The old man is a jade rabbit

The old man of the wild is the jade rabbit / Xiyou Laozi is the Yutong Chapter 770.

Qinyuan shrugged shoulders, smart her acting nature did not have a problem, laughed: "Is it, uncle, how come you come back so fast? Snake solved?"

Business sheep is a cold look, not very much.

The river does not seem to see anything wrong, the face is slightly slow, and there is some lack: "No, the snake ran, I sent a shadow of other monsters nearby. Tonight is a sleepless night. You will stay. In the village, remember, don't leave the village, don't you know? "

"Uncle, you are too small to see us? Even if you can't finish the village, a snake, killing him is not finished." Qin Yuan's eye dripped and immediately called.

Qin Shou knows that Qin Yuan is in the set of words, naturally does not insert.

The river shakes his head: "Your strength is indeed, but the outer monsters can lead more than one! Moreover, I feel a big bit.

The enemy's breath is awakening, if he is coming, I don't have time to protect you. Remember my words, stay in the village, you will nothing. If you leave ... "

Business sheep said: "What?"

"I can't have any guarantee for you!" Jiangluway.

What did the merchant she have to say, Qin Shou quickly hit a haha: "Do not worry, uncle, we will stay in the village. I don't want to go out to die, or dangerous."

The river is nodded: "I just felt the breath of the moon. Tonight may be the night! When the moon, the moon will appear directly in the center of the sky! If I can fight the enemy, I will come back to leave you. Here. Remember me, don't leave the village, no matter how you don't leave the village! ".

Chapter 85 is surrounded


After that, the river turned around, and several flashes disappeared in the night.

Qinyuan looked to Qinshi Road: "What do you think?"

Qin Shoudao: "I have a feeling of kindness, this village can definitely can't stay, must go! The sooner, the month before, you must leave the village!"

Shangmei frown: "But I think there is nothing wrong with staying in the village. This river has not been very clear about our attitude. His strength is deeply unspeakable. If it is true and enemy, you can take it directly! We Three don't stop him. "

Qin Shou Road: "I never like to put it in the hands of others! As for his strength you said, I always feel that there is a weird, he doesn't seem to have completely explode our strength. What's more, he should still have a scruple? I really want to play, you are too small to see the rabbit, I am! "

Qin Shou can be very clear, I really want to play, if I am fighting for a fight, this is the strongest fighting power in this way. If the eternal Tianshi behind Qin Shou is a shot, it is enough to suppress everything! However, Qin Shou itself is a bit trive to the eternal talents, so if he does not want to use the eternal .

Two times of use eternal , let him have a kind of illusion, this coffee is so awake! If you use it, it is afraid that it will really open it.

Material ran!

Qin Shou can do not want to have a branch, or let him wait quietly.

The business sheep did not think of Qin Shou at a glance. Obviously, she did not optimize Qin Shou.

Qinyuan Road: "Merchants, I also think that we should leave here, this village is really strange."

The two eyes closed: "I just said my opinion, you have to go, then you will follow ..."

Qin Shou two words do not say, turn around.

However, the three have not taken a long time, and there is a corpse repair. This corpse repairs two eyes, the hair is like a steel needle, staring at Qin Shou asked: "Where are you going to go? Villagers have Order, you have to leave! "

Qin Shou cold smiled: "How? Uncle didn't tell you, now we are the guardian of the village? Are we your boss?"

"The village head did not say, only let you stay. Now, go back!" The corpse was cold.

Qin Shou shakes his head: "It's still trouble. In this case, you ask yourself. Uncle, you don't seem to be too obvious."

The corpse is ignorant, slightly stunned, look back, the result is not a person!

After the next moment, the neck is painful, and a force invades the sea, instantly enclosed

His consciousness, fainting.

Qin Shoudao: "Okay, solve it! These corpse is really not very good!"

"Then hurry away ..." Qinyuan Road.

"I am afraid that it is difficult ..." Shang Yang said, look at the distance!

I saw the distance, more than 100 corpse repaired at the same time, there is still a group of monsters gathered, from all sides, Qin Yuan, Shangqi, surrounded by Shangyang!

Qin Shou saw this, grinned; "This is really trouble, it seems that I guess it, Daxie stayed in the village."

"You are really troublesome. Let you stay, where, so much nonsense ..." Yuan, a shadow walks, enchanting, dry figure is like there is no bone, one twist twisted of.

Qin Shudao: "You are a dead demon, walking can don't mess, look nausea!"

"Snake, I have said, I have said, you have two more ..." A bullish is walking out.

Sku snort to say: "Dead cattle, don't need you to say. Wait until you have, I will lack the bones!"

The business sheep suddenly opened: "You guys do you want to eat us? You are in this waste, just want to delay the time? Do you expect to sleep in this, is it waiting for the month?

"Women are too smart, indeed hate it!" A man came out, burly, but the butt was dragged behind.

Qin Shou immediately made a response: "Agree! Especially the woman is still very self-righteous! But ... Go to death! "

"Hey, this is said, I am afraid ..." Sku smashed his mouth, the soft soft words like a woman ...

Then, the sizzard is still finished, a large radish falls from the sky!


Skull blame, the body is unlimited, distorted!

Qin Shouyi radish has passed, it is actually distorted by his limits!

Sku giggling: "Little guy, you are too naughty! Come, uncle, education, education!"


However, the sulk has not finished, and another radish is accurately hitting his distorted, and then the noodles that are flying are generally flying!

The place where the snake is standing, and it stands on a small radish.

Qin Shou has a cool latitude: "Don't let the rabbit I am angry, otherwise your end will be very tight! Niangzi, go! To hit the village again

hit! "

Qinyuan took a fan early, fans in four weeks, infinite flames, and instantly burn some of the neighborhoods in the nearby!

Merchase a hand shield, a cyan flag, there is a hair behind it! She was attacked before, and she was cleaned up by Qin Shou Hua, and she had an anger of a belly! Nowadays, there is a way of venting, no longer, and the power is power!

The cyan banner shakes, the cyan flag is a piece of monsters to twisted! Shield flying out, the blade outside is crazy cut!

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