The old man is a jade rabbit

The old man of the flood is the jade rabbit / the old man is the jade rabbit 764.

Qin Shou and Qin Yuan also have this meaning, so three people will go out again. It is just that Qin Shou constantly invested in the business mock body, helping the business sheep to resist toxins. Shang Yang just thought that Qin Shou wanted to engage in ghosts and resist it. The result was shocked, and Qin Shou's power was like the Yangtze River river, roaring, she was in a weak period, where is it to stop? Her resistance was shocked by the flood. She was going to fight for her, and suddenly found that the power was to help him resist toxin. This released the tone, glanced at Qin Shou, and frowned.

At this moment, Qin Shou secretly sounded: "This power is indeed a little quirky, and I have a way to seal them. At the moment, you can have three strikes, this three hitting power is to give you self-insurance. If I can't protect you, you will find a way to go ... "

The business sheep heard the words, the heart was slightly warm, snorted, did not respond, as for what I think, no one knows.

Qin Shou also ignored her, others were only as good as Qin Shou, Qin Shou was very clear, he was giving himself to the burden, while increasing a top sign. Since you can do it, let it ...

At the same time, Qin Shou also took the opportunity to analyze which toxins, these toxins have a familiar feeling, but I don't remember where I have encountered. As for the nine-tube, I have already got up by Qin Shou, otherwise I can see it, someone can see it, the feeling will be very unhappy!

Wu Dao's head is still collecting the outside information, and in the crazy analysis, Qin Shou is estimated that he can dig out the bottom of this village! Even the original role of the river can also dig out! However, this takes time, there is more information, and more contacts!

Therefore, Qin Shou is not anxious, there is a provenent, he does not convince the mystery of this world!

Who is the river? It is an enemy or a friend, and this problem will also be unveiled!

However, the more close the result, Qin Shou is more nervous, this exciting feeling makes this guy a little excited ... Qin Shou has never been afraid! Nowadays, the strength has increased, and he also wants to try it, what is the point of his strength!

Qin Shou knows that the strength of Shangyang and Qinyuan is still above the king level, otherwise Qinyuan will not use a contemptuous tone to say that the king master Jinson Lang Jun.

But Qin Shou is more clear, his strength is definitely unable to divide the strength! His strength contains power, far beyond any power of the same level! Level challenges, it is impossible for others, but for him, drink water is average! What's more, he has

Tongtian can be used, he is looking forward to the results of the legend!

Qin Shou lick his lips, heart: "The rabbit is the cattle, but unfortunately, I don't know what is the realm. Hey, I really want to force it, I don't know, I really hurt!"

Out of the village, three people went to the distance, the world outside, still a bloody, everywhere is the body, the broken magic weapon is scattered, and there is no change before.

Qin Shou once again gave the nine cylinder, let him observe the world together, and it is a dark eye, and it is not allowed to play an unexpected role.

"Boss, I understand it, this world is really not a real battlefield. There is no soldier here!" Nine cylinder.

Qinshi Road: "The Soul Soul? What is that?"

Nine cork: "The soul, the warrior of the killing machine, after death, the soul condensed the unyielding war, the fierce soul. Their war is not destroyed, always thinking about the battle, the power will fight with the battle It is more and more powerful! I heard that if these soldiers have been forcibly sent to the land house, they are not reincarnating. When they are in the bridge, they will jump into the Naihe, and they will enter the blood sea. In the Pluto, it was finalized to Shura.

However, the soul of the truly horrible soldiers will not be sent, these soldiers are more terrible than the general ghost! Once cultivated to the big

The combat power is extremely terrible. The most important thing is that they are proficient in battle, and they can manipulate other souls, form a huge soldiers!

The soul of the soldiers, when the single appears, it is not terrible, but once it makes it into a big army, it will become a battle, then it will become extremely terrible! The army swept the world, and the inch of the grass was not born! Once the soul appears, it is easy to cause the world's turmoil. Therefore, there is an unwitched rule. After the two armies, the victory must be displayed, and the spell must be displayed, purify the local soul. So as not to form the soul ....

Chapter 77 Villagers


The most prone to the soul of the soul is the battlefield! However, here, no one has purified the soul, but there is no such soul, and there is no endless battle to condense, so it is definitely not the battlefield! The most is a body stacking area ... "

Qin Shou nodded: "Except, these, do you still see other people?"

The nine cylinder shakes the head: "Nothing, I just said it just a kind of guess, there is a speculation, it is to purify the soul, or eliminate it. But this possibility should be not big, here is a dead person "

Qin Shou immediately remembered, the "Scriptures" of the river before, but the residual page could not grant the soul of the people ... so before, I immediately gave up the soul to purify this speculation, then eliminate it.

