The old man is a jade rabbit

The old man of the wild is the jade rabbit / Journey to the Laozi is the jade rabbit 759

It is like some people, the strength of the flesh is not moving, but you can use the Universities to put the mountains and take away.

That strength increases?

"System brother, you can let me down, forget it, the mosquito leg is also a meat, I received it!" Qin Shou took the jade simple shot on the brain.

In the next moment, Qin Shou's name has changed, and there is a light column.

At the same time, countless scriptures are integrated into Qin Shou's body. Qin Shou finally sent it to this god. Then it is ecstasy!

"Overbearing! Bull! Strong! Haha ... The rabbit will finally go out to hang the merchants! The rabbit master finally gone again!" Qin Shou mad smiled.

It turned out that this Tongtian has a total of ten, the second weight is the first heavy fighting force, and so on. When you are tenth, the power will be extremely terrible! .

Chapter 69


But this is just a big cake, you can't get it!

What truly let Qin Shoucun, this Tongtian can condense all the power on the fist! All power, including other magics, including flesh and blood! Including the power of the magic weapon! Include everything!

As long as Qin Shou's flesh can bear, he will be able to integrate with a brain, then through the sky, skyrocketing 10 times fighting power is a little!

Point attack, always more attack! It is theoretically ten times that there is a hundred times intensity that may be played out!

Qin Shou estimates, this punch, he can kill most people! Even if the merchants are kind of demon, they can also cry! Two punches! Three punches to the bed! As for others, Qin Shou now can't wait to try your fist!

After Qin Shou laughed, he looked at the last item, the dark token, then Qin Shou was ...

There is no introduction above, I only wrote three big characters - Zi Yan Palace! Back behind a word!

Qin Shou secretly screaming, this place no matter what, just pull the relationship with the purple palace, the head can be big! Who is the purple palace? That is the old ancestor!

Qin Shou parents this token, regardless of this token, key

I always take it out to scare people, absolutely scare a cry! The burning does not explain, and directly hangs!

As a result, there are more information in Qin Shou's head!

Zi Xiao listening: With this order, you can get the Ziqi Palace to listen to the qualifications.

Qin Shouton is ecstatic!

Between the heavens and the earth, who said the most cattle? The answer is affirmation: Hong Yucao!

The saints are the disciples of Hongjun, can listen to Hongjun, absolutely benefit!

Qin Shou and Wu Dao head, the speed of Wu Dao is extremely fast, if there is another Hongjun personally explained, Qin Shou confident, he can come again in the shortest time!

I think this, Qin Shou smiled, took out the nine turn gold Dan, swallowed directly!

Next moment, Qin Shou full body flesh and blood came into a pain, then blood flow rate accelerated and faster!

Outside, Shangqi and Qinyuan saw this, suddenly scared!

Qinyuan Road; "What is going on? His flesh ... Will not blow?"

Shangyang said: "He swallowed more than a treasure, or an indich, he was afraid that he couldn't bear the medicine to be self-explosion."

Qin Yuan shook his head: "What should I do?"

The business sheep shakes his head: "There is no way, you can only rely on him. If you really want to help him, let him protect the law, don't let people bother him."

Qinyuan has some panic nodded, went around Qin Shou, a few laps, this is quiet ... Just her forehead is full of cold sweat.

Qin Shou naturally didn't know his abnormality, and the Qinyuan was sitting on a restless thing. He is now being dark, and after nine-turn gold, he will be gave him to wash the marrow! Although his realm has not increased again, the strength, defense, recovery ability, and potential are greatly improved! Qin Shou has a feeling. If he said that he can only support him to upgrade to the peak of Wang-level, then he can easily break through the throne of the throne!

Of course, this is just a metaphor. Qin Shou's potential itself is very incomparable. After being washed, his potential has not known what kind of realm has, what is the achievement in the future, Qin Shou himself is unclear .

Just when Qin Shou crazy cultivated, the door was knocked.

"Who?" Qinyuan's heart is not never, asked in the first time.

"Two girls are me, rivers." Jianglu Road.

"What is Jiang Daoyou? The night is deep, if it is fine, let's talk about it tomorrow." The business sheep suddenly opened, pressed the words of Qinyuan. Qin Yuan is not never, and it is easy to generate a vulnerability, let the other party heard something. The business sheep is different, although some worries, it will not show it, the sky is not shocked.

Jiangxi Road: "Nothing, just come to tell a few, the monster attacks the village, the outside is dangerous, can you still don't go out."

Shangyang said: "I know, thank you Jiang Daoyou reminded. That is tired today, we are also ready to rest."

"That's good, right, Qin Xiaoyou is?" The river suddenly asked.

When Qinyuan's heart suddenly raised, just to open, Shang Yang was first opened; "He is also, but he is sitting in cultivation, afraid to answer Jiang Dao friends."

"So? Then I will not bother." The river said, the footsteps slowly.

When Qinyuan suddenly made a tone, and the eyes grateful to the merchant sheep.

What did the merchant she have to say, just listen to the sound of the outside, then screaming, the sound, the sound, hit the sound, and the sound of the ear, obviously the outdoor war, and very fierce!

Qinyuan Road; "Don't you go out?"

The merchant sheep snorted: "What do you do? Help the river to resist the monster? I don't care, but what about your little love?"

Qinyuan two eyes, "" What little lover, I just put him as a good friend. But what you said, now the primary mission is to protect this guy, the rest is temporarily not considered. "

"This is anxious? I will not be so excited. Sure enough, the feelings are poison, once poisoning, IQ will reduce. Qin Yuan, it seems that my enemity is reported." Shangmei brugally said. "

Qinyuan heard the words, pretty faces, although she did not admit it on her mouth, I have been saying this! But I don't know why, I was said to be a little punishment.

Business sheep giggling, no longer talking.

None words overnight, the next day bright.

Qin Shou played an yaw, stretched a big lazy waist, opened his eyes, said: "Ah ... Ha ... cool! ? You are all here? Why don't you sleep?"

The merchant sheep got up, and the cold and cold glanced after a look: "If you don't care if you next this time, you will let you die." After that, the business sheep went out, I don't know what to do. went.

Qin Shou scratched his head and inexplicably: "She is more old?".

Chapter 70 Lingbao Tianzun

Lingbao Tianzun

Qin originally Qin Shouyi said: "You don't know how to say it, you don't know how we are in the environment, you actually swallow the grassland to sit in practice. You are not afraid of strong enemies? You This is too much to take your life as an accident! "

Qin Shouno said: "Is it so serious? This is not you there, I am 120 assured! Um ... accurately, I am relieved to you. As for the guy, it's ... However, I said that I have come back, I can't help, I am also a pure man, the strength is old by you, nor an annual event. I said, I can't hide it behind you. ? This is not in line with the style of the rabbit. "

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