The old man is a jade rabbit

The old man of the wild is the jade rabbit / the old man of the Westward Journey is the jade rabbit

Qin Shoudao: "Well, the poisonous is now dead, the village should be peaceful. But the words come back, this poisonous strength is general. With the strength of Uncle, you should be easy to kill him? "

The river smiled and smiled: "You can see me, the poisonous phoenix you kill is just a place in the countless monster of the village. However, this poisonous phoenix is ​​a frequent visitor of the village, because it has not been shot, so I have no focus on him. There is still not bright, there are still half a night, then wait for you to understand what I mean. Our enemy is a lot ... and I don't have to leave, it will never leave the village. "

Qin Shoudao: "Okay, no matter what, the poisonous is dead. That, my friend's poison can be solved?"

Jiangxi Road: "Of course, use this blood to apply to the toxin soon."

Qin Shou immediately threw poisonous emperor blood: "Yidi, leave it to you."

Qin originally Qin Shouyi said: "Wait for you to find you! I will go to the sheep sister to be treated first ..."

After finishing, Qinyuan left the business sheep.

Qin Shou stood around the river and asked: "Uncle, this monster is really terrible? I think that in your strength, dealing with them should not be a problem."

The river shakes his head: "You are too small to see these monsters, the general monsters are nothing. But the strength is strong, I am also difficult to deal with. You just killed the poisonous phoenix, just a dying struggle to live the poisonous phoenix, strength Even one percent in the whole day is not. And those enemies I have to deal with, their strength has at least half of the fighting power during the poisonous hey! "

Qin Shou was surprised: "No? So how much?"

Jiangxi said: "There are many, but they never join hands to attack the village. Every day, I don't know what they are thinking."

Qin Shoudao: "Then come and kill a head, this time I will help you!"

Rivers, I laughed: "I have your help, kill them naturally, not, but can't kill!"

Qin Shou did not understand: "Why?"

"If you can kill, I have killed it early. If you kill anything, you will attract the collective siege of other monster headers! There is no absolute strength, before we defense, we can't kill any headed monsters." Jiangxi Road.

Qin Shoudao: "No, these monsters are practicing soldiers in the village!"

The river is open: "If it is, I don't know if I have a specific reason. I almost kill a monster, but I was finally rescued by a group of head-level monsters who came to support. The village almost was also broken. From then, I didn't dare to kill it at will. I only hope that people in the village will grow up quickly. "

Just then, a scream suddenly came from the distance!

Qin Shou suddenly turned back, just saw an unfortunate villager was caught in the air, then the same thing fell. Qin Shou looks closely, then it is a pediatric!

And the flesh in the person is gone!

Jiangxi Road: "Is the snake!"

"What is this?" Qin Shou called squad, he was sent, this world did not have a few peace of mind!

"Dragon is general, squat! Kill peeled, the rest are swallowed. I didn't expect this guy this evening ... Qin Xiao brother, your strength is very strong, the snake is coming, you will not die, you also drag live

he. Help me protect the village, I always feel that today's situation is not right, the poisonous phoenix has been protected, not being released. This time, now, now the snap is still following, I always feel that I have to do something tonight! "The river said.

Qin Shoudao: "Don't, my strength is general, afraid of the responsibility of this heavy responsibility." Joke, Qin Shou did not care about the death of this village, he only cares about the death of his own woman! He only wants to go back, see how the business sheep and Qinyuan have.

Jiangxi said: "Now I can only rely on you ..." After that, the river got up and disappeared in the sky. .

Chapter 84 Moon Night

Month night

Qin Shou also didn't say two words, turn around! No one knows, Qin Shou drilled into the ground in an instant, not to fight for business sheep! Instead, go to the soul of the poisonous phoenix!

The soul of poisonous phoenix, the memory is still complete.

Qin Shou clearly saw that a dark palace was squatted with sixteen people, the top of 16 people, and standing alone! The man carrying hands, facing them, can't see the appearance, can only see a rough outline, seem to be a man!

This part of memory, the most vague, Qin Shou, I can't find anything.

But other, the memory of this world, Qin Shou gradually became smooth, this world, is indeed a flaw! But this sip is under Northland!

The top of their head does have a crack, but the crack is not communicating in the past time and space tunnel, but communicates with a big tomb! This tunnel is not naturally formed, but the pool's owner secretly opens!

But they are now in trouble, this tunnel wakes up a horrible guy, the guy is waking up! Once wake up, you will cross the tunnel and come to this world!

At that time, people here, I am afraid that they can't live!

In addition, there is one of the ways to leave, which is said to the river.

Almost, you need a night! But there is a little, the river lies, there is nothing to pass, and there is nothing to guard! There is no established outline, the only way out, is the moon of the moon! Rush out of the moon, you can go back to the world! It is so simple!

However, the position of that moon, but the crack is incomparable, the time of the crack is opened, it is almost the time! A few times, the poisonous people have wanted to leave here for a few times, and the result is blotting the murderous moments shot in the crack!

Even them as twenty-four generals, because only 16 people left in the heart!

Among them, poisonous phoenix is ​​the weakest in twenty-four, but his poison is the most precious, so the poisonous status is not low, but it is hard to participate. But the poisonous guy is the Lord of a good thing, and this will come to see the life of the game, but the result is in the life.

As for the people on the pool, the people fight against the village of the river, in order to compete for a god branch, it is said that this branch can resist all murder! It is the only baby who can resist the murder of the crack! As long as you get this branch, you can leave this world.

As soon, why can only be one person to attack the village every time, the poisonous phoenix only knows the above order, as for the reasons, he is not clear.

Seeing this, Qin Shou is more untrust to rush, the village of the shit, he is too lazy to protect it. Therefore, Qin Shou directly returned to the house, looking for Qinyuan and business sheep.

"How did you come in? How is the situation outside?" Qin Shou entered the house, he saw Qinyuan and Shangyang.

Qin Shou was surprised: "Is it detox soon?"

"Otherwise? Is it waiting for you to see the beautiful scene? Don't open the topic, talk about it." Qinyuan Road.

Qin Shou Road: "There is not a good situation outside, and come again, the river chases. Let me protect the village, I will not guard it, I love it. Yes, you are fine, we are also preparing Let's go. It can't be long been waiting here. This village is the attack target of monsters. We are here, there is no Ning day. "

"Leaving the village? Where are we going? Do you know how to leave here?" Shangmei asked.

Qin Shou patted his chest: "Where is better than in this! As for the method of going out, the rabbit master, what is it can't be found? Hey, what is your eyes? Love letter does not believe, I am Inform you, you love to keep up. Niangzi, gone! "

Qinyuan's eyes and two people have to quarrel again, and quickly open the mouth: "Business and sheep sister, is it more trust in this guy?"

Qin Shou Yeng said: "It is."

Shangyang said: "I didn't see where the guy was trustworthy. Forget it, let's go ..."

Qin Shou didn't pull the merchants, the time is urgent, and hurry to leave the village.

The child said. Otherwise, waiting for the river back, it is inevitable to have a branch of the country.


Open the door, standing at the door, is a river!

There is a bit of a gloomy look at Qin Shou, Shang Sheep and Qinyuan Road: "Where are you going?"

Qin Shou hurriedly said: "Don't you go to chasing kills? This village, I can't guard it, I have been helping them."

The river is susrture to see Qinyuan and business sheep.

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