The old man is a jade rabbit

The old man of the wild is the jade rabbit / the old man is the Jade rabbit 763.

Qin Shou found that after the river said, he didn't have a reason to doubt the river. I have to take a picture: "Uncle said, I think so. I still trust uncle, otherwise I will not give this thing to Uncle."

At this moment, a long halkest outside the village seems to be delivered to some kind of information.

The river is pointing: "Thank you for your trust, I think you will never regret it today's choice. Ok, I will go out first, and the people don't seem to find something, I have to see."

Qin Shou is shocked, asked in the next consciousness: "They all go out?"

The river is headed: "Well, after the war, we will find a useful thing, it is still necessary. Moreover, we have to set some ban, array, to deal with the attack at night. This is indispensable.

Ok, let me say, go first. "

After that, the river turned into a light disappeared.

Qin Shou brows wrinkled, closed the door, looking back to Qin Yuan, the result is not seen, the light of the business sheep is back, when the skin is blown, the tenderness is like a sheep fat jade, Qin Shou I really want to touch it, try it. However, this thought is full, and immediately disappears. In front of a woman, it shows that the body is interested in another woman, it is obviously stupid.

At this moment, Qinyuan slowly opened his eyes, glanced at Qin Shouyi: "What do you want to see? Do you want to touch?"

Qin Shounou took back the eyes, not afraid of shadows, did not catch, he was afraid of a fart! So the way is full: "Sliced, I am not interested in this woman, what is good, but if you are there, I will definitely look carefully ... In fact, I am really curious, how do you exercise? Chest muscles, why is it so developed? "

"Hey! Re-tell, I am also you!" Qin Yuan was a big red face by Qin Shou, then frown: "Qin Ge, Shang Yang, this poison, seems to have some kind of assimilation power in the monsters, My strength goes in, soon being assimilated by the toxins, then I will not be controlled by my control. I will not only disperse this poison, but continue, will strengthen the power of toxins. "

Qin Shou listened, the heart was shocked; "So fierce?"

"Well, weird, fierce." Qin Yuan nodded, then added a sentence: "But you don't have to worry, the strength of Shangmei is very strong, this poison is strong, but you want to completely invade business sheep, in a short time Not can't do. If we can leave here, return to heaven, this poison naturally people will help her to lift ... Yes, do you think the river is not true? ".

Chapter 75 Rabbit is a revenge

Rabbit is revenge

Qin Shou scratched his head: "To tell the truth, I don't know if the river will act too act show, I can't see his flaw, but I don't trust him. Of course, the guy who came before and I didn't trust it. So, I think we have no need to trust anyone, this world is not big, as long as we can ensure safety, we should easily explore it, then think that it is to leave. But this If you can't say it, everything is in the dark. Before we don't have to leave the leave, don't easily turn it off with others. Especially the river, this guy has a stunning breath ...

Of course, if you see him not pleading, as your husband, the rabbit, I can still turn over him! "The words behind Qin Shou have changed clearly, the thief's eye, the appearance of a face.

Qinyuan didn't look good, Qin Shou, said: "If you say, I will do it! Let's talk about it, the business sheep is injured, I am afraid that it is hard to wake up in a short time, even if I wake up ..."

"Hey, you are too young to see me!" At this time, the merchant sheep snorted and opened his eyes. Then the generous sat up, pulled the clothes on the back, sitting there, watching Qin Shou's eyes turned a lot. Then the cold road: "This poison, indeed overbearing, but if you want to use this to poison, I will remove me, they have not awkward to see me! Although this guy is not

How, but there is a sentence to be right, here, we can't trust anyone! "

Qin Yuan Xinyi asked: "Business and sheep sister, are you nothing?"

Nothing, Qin Shou, said: "Nothing is a fart, this girl is hard to support. Don't support the beads, don't have a hard! Your situation I look out, the poison is very overbearing, you can temporarily press it, but you can't Again the power, otherwise the toxin will accelerate, you are afraid that you can't live back to Tianting. Um ... Yes, you are not dead, you don't want to flesh, soul ... "said this, Qin Shouxin I am thinking about what I thought!

"What happened?" Qin Yuan saw Qin Shou did not talk, asked.

Qin Shou shook his head: "Nothing, I said, your soul should be on the book, so don't worry. Daddy, re-cultivation, re-cultivation. Not like me, bitter, death God can't afford. Sure enough, there is still a mountain, and when civil servants have a good ... "

Qinyuan turned a white eye: "Do you think that the resurrection is a good thing in Tian Shu? We now just place the true spirit in the sky, not integrating into the book. We can always take the true spirit, so don't delay us practice. But If we die, then in the sky, it is not the same. The strength of the book will absorb our true spirit, integrate into the emperor, and our true spirit will always be sleepy in the sky. Live! "

Qin Shou did not accidentally surrendered it. After all, the future of the book became a god list.

