The old man is a jade rabbit

The old man of the wild is the jade rabbit / the old man is the jade rabbit 762.

Qin Shou saw this, hurry up, and put the business sheep in his arms. He looked down. It was a cold and proud business sheep. This moment was extremely weak, pale bloodless, and there was a powerful way: "Breast , Dare to marry me, I killed you ... Be careful ... Some people change the age ... "

After saying, the merchants have dizzy. .

Chapter 73 Who is a bad person?

Who is a bad person?

Qin Shouno said: "When you are, I still think about threatening the rabbit master. I am really, the rabbit master is not happy, I don't believe it, I will raped you first ... um ... Although this difficult coefficient is a bit high, ... "

Qinyuan ran over and asked: "What is going on?"

Qin Shou Road: "It seems that some people change to us, sneak over the business sheep. But I didn't expect that this girl is also a very defense for us. It is estimated that it is not possible to hit the success. But even so She also hurts ... It looks still not light. "

Qinyuan said: "Give it to me, her strength cannot be hit by people, it is estimated to be poisoned."

Qin Shou did not fight, handed over the merchants to Qinyuan, Qinyuan Road; "Since some people use changes to the test, sneak attack us. Then we can't separate, go back, go back to the room."

Qin Shounawa; "It is good."

After two people returned to the house, Qinyuan Road; "You turn over, don't look, I want to check the body."

Qin Shou immediately cute him: "Check it, let me turn over? Do you have a little more?"

"Let you have a ghost!" Qin Yuan is not a true fool, get along so long, this rabbit's virtue has long exposed. Besides, even if there is no exposure, Qin Shou is not suitable for women's body ...

Qin Shou also knew that it could not be too troublesome at this time, and then a piece of graphic stones in the fingertips.

After the back, the sound of the detachment, listening to the sound, and then want to think that the woman's woman is usually proud, Qin Shou really wants to look back and see what is inner, but It is still not time, this place is not too good, he can only wait for replay.

Qinyuan took off the clothes of the business sheep, and found two blood caves in the back of the merchants, as if they were bitten by the poisonous snake, and the blood vessels were black, and they were still slow. Spread.

Qin Shou Road; "How is the situation?"

Qinyuan said: "It seems to be a poisonous snake bites, it is a bit unlike. You wait, I will take a closer look, there is any other wound."

After that, Qinyuan continues to view, so there is nothing in other places, this only puts the clothes of the business sheep, only the powder back, and then starts to force the poison. Qin Shou also felt the fluctuation of the strength behind him, knowing that it is very moment, no longer chaotic, but two hundred percent spirit, vigilant around.

At this time, a shadow outside the window flashed.

Qin Shou snorted, but didn't go out, he didn't want to be tiger from the mountains, do you who came, the rabbit, I was sitting here, he still didn't believe it, there is something to bypass him!

Time is over a second, then the shadow is constantly squatting outside the window.

Come on, the speed is very fast, each time is flashing. But Qin Shou can't go out, it seems to know that this is useless, and the last one disappears.

Qin Shoucou said: "This waste, I want to seduce my rabbit, I am going out?"

At this time, the door is like a hit, and then the room is slowly opened, but the result is a person, but the door has a lot of cloth, there is a blood in the bag, nor Know what it is.

Qin Shou did not move, opened heavy, seeing everything is vain, so there is something, stealth drilling. And this time, Qin Shou is no longer paying attention to, and the gods have long been shrouded, and it is extended out, and there is no dead angle!

After Qin Shou, after it was no longer, he cracked the things of the blood clothes, and Qin Shou opened, the discovery of stunned, turned out to be a patch!

It is written in it - the spirit of the river!

It is obviously a history that is very historical, at least a thousand years. And nothing has a trace that has time flowing, this thing has concealed over the way Qin Shou's time.

Qin Shou judged that this is definitely true!

In other words, the river has been dead for a thousand years! So who is the river outside?

Think of the scene of the west "Scriptures", the doubts in Qin Shouxin. The river can't know that "people" is the incomplete, can not be people, can only force the soul of the people, ... then, why should he do it? Is it just a psychological comfort? However, watching the river's usual talk style, he is definitely not the kind of person pursuing illusory.

