The old man is a jade rabbit

The old man of the wild is the jade rabbit / the old man is the jade rabbit 767.

I didn't say what I said, and the battle was about to start, so I gave up the idea of ​​continuing to ask, turned it, ready to help.

On the other hand, Qin Shou has already pulled it, rushed to the air, half the air in the sky, and the green phoenix that only squats on the ground!

"It's so surprised that in this era, I will also encounter the swallowthorn rabbit. Your ancestor is a madman, but unfortunately ... his future generation is a fool! Wang level, I want to fight with me?" Toxico Said, I finished, looked up, and a green smoke was turned, and Qin Shou sat more distance, but the next moment, there was a soft and feet, so that I couldn't use your strength!


Qin Shou is shocked!

The nine tube is called: "Boss is careful, not a general poison, is the soul toxin, he is in the soul of you!"

Qin Shounhen, a big drink, the soul of the soul, the huge eggshell sounded, then the seven-color beads in the sky, and the legs sat in both sides and the joints were also reacted. .

Chapter 81 Women's Heart

Woman's heart

Co-workers and Zhu Rong suddenly opened their eyes, a flame, a water gas simultaneously spread, and collided into a water and fire in the half-air, swept the four parties!


A invisible toxin is now expelled!

Almost at the same time, a seven-color light shot from Qin Shou's literary sea, disappearing in the void!

Qin Shou didn't understand what happened, and he suddenly called the poison. He fell into the ground, his mouth spitbited, but the blood did not spray out, and immediately integrated into the body of poisonous phoenix. The poison is shocked: "What is there in your body?"

"There is your grandfather!" Qin Shou returned to the power, down from the sky, a punch on the poisonous brain!

The poisonous phoenic has not returned the god, only feeling a pain in the head, and the body is not from the ground, the head is directly inserted into the earth, like a frightened ostrich!

Qin Shou's eyes spit and came back and suddenly became anger: "You a small chicken, spitting blood actually dare to suck back? Take me out!"

Qin Shou finished, took out the light and died, took the big radish ,,

go with! The poisonous phoenix roar, it is necessary to struggle to stand!

Qin Shou turned into a change, turned into the body of the body, stepped on the neck of the poisonous phoenix, then took the big radish crazy, hit the poisonous phoenix, the wings were crazy, and the squatting couldn't get up!

Originally, I was going to make a hand, I was completely stunned in the original place, said: "It seems that we look at this rabbit. Although he only has a king, it is its own combat power, it has become far more than the king! This guy is really a monster! "

The business sheep did not speak, but silent looked at Qin Shou.

At this moment, the poisonous phoenix was finally anger by Qin Shou, there was a crack behind it, and there was a grasp, and I grabbed Qin Shou!

"Be careful!" Qinyuan opened a reminder!

However, Qin Shou seems to have eyes after the body, and a punch has been in the past!


Qin Shou was shocked, and the power of the third paws of the other party was extremely huge!

Qin Shou actually ran three steps forward!

As a result, these three steps have not stepped on the poisonous head, and the poisonous phoenix raises his head, and it is almost spurting in the eyes! One of the big mouth, a group of poisonous fog sprayed Qin Shou!

Qin Shou saw this, haha ​​laughed, not afraid! The golden bell hangs on the head, and the golden light falls. Let's roll through the poisonous fog, and it is impossible to close to Qin Shou.


Confused, Qin Shou has already stepped up the meteor, flies up the poisonous fog, and kills the poisonous, seeing the voice of the voyeng, taking the head of the poisonous phoenix!

Drive phoeni quickly dodge, then turn around, the paw caught the neck after Qin Shou! After Qin Shou had a loss, he did not dare to smash this poisonous phoenix. He opened a portal. The poisonous paw directly passed through Qin Shou. !

And Qin Shou turned, closed, a punch on the tummy of the poisonous phoenix!