But how is the river destroyed these souls? He also knows the soul of the soldiers, is he taboo? Still have other things, Qin Shou, don't know?

Qin Shou's doubts more and more, the opening of the next consciousness, asked the business sheep and Qinyuan: "Why is this world why there is no soul?"

Qinyuan Road: "I am thinking about this problem. It is obvious that the people who don't communicate the government, and the people of the government will not charge the soul. So much here

Dead corpse, there are so many people who die every day, how can you have a soul? "

The merchant sheep snorted: "This will ask the river."

At this time, there are some people in the distance, and the lead is a river!

The river is in front, as it is getting closer, after the occlusion of various obstacles, Qin Shou finally saw the number of people, more than a hundred people! Men, women have, even have a dozen huge beasts!

Just these people have not healed some injuries, it seems that it seems to have just experienced a war.

"How did you come out?" Jiang Dynasty saw Qin Shou and others, and immediately asked.

Qin Shoudao: "The village is too stuffy, and that is really powerful, my friend can't seem to be removed. Now I can't play, oh ... Uncle, the river, what can you drive?"

The river wrinkled: "Here, the only poison is the poisonous poison of poisonous phoenix, the phoenix is ​​not dead, almost unexpected, as long as there is a little, it will spread unlimited. Even if you infect her Some flesh is all down, which will still appear in other places. According to my research, this poison should be similar to the curse, able to infect people's souls. The soul is not destroyed, poison is not destroyed "

Qinyuan shock said: "Drug Phoenix? This kind of phoenix is ​​not extinct?"

Jiangxi said: "Maybe it is extinct outside, but here, some poisonous autopsies are reunited. And doing friends for your friends, ten eight nine is a poisonous phoenix, or the Yi Snake and easy to use the poisonous wolf The snake is best at changing the changes, and the hands of the hand, but they are not poisonous. Their poison is from poisonous phoenix. "

Qin Shou has some speechless way: "How to look at the animals, still wolf is a rape, accompany it ..."

"Well, but they themselves are two creatures, but later found that after more powerful, the two ethnic groups came together. At least, the early poisonous phoenix is ​​not a snake." Jianglu Road.

Qin Shoudao: "Uncle, the river, don't say these useless, you will say how this is to cure."

Jiangli Road: "The only way is to hunt the virus, the blood of the poison can resolve the phoenix."

Qin Shou Road; "Where is the poison?"

The river shakes his head: "I advise you still don't think, there is only one poisonous phoenix, and it lives in the monster camp, there is countless monster handle in the monster camp. Don't say you, even if we go together, even if we go together, Also get to poisonous phoenix. "

Qin Shou Road: "What should I do? I can't watch my friend hang ... so beautiful, if I hang it, I am a pity. Oh ... business sheep, if you hang, you, I will help you make a specimen What? "

"I will kill you!" Said the business sheep.


Qin Shouyi slap in the hips of the merchant sheep, whispered: "What about talking? Speak well, this tone, blame."

The business sheep is pretty face, and I don't talk anymore. For this stinky, she is now unable to endure, so she can give him reasons, play rogue.

Qinyuan hurriedly opened the top: "Okay, don't make trouble. Uncle, the river really doesn't matter?"

The river is a bit difficult: "It is not completely free, the poison is the baby in the monster, when the monster attacks the village, in order to ensure the safety of poison, it will take a poisonous phoenix. At that time, the monsters At that time, the protection of the poisonous phoenix is ​​also the weakest. At that time, it was the most likely to take the blood of the phoenix. However, the strength of the poisonous himself is not weak, there will be other monster protection around. You want to hurt him to take the blood, it is difficult. "

Qin Shou immediately asked: "Right, Uncle, you can go out at night. How long has it?"

Jiangli: "The moon is not fixed here. I will premise it in about three or four days. Now there are two or three days, it is almost. Of course, I can't guarantee that there will be there will be Yuan Moon ... "

Qin Shouton hurts when he hurts: "Can you guarantee?"

"No one can guarantee ..." Jianglu Road.

Qin Shou helplessly: "Ok, it seems that this thing is discussed. Yes, Uncle, these are the residents in the village? How can I get it, don't say it?"

"They are tired last night, they are tired, today go out to lay the array traps. Most importantly, they have not seen people outside, they are still a bit strange to you." The river said, look back to those villagers Road: "Don't be afraid, they are not monsters, friends."

In this way, those villagers have some reactions, but they still have a little timeline, and they have nodded to Qin Shou. There is only one woman to say: "Welcome." ..

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