The old man is a jade rabbit

The old man of the wild is the jade rabbit / Journey to the old man is the jade rabbit 760.

"You still have a style, in case, you don't know how to die last night." Qinyuan Road.

Qin Shoudao: "Okay, don't have a pair of my moms, let's change a topic. What happened last night?"

"The monster attacks the village, but the village should be victory." Qinyuan lazy reply.

Qin Shudao: "Do you see?"

"I have a cumbersome, how do I see it? Starry you, keep it a night, the legs are numb ..." Qin Yuan just complained, the result

next moment…

One flower in front of me, Qin Shou has appeared in front of Qinyuan, and there is a pair of salty pigs in the thigh!

Qin Shou was busy smashed two, Qinyuan is like electric shock, and Qin Shou is called: "Don't mess! Give you a massage!"

"No ... men and women are not born!" Qin Yuan hid.

Qin Shouli straight; "I am a servant, giving the owner is my duty, forget your vows? Or do you think that the vow is not established, don't count?"

When Qinyuan suddenly became difficult: "If this is, you don't have to use you, I will come."

"That can't! I am a servant, how can the servant live to let the owner? Come, don't mess, I will give you another ..." Qin Shou said.

At this moment, the door was pushed away. The business sheep gave it, and the result was just to see that Qinyuan was forced to sit on the bed, and Qin Shou Their wolf of the little white rabbit is like a fierce model that flops on the little white rabbit.

The merchant sheep snorted: "Color rabbit, you dare to mess, I believe that I am now gone now!"

Qin Shou squinted back; "Little ewec, do you dare to turn it back now? What do you see when you see me? My servant gave the owner, and the back, massage is wrong. ? My family

In order to protect me in the night, the legs are numb, this kind is not reported? Do you think I am you? So easy to forget your gratitude? "

"Who do you forget?" Qin Yuan is anger!

Qin Shou has blows a whistle; "Who should say anything."

"Oh, okay, two of you are really the family, don't use this, see it, you will be noisy ..." Qin Yuan saw this, hurry out to pull out

Qinshou booth stall hand: "Don't, don't say this, say that I want to go to my life in my life."

"Do you talk about it again?" Merchants have a hairpin.

Qin Shou did not think about it: "Do you want to do it? Come on? Come on, my strength, my strength, I don't know how the strength is!"

The business sheep disdain: "You think you can fight with me with my king level? I really don't know how to live!" After that, the business sheep will take it.

Qinyuan saw this, screaming; "Enough! You are all endless ... we are still in danger! This is, what is it?"

Qin Shou and Shangmei heard the words, looking for a look, fiercely glanced, there was no longer talking. Qin Yuan saw this, this is relieved, helpless: "Merchants, what did you suddenly come back?"

The cold-cold way: "There are many people in the village! But I didn't see the body of the monster! The river is giving the body to the body ...

"Excellent, river is monk?" Qin Shouzhen said.

The business sheep did not take care of Qin Shou.

Qinyuan said: "Monk? What is monk?"

Qin Shou thinks, it seems that this world has not yet monk, the most is the Western teaching. Even the Western teaching is ...

Qin Shou dry cough two times: "I said."

Shangyang said: "It is the scriptures created by" Scriptures ", Lingbao Tianzun, specializing in the deceased. How can this river lose a passage of this? If he is just a month In the scope of his activities, he is limited. How do he find "people"? Of course, he does not rule out he has a big firmer ... but I don't believe the opportunity! "

Qinyuan Road: "If you are gratifying people, there is a chance, let alone, often have a body that falls, or the death of the dragon and phoenix, these people are" skeptical "is not possible?"

Qin Shoudao: "Lingbao Tianzun? Which Tianzun is this? I only know Yuan Shi Tianzun ..."

The business sheep will continue to talk, and they are too lazy to take care of Qin Shou.

Qin Zhen said: "Lingbao Tianzun, live in the period of dragon and phoenix! That time, he has created a brilliant in the era of Zulong Zhu Feng! And leading the people, fighting the dragon and phoenix, almost It's really rising. Unfortunately, Lingbao Tianzun disappeared ...

The masters of the year were also suppressed by Zulong, Zu Feng's cracks, after the bloody slaughter, the history of the people's past is also erased.

Later, the dragon and phoenix group also disappeared. Some people say that the disappearance of the dragon and phoenix has a relationship with the disappeared Lingbao Tianzun. Some people say that Lingbao Tianzun will summon the death of the dead people from the reincarnation, reproduce the world! Joint a master of human nationality and destroy the dragon and phoenix.

However, this is just rumors, no one is really a fake, but many people will honor the treasures to be the guidance of the people. .

Chapter 71 Rabbit Stealing

Rabbit stealing

The potential and strength of the people have been jealous of major ethnicity. After the rise of the demon, they also secretly jointly coincide with other races, and pressing the people, and does not allow the people to practice master. Even the people are allowed to have a monk!

The only exception is the Yuanzi, the town of the town, the town reality, and the people of the people, and is also summoned by Hong Hao's ancestors. There is an atmosphere on the body, no one dares to kill him. What's more, the town is very careful, and most of the time is left in the purple palace, and it is not an incident, so there is no human calculation.

Even so, the days of the town is said to be too good ... "

Qin Shoudao: "Since it is so afraid of the rise of the people, why not destroy the people? It's not over?"

The Shangmei finally couldn't help but speak: "I ignorance! The family is the creation of the saints, the spirit of Zhong Tianzhi, borrowing the ancient shape, even Hongjun praised, the avenue blessing, became a saints. The mother of the family!

The monsters are the people of the female, and it is a woman's monster.

The two races are essentially a mother. If two children don't look pleasing to each other, small, when the mother can see it. If two children have kill from the killing, the mother will do it?

What's more, some people have seen Lingbao Tianzun! "

When the business sheep came out, Qin Shou was shocked: "Lingbao Tianzun is still dead?"

"I don't know, some people say that he is dead, but some people have seen him. But Lingbao Tianzun has never publicly appeared in front of the world. So, Lingbao Tianzun is dead, no one can say no." Tao.

Qin Shouno said: "It's really a dead old monster. So, the demon family is good, other races are afraid of Lingbao Tianzun?"

"For all, after all, the Dragon and Phoenix family died was too surprised. After destroying the experts of the people, it was robbed. No one dares to guarantee that it is not a spiritual treasure, if it is true ... Even the dragon and phoenix is ​​destroyed. Other families, who has confidence to Shang Lingbao? "Shang Yang continued.

Qin Shoudao: "Domineering! This is true! Little Goat, look at you in such a well-behaved question, the previous thing, the rabbit can not think about it."

"Your face is really not a general thick, you are not thinking about it, I am still being careful!" After that, the business sheep turned around and no longer qualified for Qin Shou.

Qinyuan said: "I have also heard that some people have seen Lingbao Tianzun in Kunlun Mountain ... but it is just rumors. However, everyone is a little guess, Lingbao Tianzun is not dead! As for why I didn't appear, very It may be seriously injured and hid. "

Qin Shoudao: "Take him because I have not appeared, I just want to know why the river will" Scriptures ", and the river is just a

What is something. In addition, what happened outside ... "

"You want to know, wait until this evening, look again." Qinyuan glanced glitting.

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