The poisonous phoenix did not expect that Qin Shou actually proficient in space! After being played by Qin Shou, Qin Shou wanted to have a big moment, flying the moment of poisonous phoenix, leaned up, the radish turned into a windmill, and a series of sulings came, the poisonous phoenix Lianlian, the body is not retreat, the chest is collapsed, and a blood is sprayed, and it is sucking back, and the chest is instantly recover. Drug-phoenix recovery ability is really shocking.

But even more shocking is the madness of Qin Shou!

Turning through the world, who has seen someone holding a radish, put a phoenix into a soil chicken? Qin Shou is definitely a single day!

What is even more shocking is that Qin Shou is a radish, and the poisonous phoenix is ​​going to spurt. As a result, the poisonous phoenix is ​​swallowed back! Qin Shoutoniao was red, roared: "You grandson, actually dare to swallow? I still dare to swallow back? Give me out!"

During the speech, a radish chased a radish in the poisonous body, the poisonous phoenix feathers flew, screaming, and the wolf fleeing

Those monsters who attacked the village saw this, one by one direction, ran to save the Savior!

Qinyuan saw this, a cold, there is a fan in his hand, but he is going to shoot, but listened to Qin Shou called: "Niangzi, don't shoot! Let them come! The rabbit master will open today! This damn earth chicken I didn't give me a bloody blood. Today I have to play him from moving blood! "

Qin Shou talking room, change again to three six-arm! How many monsters you have killed, Qin Shou is just a punch, and the other party is not dead!

Far far, Qin Yuan only sees, countless monsters fall from the sky, then screaming one by one, with faster speeds to fall back! Some landing is made into blood fog, some flying into the air, turned into a meat!

Scene bloody, brutal! The people who look at the cold, but they are boiling!

Qin Yuan did not know, the eyes fell on the giant of the same man-style killing machine, that is, Qin Shou's body! Looking at Qin Shou Daxie, one person pursued poisonous phoenix, the wolf is very appearance, the eyes are bright, the first, Qin Shou has been recognized by Qinyuan in the force: "This guy, absolutely The strength of the demon, the merchants, since you don't like it, then this boy, I received, giggle ... Such a fierce servant, I suddenly found me earn, haha ​​... "

The merchant sheep heard the words, twisted the head, and the face was unhappy: "Earn big

? I am bigger, this guy is a cruelty, I can't get on the sky, if I entered the Tianship, ten eight nine is to be disaster. At that time, you can't eat it! "

"That will not enter the tale, who is bullying me, I will ask him to help me, one, just two, haha ​​... It is estimated that the meter is going to be crying?" Qin Yuan smiled Tao.

Business sheep watched the like, and immediately poured the cold water: "Don't dream, how much is the strength of the Mon, don't know if you are two, three four you are two, It is not necessarily the opponent of the count! Today, the meter is taking into the Tian Demon Pavilion, waiting for him to come out, strength does not know what is powerful. ..

Chapter 82

Poisonous phoenix

I advise you, or manage your little man, don't go out and make it good. Otherwise, you will not live for a long time ... "

Qinyuan made a ghost to the business sheep: "Hey, what you said, how can you yo? How to, the business sheep sister, do you still look at him?"

"Hey! A small rabbit scorpion that is not long, I am not interested! Also, you will look at him like this!" Shangyang Road.

Qin Yuan said: "He said this, he is my servant, of course, my person! I said, I don't say you will look at him, what are you exciting? I always feel that you are doing thieves. …is not it?"

The business sheep is pretty face, twist the head, no longer talk, it seems too lazy to take care of Qinyuan. As for what she thinks, no one knows ...

In the original, I just went hike, she just wants to resolve the contradiction between the business sheep and Qin Shou, but now, it seems that there is no effect ...

In the distance, the river has also stood on the village in the city wall, far from the battle of this.

The river is frowning, and I don't know what I want, after the body, a group of villagers look quietly.

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