The old man is a jade rabbit

The old man of the wild is the jade rabbit / Journey to the Laozi is the jade rabbit 768.

Half, the river said: "It seems that this battle is overhead."

Qin Shou, no matter what these, he is crazy attacking poison, the power is getting bigger and bigger!

Qin Shou can feel that although he absorbed the power of water fire lotus and five-star grass grass, the strength increased. But he did not completely put these power into it! Today, after the whole, his strength actually started the explosive improvement! The breakthrough of the strength of the king level, the power is getting bigger and bigger!

Just beginning, just to vomit blood in poisonous phoenix, come back, directly to the bones of the poisonous phoenix!

The poisonous phoenix is ​​not yet, and all the feathers are all, like countless swords, shoot!

Qin Shou didn't look at it, only listened to the ... countless crisp sound In the crack, insert countless feathers ... this is the feathers of poisonous phoenix!

Qin Shou waved, the golden bell was recovered, the gold shield was broken, and the feathers were falling.

Then Qin Shou smiled ...

I saw just ahead, a light-running three-yellow chicken average guy was on the ground, widened the incredibleness of the eyes!

Qin Shou smiled: "A big three yellow chicken, it seems that today has eaten! However, you have no feathers, but also TM is ugly, there is no small child!"

"You are not dead? What monster do you have?" The poison was shocked.

Qin Shouno said: "What monster I am? I am eating your monster! Dominant, dare to attack me, do you not want to mix? Don't hit your blood, the rabbit is with you!"

Toxicon angered: "Fart, I am the first time to attack this village, how can I sneak your people? Obviously, is you sneak it?"

Qin Shou slam, then the laughed: "You are still very unfamiliar! Hey, there is my friend, her poison is your poison?"

The poisonous phoenix has a business sheep, and the eyes flashed a cold color, and the road: "That ..."


A loud noise, the earth suddenly broke, a big hand grabbed the neck of the poisonous phoenix!

Toxic phoenix called: "Save me!"

However, everything is late, the poisonous phoenix has a neck in the big hand, like a pulley chicken is like, a red to the earth! Then a blood sprayed out! Dr. Dr. can be discounted!

Qin Shou screamed, rush into the place, the radish!

As a result, the big hand flipped, sweep!


Qin Shou only felt a lot of effort, and he flew out!

The big hand is followed!

Qin Shou turned, the eyes were flashing in the sun and moon, and then a light column rushed to the sky, running everything!


Qin Shou's power is crazy to condense on the right hand, see the power of the light and death! Then the power of the golden bell is injected!

Qin Shou's right arm broke out infinite rays, countless avenues hovering above, like a combination of a large road! However, this is not finished, nine days ten land!

Infinite heavens, in the Qin Shou body, finally gathered on the right arm of Qin Shou, Qin Shou roared, the right arm was in the air into a huge vain, and then the backhand hit!

In the distance, Qinyuan and the merchant sheep see this scene, the face is awkward!

The business sheep shocked: "That big hand, the power of horror, seems to be the legend of the legend! However, this thing is not extinct?"

And Zhen Zhen is another thing: "God, how much strength is this rabbit? This punch, you can't stop!"

"I can kill him like a full day!" Merchants did not admit it, Qin Shou is powerful than her!

In this regard, Qinyuan is not strong, just slightly shaking, then worry

"The big hand is very powerful, I don't know if this guy can block."

"Are you worried about him? He can do it even if you work, let alone the same thing? Although it works just projection, it is not the hand to be better." The business sheep didn't think about it.

Qin Yuan asked: "If you are all you, can you block this hit?"

The business sheep is so silent ...


Qin Shou's punch and the big hand hit together, like a comet hits the earth! Although the big hand is huge, it is hard to get through Qin Shouyi!

Qin Shou passed through the big hand, roaring, the carrot in his hand was a peerless sword, swept it!


The big hand was already wrapped in a huge mouth!

"Hey!" A roar from the ground, it seems to be a pain, or knowing that Qin Shou is not so good, the big hand is suddenly turned into a rural gas into the dirt, disappeared.

Qin Shouzheng is about to pursue, Qin Yuan quickly opened his mouth; "Don't chase! You just played just power to incarge, the things of the things are extremely terrible, especially in the earth, strength is almost endless!" .. "..

Chapter 83 Snake


Qin Shou stopped, asked: "What is it? Do you actually run bad?"

Qinyuan said: "Let go back again ..."

Business sheep is a bit of a little saying: "Unfortunately, that poisonous phoenix."

Qin Shouno said: "Unfortunately? I don't think it's a pity to see what this is?" Qin Shou said, there is a porcelain bottle in his hand, and it is green blood!

The businessman is suddenly bright, surprised: "Toxico blood? When did you get it? Just, I haven't seen you have a collection of poisonous blood ..."

Qin Shou cut said: "Everything makes you see it, the rabbit is still mixed! OK, let's go, ask Uncle, what is the situation, if the monster of the attack is only this strength He should not be so miserable. "

Shangqi and Qinyuan are looking for a look, Qinyuan said: "You ask, will not ..."

Qin Shou waved: "Don't ask, we will look our weird. Ask, but there is no, I think he has already thought about how to answer."

After that, Qin Shou has already got a river, laughing: "Uncle, the river, no mission, the poisonous emperor is finished. Right, poisonous emperor, I also get it, how is this?"

Qinyuan followed it, carrying the business sheep.

The river looked at the business sheep, and looked at the blood of the poisonous emperor in Qin Shou's hand. He nodded: "It is also difficult for you.

"Uncle knows what is the things below? I entered the underground, I only felt the boundless suffocation, it was Huang Meng Meng, what didn't see." Qin Shou did not lie this time, the world is not sand, As if it is another world. And the world is like a master.

The river shakes his head: "I don't know what is that is that, but I know that there is a very powerful existence in the underground. I am not talking to you? Anyone who is driving is dead. No exception!"

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