Qin Shou whispered asked: "Light, don't see people, how do you let me know you? Do you want me to believe you, then you come out! And what is my friend's injury?"

"Things give you, just give you a wake up. The river is not a good thing, believes that it will be with you. As for your friend's injury, as long as she is not dead, it is nothing, if it is dead, the poison will be terrible. "A rough voice came from outside the door.

Qin Shou did not go out, but continue to ask: "How do I don't care, I just want to know, who hurts my friend!"

After someone outside is slightly sinking, he said: "Can hurt your friends, only ..."

"Who!" The voice of the river suddenly came from afar, the person's breath disappeared! Obviously, the river is a taboo!

Qin Shui machine moved, a punch, hit a ruins in the yard. At this moment, the river descended from the sky, and the face is so strict, and I asked: "Who is there?"

Qin Shoudao: "Someone is coming, but I don't know who is. I always change.

I came out, tagged from the mountain, but the rabbit, I smart, naturally, I won't be active. Uncle, the river, how did you suddenly come back? "

"I felt the breath of the monster in the city, I was coming back. Someone was injured?" Jiang Li asked concerns.

Qin Shou nodded: "Yes, my friend is hurt, and it is still not light. It seems to be poisoned, uncle, you can know what is going on?".

Chapter 74 Who do you believe?

Who do you believe?

Jiangxi Road: "Injury? What is the wound?"

"Poisonous dental injury, toxic, my lady is driving her." Qin Shou looked up, a little adult.

Inside the Qinyuan is obviously not investing all the thoughts to drive the merchandise, maybe it is afraid that the dangerous Qin Shou is not engaged, so I have left a part of my heart outside. As a result, he heard this, the god vomiting blood, when did she become this little babes? But at this time she can't talk, I can only press this uncomfortable, looking back and find him.

The river smiled and smiled; "Xiao brother, you are very fast."

Qin Shou did two times: "Let's start with your hand, then you will be right, then say, we have a husband and wife, don't go to the difficult to capacity."

Inside the Qinyuan, the gas is almost rushed, come out to give him two kings, let him understand the end of the chaotic. Unfortunately, I can't open it, I can only let Qin Shou are told in that. Land, Qinyuan is also a little depressed because she found that she doesn't quite dislike the speech of Qin Shou ...

This is a bit strange. She admits that she feels special for Qin Shou, but Qin Shou is still a child, how can there be other feelings. But in turn, Qin Shou's performance seems to have

Let her have to treat him as an adult, never look at him as a child. Including business sheep, it is used as the same age.

Even after his strength increased, the merchant sheep was so proudly, began to face Qin Shou. How could Qinyuan will smash Qin Shou. Since the age is not a problem, then this thought, Qin Yuan can't help but panic, is there really a problem?

Qin Shou naturally didn't know that he gave Qin Yuan, he only knew that since the river he had believes that he also believes, then it is half-half vacation, or a mess, it is not letting each other. Too much information. There will be no more, he said, the way, Qin Shou is still very in line.

The river obviously did not believe in Qin Shou, but since Qin Shou said that, he did not say anything, just nodded: "The little brother is awkward, if I need me to help, I will be good. Also, be careful Monsters, they are very proficient, and they are good at psychological war. Their favorite, that is, from internal to dissert enemy, I don't want, when we become enemies. Do you understand what I mean? "

Qin Shou quickly made a haha: "Uncle Jiang, you said, we started from meeting, you will take care of us, how can we become an enemy? Yes, just the guy gave me this thing, you see Look, is this a fake? "

Qin Shou didn't have a lungs, and he handed the spirit of the river.

go with.

The river is a bright position, and the light is slightly written, and there is no more psychological fluctuations, and the Qin Shou heart is helpless. I don't know if this river is really the collapse, the psychological quality is amazing, or it really doesn't care. Al or, this guy is simply a movie emperor.

The river said, "I have told you, I don't know where I am, my memory is interrupted. Maybe I really died, maybe I am a corpse, or this is a fake However, it doesn't matter, I only look at it now, I don't care. "

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