is he? Hundreds of years old, hundreds of years to cultivate to the king level, really a monster!" Shangyang Road.

Qinyuan Road: "The same age people ... No, the same era, no one can surpass him! I suddenly found, I seem to have receivable servant! Haha"

The merchant sheep snorted: "Who is the servant of yours, I don't know who it is, I just afraid that he is angry."

Qinyuan pretty face is a red road: "I am from being close to people, which is like you all over the day, no one seems to owe you money."

The business sheep didn't think about it: "The strength determines the status! No strength, what kind of people are close to those people?"

Qinyuan is too lazy to argue, this kind of thing, each belief, can't say it.

Just talking in two people, Qin Shou almost laughed out ...

Only listening to the ear and rang familiar sound.

"Hey! The hundred years of gift packs have arrived, please pay attention to check!"

Qin Shou was laughed in the sea, although I didn't know what this big package would give him, but one is sure, the things in the spree, didn't let him down!

Qin Shou hurriedly selected a big gift package in the sky!

Unfortunately, it is not a gold lucky package, just ordinary.

However, Qin Shou is not picky, runs over, silently praying two sentences, open a package!

The big gift is opened, and there is three things in it.

A porcelain bottle, a piece of jade, and a token!

Qin Shouchang passes, picking up the white paper below the porcelain bottle ...

Nine-turn Jin Dan [true]: Dan medicine prepared by Too God is a saint, after taking, can strengthen the flesh, improve the gods, move the transfer, and refining the boss!

Qin Shouzhen: "What is this? Nine transfer Dan still has a true and false? When the rabbit is eating the old green cattle, is it a fake?" Qin Shou thought it would like, the legendary The nine-turn golden Dan can be a belly, the day is flying!

However, Qin Shou took so much a breath, and there was no big use! Qin Shou finally understood, why the green cow is so easy to give so much! Feelings are fakes!

However, Qin Shou, Qin Shou, will not be able to run back to a future.

This is a temporarily put, Qin Shou continues to look at the second jade simple.

"The first weight of Tongtian": a post working day, breaking the sky, and bursting one hundred percent of the strength to gather on a punch!

Qin Shou saw this, some speechless, the magical trend he will not fight ten times? What is the magical? Before it is used, it is a person, after using it! The strength of God is often weak!

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