The old man is a jade rabbit

The old man of the wild is the jade rabbit / Journey to the old man is the jade rabbit 765

Chapter 78, the night falls, hollow insects

Dark night, hollow insect

Then there was no such thing below. In this regard, the river also said helpless, just say, time has been, it is well known.

Qin Shou didn't say anything, followed by the river to return to the village.

After returning to the village, the villagers have their respective home, and the rivers themselves are going to be busy. Qin Shou three people pondered, and there is nothing to do. It is strolling in the village. It is said that these people don't quite care. , I have to return to the room.

"How?" I entered the house, Qin Shou asked.

Qinyuan said: "Weird, these people are very weird, but I can't say that there is a weird."

"It's all right, but these people seem to be like the people in this village, and the move is very strange." Shang Sheep also published personal opinions.

Qin Shounang said: "I know what you said, they are not familiar with your home!"

At this time, the two women nodded, and Qin Yuan also jumped: "Yes, that's this! When I started, they got into the village and even lost, and I often went to a home. , Then two people are stunned again. Even if they go in, they also seem to be very strange. "

Business sheep point: "If they are really people in the village, no

It is possible. I suspect that they are not the residents in this village! Or, it's just a group of new! More than we are new, later! "

Qin Shoudao: "The problem is coming, from the river found so many newcomers? Other people in the village? Are you dead? What?"

Qinyuan smiled: "You don't ask us, this problem can answer you, I am afraid there is only a river. However, you think that the river tells you?"

Qin Shou put the business sheep on the chair, then sat on another chair, knocked his armrest, said: "Maybe, he will really give us a statement."

The Shangqi immediately said: "I think, there is no need! If the river really has a problem, then he must have a right reason waiting to answer you. If he is no problem, you asked it. Finally, if he Really don't have a good idea, if you are ambusted, it is not beneficial to us! Delay time, more beneficial to us. We need to understand this world as much as possible, know more, face the crisis, solve The more methods of the problem. "

Qin Shou hit a response: "I love to listen, then drag it. But still that sentence, we can't always be sleepy in this room, tonight, let us see the so-called monster It's really curious, and the strength of the dragon and phoenix is ​​really curious.

At this time, the two women nodded and agreed. Although it is said that the dragon and Feng family in the Longfeng period are strong, and the power is suppressed. However, the times are different. Today's demon races also suppress the thousands of people, they don't believe, the demon fierce, the phoenix family is weak ...

The time during the day passed, after entering the night, the outside began to become noisy.

Qin Shou waved, carrying business sheep, pulling the Qinyuan out of the door.

The business sheep, it is no longer resistant, not struggling, let Qin Shou carry, the eyes are quiet, and I don't know what to think.

After the door, I saw the sky over the village. I had a big fireball, and the fireball will shine the whole village and the square tens miles. A further place, still can't see it.

However, Qin Shou has a heavy duty, and the two women have the gods, ignore the darkness, and directly look forward to the distance. As a result, the three people took a breath at the same time! The darkness is actually ...

"It turns out that they are monsters!" Qinyuan shocked.

Qin Shounawa; "It turns out ..."

I saw that the bodies of the original death were actually moved! One by one turned, slammed from the ground, some lack of arms, climbing the past, grab the arms legs, reciprocated, then a low breath, squatting, half open half Embroidered, fierce light flashes.

The monster is actually these dead bodies! This

Really let Qin Shou and others accidentally accidentally.

Just then, the river came, the river said: "What you see is just an illusion, they are not the body of the monster! They are manipulated by monsters ..."

Qin Shou wondered, the power of heavy power suddenly increased! At the same time, the nine cylinders are again released.

The nine tube immediately called: "Boss, you have trouble! Your enemy is not a general gadget, but a ghost woman!"

"What is that?" Qin Shou asked.

Nine cork: "Ghost Soul, also known as hollow insects, it is not terrible, but their body is like air, the water is not burning, the knife gun can't be touched, and it is very strange. Kill their only way, It is a moment in their translational body!

This bug can be integrated into the body, and the hearts of the body, replaced it, thereby manipulating the body to rebate. The most terrible thing is that they can perfectly activate the strength of the body and inspire their battle instinct, and talent! And powerful hollow insects, can even become a living, hard-to-life! "

Qin Shou brows wrinkled; "Do you still have this kind of thing? If I want to kill them, what should I do?"

"Crushing them to control the flesh, they will be forced to develop, kill them in a moment! I missed them, they may make the body, escape." Nine cylinder.

Qin Shou nod, although, under the instructions of the nine tube, carefully observed some entities. Sure enough, Qin Shou saw a gray strip shadow quietly drilled into a corpse, then the body was ignorant. Climb it up.

Jiangxi said: "These monsters have been dying, but they are manipulated by a kind of thing, and they will fight again with us. I have never seen them for so many years."

Qin Shoudao: "Which is a kind of bug, want to kill him, and kill them in the moment of the body, kill them. The opportunity is only between the breath, caught it, you can kill Death them, miss, just wait for the next chance. Uncle, the river, what do you say? ".

Chapter 79, night attack

Night attack

The river is surprised to look at Qinshi Road: "Little Brothers, do you know this kind of bug?"

Qin Shou was very unforgettable: "Of course, the hollow insects, there is nothing big. Just know if you restrain their approach, it is not difficult to deal with it."

The river surprises: "So, it is best! Haha ... It seems that God wants us to turn over, this is sent to help."

Qin Shou laughed with laughing, nothing to say.

The river then said: "Drug-Phoenix has not come, if it is coming, the monsters will organize attacks."

Qinyuan said: "If the bug is controlled the flesh of the monster, what is the poison?"

The river shakes his head: "I don't know, the poisonous phoenix has never been hurt, and no one kills the pool, so no one knows that he is alive or being manipulated."

Qinyuan said: "If the poison is still alive, then trouble, the poisonous phoenix has a Phoenix Nirvana, unless it can kill it, otherwise it will not have a drop of blood."

Qin Shoudao: "So fierce?"

"Non-knowledge, real phoenix, the flesh restoration force in the world, even if the witch can not be comparable." Shangmei despised.

Qin Shou did not say that, against her little butt is a slap, the way is pinched, then said: "The rabbit master still knows your softness, so don't despise my ignorance of my rabbit."

Business and sheep face a black ...

Qin Yuan's speechless.

The river also shook his head slightly, and it is estimated that he has never seen such a shameless person.

Qin Shou arrived: "Uncle, the river, no matter how this is going to try. I will play it. I will try it. If I can do it, I will do it."

"You are too easy to give up?" Qinyuan Road.

Qin Shou is granted: "I am not so familiar with this girl, don't you fight too hard? We double the relationship, it is estimated that this woman directly gives me a slap, clean up."

The business sheep is pretty red, and she really caught out ...

Qinyuan is too understanding that the merchant sheep is naturally nothing to say, can only be smirk.

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