If there are countless cut disciples, those disciples have been eaten!

Qin Shoudao: "So, how are you?"

Qin originally Qin Shouyi said: "Strap, no one is afraid of death."

Shangyu said: "Can you die, no one wants to die. Listen to your previous tone, do you want to enter Tiantian?"

Qin Shoudao: "Is there a benefit into Tiantian? Benefits, however, I can consider it, of course, it is not good."

"Benefits? This depends on how you understand. However, most of the gods have a duty, there is a person, there is no freedom." Shangyang Road.

Qin Shou Dao: "But I am very idle."

"The whole tiament has ten demon gods. Do you think anyone? You want to be, wait for you to win, say!" Shangshu voice fell, screaming, was arrested by Qin Shou, Qin Shou Shangqi Ting's ass is two slaps, then smiled: "You see, don't I win now?"

The angry eyes of the business sheep are coming out of the fire, and I'm angry: "You are dead!"

"Oh, I am so afraid, come, let the rabbit master look at how much you fierce! Don't convince? I don't accept the gas, the rabbit is given to you, I don't believe it?" Qin Shou went back, Shang Sheep shock the sky The look, Qin Shou has long been unhappy. Now I am not easy to catch the opportunity, I don't pick him up, I am sorry myself.

Qinyuan saw this, said: "Bunny, you don't do this, before you have misunderstandings ..."

Qin Shoudao: "Which is a misunderstanding, this is this gimmick to deceive people, robbery still want to be hit, is there so unreasonable? No, now you must take it back, otherwise I will suffer too much. Well, this is good, come back under."


Qin Shoucheng took two slaps on the hips of Shang Sheep, and the business sheep angry: "You ... don't force me to fight with you!"

Qin Shou is more unhappy, and the big bus is another two slap. I have a darkness in my heart. I don't hide, the thief is said: "You continue to call, you are more exciting, the Buna, I'm more cool!" Don't say, this bomb xing

This is true, it is really good. "

"You ..." business sheep looked at Qin Shou's thief's eye, but I really didn't dare to be. People have to bow under the roof, this truth is not unknown.

Qinyuan saw this, hurry to ask, Qin Shou is not really going to fight with Shangmei. Just taking the opportunity to come back to the past, since the arrogance of the merchant sheep is pressed, Qin Shou nature will receive it.

At the same time, Qin Shou is also taking the opportunity to get the leadership of their three small teams. Otherwise, two opinions are very prone to problems. Before the business sheep was sneak, it was because of this.

As for Qinyuan, Qin Shou is not worried, this girl is smart, know who is mixed, safer. Qin Shou and Shang Sheep, Qin Shou is obviously not malicious to Qinyuan, and the relationship is not bad. Shangyang and Qinyuan have an old hatred without unlocking. Something, she will not flush it here, but the ghost knows that this woman will suddenly be suddenly menopause, go crazy.

So from the head to the end, Qinyuan and Qin Shou have taken a few more.

As for Qin Shou, I will collect her sheep, and Qinyuan is to understand Qin Shou's meaning. Not much to say, it is just a key moment, stopping, give Qin Shou, a slope. .

Chapter 76


Qin Shou Dark is a thumbs up to Qinyuan. As a result, it was just seen by the merchant sheep. When this gimmick suddenly got two eyes, I almost rushed on the spot.

Qin Shou saw this, quickly transferring the topic: "Jiang Dynasty said that the villagers have went to the village to wear the battlefield, lay the array, do you believe in this matter?"

Qinyuan Road: "This is not believed, after a while, they are always coming back. If the villagers are gone, no one can come back, if the villagers are still, they will definitely come back."

The merchants snorted and didn't speak.

Qin Shou did not take care of her. I took the business sheep on the shoulders and took a martial hip: "You are best not to make, otherwise the rabbit master, you will fall, you will fall on the coffin, At the time of the consequences. You are in me, safer, I have to ensure that it is not difficult for you, but you have to obey, do you know? "

The merchant sheep was touched, but it was not anger, but she couldn't help, only to bite his teeth, bite on the shoulders of Qinshou.

Qin Shou sounded, with a scream, jumped for a long time. This gimmick is satisfied with the pillow, the cold, and it is a response.

Qinyuan saw this, smiling and shaking his head, Qin Shou's flesh has many strokes, don't use her, business sheep should also be clear, she can bite. sure

It is Qin Shou deliberate relaxation to make her bite, and it is also a return, and she is old and old.

This invisible little return is to let the business sheep falling in life, and there is a lot of anger. This is only open: "Do you have any questions, don't get it? Always sleepy in the room, too little information is easy to be placed."

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